Free Essay: Should Scientists Be Allowed to Create a 3-parent Baby

Published: 2017-10-30
Free Essay: Should Scientists Be Allowed to Create a 3-parent Baby
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Biology Genetics
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 741 words
7 min read


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A 3-parent baby commonly referred to as a spindle transfer is a technique that involves the manipulation of genetic materials. A donor’s nuclear DNA is transferred to the receiving egg, through the genetic manipulation process, but not the mitochondrial DNA. Scientists have come up with this procedure to help couples trying to conceive, where one parent might have a mitochondrion genetic disease. A donor’s genetic materials are used together with the couples’ DNA, which has brought up many controversial issues in the society, especially when it comes to the ethical stand of this procedure. The purpose of this argumentative essay is to determine whether scientists should be allowed to create a 3-parent baby.

Arguments for Allowing Scientists to Create a 3 Parent Baby

As pointed out by Goldhagen, Mercer, Webb, Nathawad, Shenoda & Lansdown (2016), in the society we live in, there are many controversial conclusions when it comes to the manipulation of DNA to make a baby. One or both parents might have mitochondrion diseases, which might be genetically passed on to the infant at birth. The introduction of the 3-parent baby facilitates that the genetic material responsible for this is eliminated by introducing genetic materials from a donor. Though the society is quick to condemn this procedure, there have been a few cases where this procedure has worked; giving couples a chance to become parents (Ross, 2016).

An exemplary example can be derived from a baby boy who was born earlier this year in Mexico. The healthy boy who was conceived through the 3-parent baby technique has shown no signs of any genetic diseases. In this case, the mother had a history of Leigh syndrome, which is a severe and critical neurological condition. She had the misfortune of having lost four pregnancies to this neurological condition, and two live children who did not survive more than 6 years. Couples should be given a chance to conceive healthy children, regardless of the procedures used to make them. Scientists have ensured that this method is safe, and intense study and scrutiny are still prevalent to ensure that the children born through the spindle transfer live a healthy and a long life (Diekema & Wilfond, 2016).

Argument against the 3-Parent Baby

As opined by Da Silva, Lew, Lundy, Lang, Melamed & Shaul (2016), the 3-parent baby technique has raised many ethical concerns in the society. Many critics suggest that the idea behind having a baby with three genetic DNA is not logic. They suggest that going through this procedure might affect a baby’s critical characteristic like personality traits. In additional, embryologists suggest that adding a new genetic sequence might present harmful side effects, which have not yet been tested and may cause genetic alterations in the end. In terms of ethics, debates are still underway as to whether this method is ethically right or wrong. Most religious leaders are against this method as it interferes with the normal process of conception (Swota, Lew & Hester, 2016).


In conclusion, the argumentative essay has discussed this critical topic from two angles. The question still lingers as to whether the 3-parent baby should be allowed. From a personal point of view, this method should be researched, evaluated, and scrutinized before allowing more parents to undergo the procedure. The fear of losing a child is unbearable and giving hope to couples who have genetic diseases when it comes to matters pertaining to conception should be handled with care. Scientists should conduct more investigations before allowing this process to become a solution for conceiving in the case of parents with genetic disorders.


Da Silva, M., Lew, C. D., Lundy, L., Lang, K. R., Melamed, I., & Shaul, R. Z. (2016). The Potential Value of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Pediatric Bioethics Settings. Perspectives in biology and medicine, 58(3), 290-305.

Diekema, D. S., & Wilfond, B. S. (2016). Decision-Making for Children with Disabilities: Parental Discretion and Moral Ambiguity. Perspectives in biology and medicine, 58(3), 328-331.

Goldhagen, J., Mercer, R., Webb, E., Nathawad, R., Shenoda, S., & Lansdown, G. (2016). Toward a Child Rights Theory in Pediatric Bioethics.Perspectives in biology and medicine, 58(3), 306-319.

Ross, L. F. (2016). Theory and Practice of Pediatric Bioethics. Perspectives in biology and medicine, 58(3), 267-280.

Swota, A., Lew, C. D., & Hester, D. M. (2016). What Is a Parent to Do?: The Case of Baby G. Perspectives in biology and medicine, 58(3), 320-321.

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