Essay Example - Application to the University of Wisconsin-Madison

Published: 2020-06-10
Essay Example - Application to the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  University College application Application letter
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 499 words
5 min read

My name is Mohamed Alnaqbi. I'm from the United Arab Emirates. I completed high school in 2014, and I occupied first place in my school with 98.8% in the science stream. I am an academically brilliant student, and that is why Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) sponsored me. ENEC encouraged and recommended me to get an admission at Wisconsin- Madison University for my degree in Chemical Engineering. I have always had a passion for Engineering ever since I was a young boy. I have been involved in several programs and academic trips organized by the Ministry of education in my country. I have also received several academic awards. The reason I would like to join the university is that they have an Engineering department that has different engineering programs. These are programs that I can take advantage of and learn more from them.

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The University of Wisconsin is the best option for me because of the way the students are treated. Being that I am from the U.A.E, America offers a new environment that can be challenging to adapt to. However, the security offered by the university gives me the courage to come to the United States and enjoy my time as a student. The University offers accommodation that to me is important since I do not know anyone in America and, therefore, makes my movements easier. I would also like to join the university because of the extracurricular activities offered. The University gives students an opportunity to form creative and productive groups in the form of the student organization.

With the diversity that the university boasts from hosting students from different parts of the world, I stand to learn more than engineering. As much as I enjoy participating in forums like math community, I also enjoy taking part in sports. I learned that The University of Wisconsin had different recreational activities and facilities such as Natatorium, camp and all sports center and small group training for mind and body. I believe that with such facilities I will be able to balance between my academics and maintain good health to allow me to perform well.

What has motivated and influenced me to perform well especially in my academics is that I once won an award that I value. After joining the science club, competing with other students from different schools in math and science and conducting several successful experiments with my teachers I was awarded. I was honored by his Highness Sheikh Mansur Bin Zayed- deputy prime minister of UAE, and by his Highness Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed the ruler of Sharjah city (Educational Excellence Award). The award has made me want to achieve more and be recognized for it as far as engineering is concerned. I hope to achieve all my academic dreams and visions, and I strongly believe that the University of Wisconsin is the right place for me to start from. I hope to get the opportunity at the university and thank you in advance.

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Essay Example - Application to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. (2020, Jun 10). Retrieved from

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