Free Essay with Media Management Research

Published: 2018-06-21
Free Essay with Media Management Research
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Globalization Management Government Media
Pages: 9
Wordcount: 2319 words
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Globalization Impact on Media Governance

The media has progressively developed into a force to reckon with and a cornerstone of the society. In light of heightened globalization, information has become readily available with the media assuming an integral part of democracy. Succinctly, media is a general concept that incorporates significant aspects. One is the print media which encompasses but is not limited to newspapers, magazines, and periodicals. The second aspect of media is electronic media. Electronic media has turned out to be more widespread on the global spectrum. The smallest occasion that happens in any part of the world can now be broadcasted in minutes or seconds. Thus, the critical nature of media is expanding in the cutting edge today's reality. Furthermore, the media is assuming a critical part in this day and age. The recent decades have been characterized by cutting edge developments that have turned the world into a global village, with the media assuming a central role in the society and the world as we know it today. Over the years, there has been an immense improvement in the means of communication which have led to the quick reception of information across the world. Structures that have allowed for this to happen are in constant improvement and reformation to ensure that information and communications are even more conveniently passed to everyone (Wyss & Keel, 2009).

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Subsequently, media governance alludes to the rules and regulation that are meant to facilitate media systems cohesion and efficiency. This control involves extensive analysis of various media policies and the regulations that are currently in place and possibly modify or completely do away with other. Another concept that is also important in the media domain is media quality management. Media quality management is the set of procedures and processes applied to ensure that the product that the media gives is consistent in its quality. It also focuses on the ways to achieve that same quality or how it can even be improved. Quality management in its simplest form alludes to management framework necessary in the achievement of set objectives. Along these lines, the quality management exercises and capacities incorporate the system of a Quality Management Framework, a class confirmation definition, a quality planning framework, and characterize the elements of Business Process Management or quality control and quality change. A decent case of such a structure is Total Quality Management. Total Quality Management is a business and quality reasoning that champions the long haul achievement of an organization originates from consumer loyalty and proceeds with quality change. Subsequently, in the media domain, there are standard guidelines that bolster media quality management in controlling accountability systems. Additionally, these practices enhance the media quality control instruments because they are founded on pragmatic hands-on methodologies and plausible scientific backdrops.

Role of Media in Governance

Media is the makes up the most fundamental component of information dissemination. Henceforth, the role of media has turned out to be a significant degree basis for the efficiency of democracy as it aids in framing popular supposition on indispensable subjects. This comprehension is the motivation behind the fact that media has more often than not been characterized as the fourth domain as it is not a non-state component with the end goal of citizens protection. All categories of media have a particular arrangement of adherents, and along these lines, they together guarantee a superior administration. Also, there have been countless debates on the effectiveness that the media has on the government. Ensuing this also, are discussions that question the values achieved from media governance. According to Hamelink & Nordenstreng (2007), the is an array of roles that the media plays in promoting good governance.First, the media is a platform on which people can speak openly about their rights, which are inclusive of both democratic and civil rights. Through the media, the opinion of the public is illuminated in the limelight. From this platform, individuals are also made aware of the rights they possess and hence can enjoy them. The platform also serves as a riddance of ignorance and hence it becomes difficult to oppress anyone. Appropriate measures are also taken on breach of these rights. What's more, the media also enables governments to accord accountability to its citizens. These governments can explain various issues like service delivery in a particular sector. The media also improves the responsiveness of the state concerning different issues where the citizens can criticize compliment recommend or give comments to issues raised. In so doing, the utilization of the media allows the states to put in the right measures to ensure that citizens are satisfied with the services provided. As a result, media use eventually leads to improvement in the state-citizens relationship which enables rapid development in any country. Next, the governments are also able to make plausible decisions on various issues since they have collected and analyzed different views and perspectives of the public.

Moreover, the media facilitates healthy debates and dialogues in conflicted societies. The media, therefore, is a platform that serves as a neutral party taking into account diverse perspectives and reasons of the underlying parties in conflict and accord them a chance to arrive at an amicable agreement. Conflicts are also settled through the media because if misunderstanding was the cause of the conflict, then it is resolved. For instance, Afghanistan is a country with divided parties. Through the help of the media broadcasting network; Radio Television Afghanistan (RTA), the divided parties can air these diverse views and hopefully reach an agreement. In so doing, the media intervention also reduces the occurrence of hate speeches. Likewise, the media also creates demand on the government for services like the agricultural and health sectors which helps the respective countries to achieve their objectives about development.

Social media governance through Institutional Lens

In this context, it becomes imperative to advocate for efforts from the government to make efficient and productive institutions with the help of the media. The Media is then able to reduce the rates of corruption as misdeeds within institutions are brought to light. The responsible parties are then subjected to legal actions which also instills fear in the rest of the organization's heads as they will avoid mismanaging their respective institutions. Ultimately, there arises a new breed of powerful systems performing at their level best which springs the country to development (Keane & Donald, 2014).

Media Governance through Societal Lens

Media governance through the societal lens involves access to information to the general public. Due to the shifting landscapes of communication, people can have access to information outside the spheres of their government which was mostly depicted in the Arab revolutions in 2011. This comprehension is bolstered by the fact that their governments did not give attention to and showed no concern to its citizens. As a result of the development, the community was looking for ways which favored their interests in areas that are not within the influence of their government. Afghanistan serves as an example whereby even by 2001, no media platform could be used to pass information to the public. However, as years progressed, there has been the rise of multiple media volumes which have served in shaping the country into a more defined democratic nature and enhancing the accountability of the government to provide quality services to its citizens (Wang, 1998).

Reasons for Hesitancy in Media Governance

Politically, some institutions have not supported media governance because for them to implement development strategies, they usually impose conditions. For these media outlets to actualize a plan, they require something in return which could result in a negative attitude from the public eye and thus do not prioritize the support from media. For instance, the United Nations does not usually call for media support when a particular country has declined to take up its policies. Also, the government does not like being put under pressure or kept on its toes. The media constantly demands quality service from the government. For example, for a country to be granted an aid, there has to be concrete evidence that there is a great need for that the assistance in a particular sector. However, some officials in the government have ulterior motives for the use of that the support which they prefer not to be projected to the public by the media (Keane & Donald, 2014).

The Role of Media in Democracy

Succinctly, there cannot be democracy without a free press. Today, Democrats are as hyperbolic in their acclaim of the press. Regardless of the prevailing broad mediats affinity for sentimentality and triviality, they are still observed as fundamental democratic tools. Contemporary democracy hypothesis increases in value the media's part in guaranteeing governments are considered responsible. In both new and old majority rules systems, the idea of the media as a watchdog and not only an inactive recorder of occasions is acknowledged. Governments, it is contended, cannot be considered responsible if residents are poorly educated about the activities of authorities and organizations.

Good Practices: how the media have promoted democracy and good Governance

Most democratic nations across the world are characterized and tested by market forces, illiberal states, and at times, a threatening or unconcerned electorate. However, in spite of these, news associations and the media in numerous nations have figured out how to attest the media's part in strengthening and extending democracy. The accompanying areas depict some of the courses in which media bunches have satisfied the democratic model of the press as a champion of peace and good governance.

The center for investigative reporting

At the most fundamental level, a free press and investigative reporting are conceivable just where columnists appreciate some assurance. Young democracies have established lawful arrangements to govern the media. However these do not continuously guarantee that the media can report without fear or favor. The privileges of journalist must be maintained by a free legal and secured by law. For instance, in Latin America and Southeast Asia, a large number of those killed were the casualties of residential community supervisors ready to threaten groups because frail states cannot implement the law and give insurance to their nationals, journalists included.

The Press as Information Tool and Forum for Discussion

A plausibly democratic society requires holistic participation from all citizens. If they carry out their tasks well, the media keep nationals occupied with the matter of administration and provoke them to take activity. As an instrument for information communication, the media help people in general in making sound decisions, such as but not limited to whom to vote for and which arrangements ought to be supported and which, contradicted. In a perfect world, daily papers and open forum programs on radio and TV ought to advise, teach and draw in the general population. The media's reputation so far in new majority rules systems, be that as it may, is uneven. In light of the need to take into account the market, the media regularly avoid their community duty and add to city absence of education rather than public illumination.

What is good governance

Good governance involves the standards of straightforwardness, responsibility, and cooperation. Along these lines, governments are in the major positions but also on manageable levels. The truly vital players incorporate establishments and non-administrative associations. Thus, the news media is one of the players as it is feasible for it to position itself as a driver for the proper administration. Media as a critical wellspring of open information could be required to be a vehicle to empower the advancement of the standards of good governance. Through the media, certainties, occasions and perspectives can be displayed as data to people in general. The broad communications must have the capacity to play out the ability to censure, talk about, and propose on matters of open worry, for instance on the issue of defilement at different levels of government. Media scope ought to endeavor to give a precise, free and essential record of a news story which will have the impact of advancing straightforwardness, one of the standards of good administration. There is undoubtedly the media can contribute primarily to high management change. Shockingly, a significant aspect of the media is not completely autonomous and is liable to the impacts of particular interests. For this situation, the news displayed is no longer target. More regrettable, it can be utilized as an apparatus or even an avocation for a particular contention which is the thing that can bring about misconceptions in the group. Furthermore, the media exclusively can go about as a channel for data dissemination, yet once in a while can incite and influence general supposition. At the point when this happens, it might turn into a hindrance to the majority rule handle. The media and the general population are by all account not the only players as the general public moves towards great governance change. As a result, it takes a decent reaction from the governance.


Hamelink, C. & Nordenstreng, K., 2007. Towards Democratic Media Governance. Media between culture and commerce, pp. 225-240.

Keane, M. & Donald, S. H., 2014. Convergence, Content Industries and Media Governance. Media in China: Consumption, Content and Crisis, pp. 200-211.

Linke, A. & Zerfass, A., 2013. Social Media Governance: Regulatory Frameworks for Successful Online Communications. Journal of Communication Management, 17(3), pp. 270-286.

Puppis, M., 2010. Media governance: A new concept for the analysis of media policy and regulation. Communication, Culture & Critique, 3(2), pp. 134-149.

Wang, R. Y., 1998. A Product Perspective on Total Data Quality Management. Communications of the ACM, 41(2), pp. 58-65.

Wyss, V. & Keel, G., 2009. Media Governance and Media Quality Management: Theoretical concepts and an empirical example from Switzerland. Press Freedom and Pluralism in Europe: Concepts and Conditions, pp. 115-128.

Zerfass, A., Fink, S. & Linke, A., 2011. March. Social media governance: Regulatory frameworks as drivers of success in online communications in Pushing the envelope in public relations theory and research and advancing practice, 14th International Public Relations Research Conference, Gainesville: T Institute for Public Relations.

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