Essay Example on Tenure and Promotion Effect on Faculty Work

Published: 2018-03-14
Essay Example on Tenure and Promotion Effect on Faculty Work
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Employment Job
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 322 words
3 min read

The tenure system affects faculty work in both positive and negative ways. In terms of productivity, the tenure system is able to attract better students to faculties, since they have confidence in their professors’ turnover. According to O’Meara, (2014), professors are motivated to work better due to increase in their income as compared to the regular faculty non-tenured members. In addition to this, tenured professors play a big role when it comes to mentoring of younger generations, which in turn has helped promote new collaborations as well as effectiveness in higher learning. However, from a different perspective, the tenured faculty is said to have an adverse effect on the quality of service delivered since it is presumed that they spend too much of their teaching time in doing research instead of dedicating it to teaching students (O’Meara, 2014).

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O’Meara, Kaufman, & Kuntz, (2003), the elimination of tenure system would help to eliminate cases of biases when it comes to higher learning whereby; professors will be rewarded according to the efforts that they put in their work, but not for just being an employee of the faculty (O’Meara, Kaufman & Kuntz, 2003). This will help improve the quality of service provided as well as enhance competition in the field. The elimination of tenure system will help to provide for all students an education system that is effective and motivates them to achieve better results. However, Rothman, Lichter, & Nevitte, (2005), go ahead to state that, there would be limited flexibility due to the fact that, having postponed retirements would limit cases of hiring new members to the faculties. Therefore, the abilities of the new recruits would be limited making them quite incompetent to work with. In addition to this Stalcup, (2006), states that, the cost of faculties would go up by a greater percentage due to increased cases of more benefits to faculty members and more faculty budgets (Stalcup, 2006).

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