Essay Sample on the Industrial Revolution

Published: 2019-03-18
Essay Sample on the Industrial Revolution
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  History Economics Industrial revolution
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1013 words
9 min read

A period of rapid growth

In the second half of 19th century can be termed as a phase of invention, innovation and a period of rapid growth. The industrial revolution was deemed to be an interval of a great age in the whole world. This great stage represented most important vagaries from the year 1760 to 1840. The origin of Industrial revolution was Great Britain. The revolution affected everything starting from processes of manufacturing to the day to day life of every average citizen. Thus, this paper will explore the industrial revolution and its effect to the entire world as a whole.

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The textile industry at that period was the primary manufacturing sector. It was comprised of the most employees, had a lot of capital invested and its output value was a bit high. This textile industry was the first to be revolutionized under the modern methods of production (Stearns, Peter and Loretta, 4). The changeover from old methods of production to machine power led to increasing efficiency and productivity drastically. After textile, they extended to chemical and iron production which also saw significant improvement regarding productivity and effectiveness. The industrial revolution started from Great Britain and after that stretched out to the United States and Western Europe. The actual revolution effects on distinct sections of parts of the world differed. These practical effects revealed themselves at different periods. Its "trickle-down" result whereby the paybacks of industrial revolution aided the lower social class people didn't take toll until when it downed to between the 1830s and 1840s (Ashton, 55).

At the initial phases, machines like spinning jenny and Watt Steam Engine were only profiting from the wealthy industrialists. More inventions and technology rolled to life. In 1733, John Kay came up with a design known as a flying shuttle that was boat shaped fond to yarn and sped on wheels. Samuel's spinning mule of 17779 was invented to make thread finer and stronger. Cartwright Edmund's power loom of 1787 led to increasing speed of weaving. Transportation sector also saw a significant revolution. Steam engine inventions, the building of the railroad track and locomotives called Rocket, built summed up important inventions in the transportation sector (Ashton, 56).

The industrialized manufacturing sectors

Consequently, industrial revolution led to the change in a place where most people were living. Social historians noted the movement of individuals from different regions. Most of the industrialized manufacturing sectors such as textile and transport needed more employees. Equally, these new technologies that were revolutionized largely cramped itself to massive factories that were based in cities. Millions of people who resided in remote areas had to migrate to those great cities to earn a living from working in industries manufacturing factories. Thus, this migration led to the high population being witnessed in these towns, and as a result, these cities started to grow so fast across the globe. Among the important cities that grew as a result of industrial migration include; Boston, London and Manchester. The long-lasting shift that was witnessed the era of industrialization of a thousand of persons migrating from the countryside to city has stomached the period until the present day (Stearns, Peter and Loretta, 4).

The industrial revolution effect on the overall population when it had downed was major. Erstwhile to the revolution, the spinning of cotton was being done at home using a wheel. The advancement that came with industrialists gave most families some boost in cotton spinning technology that propelled increase of cotton output and productivity. Thus, with most farmers having high yields regarding productivity and output, it steered them to have more disposable income to quench their thirsty on economic wise. Also, the revolution enabled them in facilitating the growth of consumer market that was larger than the one they were used with. Hence, with increased disposable income and sustainable markets, the lower social class people had enough money to spend. It is affirmed in history that industrial revolution on cotton led to more people being able to sustain themselves and an improvement to living standards witnessed.

Trade amongst many nations in the world increased. The increase in business is attributed to massive surpluses of both raw materials and finished products that couldn't be sold within the domestic markets. The rate of trading also saw a significant boost. Its rate increased and led to several countries such as the United States of America and Great Britain get richer at a most alarming rate than even been witnessed. As you would expect, these countries' richness gained from industrial revolution translated to a reign military supremacy and the capacity to sustain worldwide colonies and networks (Ashton, 57).

Consequently, the industrial side didn't possess only the windward side, it also had its leeward side. Industrial revolution catapulted massive migration that at some point led to mass exploitation of slums and workers. To counter the mass exploitation witnessed during the era of revolution, workers decided to form trade unions that voiced their rights. Trade unions fought back bitterly against employers who exploited their workers hence leading to winning right for their families and themselves too. This collective unity of employees and trade unions formation across all industries is existent up to date. It is deemed to be the first ever for workers in the form of trade unions seek amicable demands from their employers. Hence, these trade unions enfranchised employees and aided them with rights that upset status quo and at the same juncture force owners to reconsider personnel as human beings.

All in all, the industrial revolution is being seen as the most single biggest happening in the history of human race. It drove and launched the modern industrial technology and skills forward at an alarming rate than ever been witnessed. Even the real experts of economics failed terribly to envisage the degree of revolution and its impact on world history. Thus, it is evident that industrial revolution played a vital role in building the world and United States of the present day.

Work cited

Ashton, Thomas Southcliffe. "The industrial revolution 1760-1830." OUP Catalogue (1997).

Stearns, Peter N, and Loretta Lobes. "The Industrial Revolution." Magazine of History. 15.1 (2000). Print.

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