A Biblical Worldview - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-14
A Biblical Worldview - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Religion Christianity Bible
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1263 words
11 min read


In religious bases, a worldview is a nature in which human beings see the world, life, and reality. In this case, a worldview is a thought, theology, philosophy, or religion that offers people a desire to comprehend about God. The approach impacts the understanding of the relationship between God and human beings and the globe (Tryon & Christman, 2018). As such, a biblical worldview has its root on the Bible and the Word of God. In this perception, a person fully associates with the notion and insight that the Bible is a true guideline, and this influence human to lay their foundation of knowledge and understanding of the world to it (Esqueda, 2014). The Christian philosophy of education is a form of learning, which is grounded on the notions on various premises, for example, the nature of human beings, and this helps in understanding the truth about their lives (Baniszewski, 2016). In this approach, the nature of human being lays its foundation on the Biblical aspects, which highlights that man is logically a sinner (Esqueda, 2014). Hence, it is crucial to have a mediator between human beings and the Lord, and this could assure their place in heaven (Tryon & Christman, 2018). The research paper reviews how human beings can easily be influenced to comprehend that their perception about the globe, biblical worldview, as well as Christian philosophy of education are major aspects that profoundly support their life.The Biblical Worldview

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The biblical worldview creates a structural perception and beliefs that helps Christians to interpret the world. As such, the biblical worldview is associated with basic principles, which are mostly used by theologians to teach the globe the conceptual understanding of the biblical view, human being views, and religious view of life (Tryon & Christman, 2018). The approach influences human beings to understand why the view is an essential factor in their lives (Baniszewski, 2016). For instance, the conceptual approach of creation is an essential principle that impact human being to comprehend that God was responsible in creating everything that is in the world, and human being are created in the His likeness (Esqueda, 2014). Therefore, Christians are supposed to look at everything in the world, thus, influencing their perception to glory the Lord. Fall is another element, which indicates the way man turned away from the teaching and principles of God. As such, the principle indicated how human beings' decision followed their personal needs, which triggered condemnation and curse of the globe by the Lord (Tryon & Christman, 2018). Grace is another crucial biblical principle that highlights how God attempts to reform human beings through the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus, his son (Esqueda, 2014). Additionally, glory is another principle that demonstrates how God fulfills all His reasons by the second coming of his son (White & Kirkpatrick, 2020). The application of these principles is essential as they assist Christians to use biblical worldview to understand what God expects from them.

The Christian Philosophy of Education

As a way of enhancing the understanding of God, human beings tend to attend education programs. Normally, the Christian philosophy of education impacts a man to understand more about human development and acceptance of God’s objectives. As such, the education system helps human beings to acquire characters that abide according to God’s teaching, “that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works” (Esqueda, 2014). In this case, education is an integral aspect that shapes human beings to understand God’s teaching. Additionally, Christian education is required to start with spiritual rebirth, which highlights the life of God is communication to the soul (Tryon & Christman, 2018). As such, the approach provides learners with a deep understanding and awareness of God and responses to His words (White & Kirkpatrick, 2020). Normally, the technique is meant to equip and influence Christian to accept the Holy Spirit, thus, using relying on God during the challenging time (Esqueda, 2014). Moreover, this form of education is meant to make children and even regeneration to develop a powerful perception about God, and this influences them to grow according to the His world (Baniszewski, 2016). The approach is made possible by divine grace. Generally, the approach emulates from Christ, who is “the Majesty on high,” and his power is indicated in the divine nature, which Lord has ordained from human beings’ imitation (Esqueda, 2014). Furthermore, the application of the Christian philosophy of education ensures the mind of human beings continues to be filled by the truth about God (Tryon & Christman, 2018). The approach ensures Christians rely on God in all the challenges they experience in their daily life (Tryon & Christman, 2018). Therefore, embracing this form of education helps Christians to improve their faith, and this is an integral aspect of understanding and interpreting the world according to God’s teaching.

The Implication of Education Practices. The introduction of education has given Christians a good base for understanding the world in relation to God's teaching. As such, education equips Christians with the knowledge that assists them in understanding the truth about God, and this influences them to understand He is the truth and life (Baniszewski, 2016). The conceptual understanding influences Christians to rely on God for intervention, which acts as a guide in all the interpretations about the truth in the world (Tryon & Christman, 2018). In this case, education impact Christians to understand that there is no concept that can be true but conflict with God’s words (White & Kirkpatrick, 2020). Additionally, education impacts the understanding of the knowledge of God, and this helps in determining the facts about the world and life (Esqueda, 2014). Hence, Christians are equipped with the knowledge on how to overcome worldly issues, thus, securing their place in heaven (White & Kirkpatrick, 2020). Normally, the Word of God is perceived as the source of knowledge of the Lord, and hence, learning about the aspect helps Christians in strengthening their faith and relying on Holy Spirit in overcoming earthy challenges (Tryon & Christman, 2018). Furthermore, education acts as a base aspect that assists Christians to understand the connection between natural science and God (Esqueda, 2014). As such, education tries to illustrate the nature of God and how He influences the establishment of the world(Tryon & Christman, 2018). The aspect influences their understanding of ways they are supposed to take to preserve the environment, thus, showing their obedience to God.


A biblical worldview is an integral aspect that influences how Christians interpret the globe, life, and reality. As such, the approach influences how people understand God and His requirement. As a way of enhancing the biblical worldview, it is crucial to engage elements such as creation, grace, glory, and much more. The application of the Christian philosophy of education assists Christians in understanding the conceptual aspect associated with God. The technique influences Christians to develop and appreciate God’s words, and this influences how they interact and comprehend the world. In this case, education is an essential aspect that strengthens their faith.


Baniszewski, D. (2016). A causal comparative analysis of biblical worldview among graduate students based on Christian school attendance. Digital Commons. https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2251&context=doctoral

Esqueda, O. J. (2014). Biblical worldview: The Christian higher education foundation for learning. Christian Higher Education, 13(2), 91-100. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/15363759.2014.872495?casa_token=foDOofv4YoQAAAAA:iFLEYUD7DDQ-MIrxiVG_oLbfFVYLbN46hYxiLhn0eS0ywGvB6ZHyyESrNlh0Ej1CG14vC-XE26zG5FW9

Tryon, L., & Christman, R. (2018). Student perception of biblical worldview and personal/professional impact of the SAU higher education biblical foundation course design model. Digital Commons. https://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1024&context=ahsra

White, D., & Kirkpatrick, N. (2020). The role of Biblical theology in teaching a Christian worldview on business. Christian Business Academy Review, 15. https://www.cbfa-cbar.org/index.php/cbar/article/download/536/541

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