Application for Admission to the Masters in Arts in Counseling Psychology Program

Published: 2019-09-30
Application for Admission to the Masters in Arts in Counseling Psychology Program
Essay type:  Admission essays
Categories:  Education Psychology Application letter Counseling
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 978 words
9 min read

Having lived in Canada, I have witnessed a lot of people suffering in the streets. I was especially moved by the homeless mothers and children who had no shelter to call home. I wanted to help in some way but apart from donations and volunteering in shelters I was not sure exactly how I would make use of my skills. It was not until I had the opportunity to work for Milestone foster agency for around four years that I came face to face with addiction problems. It was heartbreaking to witness children suffering due to addiction problems by their parents. Many were homeless and some were left alone at home and would go days without having seen their parents or having a meal. The stories narrated by these addicts were really sad and shocking and as much as there is a lot of help and resources available for addicts and their families, one can still contribute in their own capacity. It is from this experience that I got motivated to get into the field of Counseling so that I could be able to assist people in such situations and turn their lives around. I have always wanted to make a difference in life and what better way than to choose a profession that is most rewarding.

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I believe I am the perfect candidate for this program because apart from having the passion for helping others, I also have extensive experience in the field of Counseling as I have worked in the social service field for more than seven years. I have worked at Community foundation of Toronto for more than four years, where I have had the opportunity to work in all aspects of social issues, homelessness, verbal and physical abuse, divorce trauma, childhood abuse, drug related issues faced by individuals, and issues faced by new immigrants in Canada especially during the integration process. I also have case management experience of more than seven follow-up clients which entail providing clients with immediate and ongoing needs such as Identification cards, financial aid, food, medical, clothing, furniture, and also work with the clients in achieving their goals, monitoring them and following up on their progress. I also have experience working with people from different backgrounds and I can speak Urdu, Punjabi and I also understand Bengali. In addition, I have worked at Hope Place Centre where I gained the experience to communicate with clients who have suffered from trauma as my clients mainly consisted of people with complex issues such as addiction, mental illness, trauma, homelessness, sexual abuse, LGBT. Furthermore, I worked as an intern at Elizabeth Fry Ellen House as the Residential Counselor.

Besides my work experience, I also have a Masters degree in Humanities from Karachi University in Pakistan and a Diploma in Social Service Worker Program from Community College at Mississauga, Ontario in Canada. I am also a member of Canadian Addiction Counselors Certification Federation (CACCF). Moreover, I am hardworking, fast learner and have an extensive experience of dealing with behavioral/psychosocial issues with women, youth, and their families hence I have effective communication skills, listening skills and ability to empathize with clients issues.

Since we live in a dynamic world that is constantly changing in social, political, and economic welfare causing more stress to humans, Researchers have to come up with new methods of assisting clients as clients needs are also changing. As a counselor, it is important to keep up with the trend and get to learn new techniques of solving clients issues as each client is unique and requires different types of treatment. Gaining a Masters in Counseling Psychology Program will further enhance my skills and also provide new insight into situations that I have or have not come across. This course will enable me to expand my knowledge on ethical codes and moral boundaries in the counseling industry as well as enable me to keep my status current in my professional associations. Moreover, I have worked in the social service field since the year 2008, and I have a diploma from Trios College but in order to be recognized as a professional in the field, I have to attain a Canadian degree. Furthermore, given that Canada has many Asian immigrants, upon the completion of the counseling psychology program, I would use the skills acquired to assist immigrants especially from the Asian communities who are unable to communicate their issues in English. I also plan to further develop my profession by getting a doctrine and being a leader in the field of counseling. In the long run, I would one day like to open my own multi-cultural practice and give assistance to all those who are in need of my services.

I chose to pursue masters in counseling psychology at Yorkville because it is regarded as one of the top universities when it comes to counseling degrees in Canada. It also offers very many professional designations to its graduates upon completion of the course enabling the graduates to build a strong foundation for a successful career. Furthermore, Yorkvilles Masters in Counseling Psychology Program is primarily offered online which is very convenient for someone like me who is currently working. It enables one to be flexible and study at their convenient time. Moreover, the program also offers a practicum which is supervised by a faculty member. This is a plus as it enables one to practice the skills they have learned in class in a professional counseling setting hence building their confidence. It is also an added advantage that the Faculty of Behavioral Sciences is readily available to assist students in finding suitable practicum site.

All in all, I look forward to being a student at your institute. Without a doubt, the program will be challenging but I am prepared to give it my best because I am dedicated to attaining my career aspirations.

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Application for Admission to the Masters in Arts in Counseling Psychology Program. (2019, Sep 30). Retrieved from

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