Basic Identification - Free Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-29
Basic Identification - Free Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nelson Mandela
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 571 words
5 min read


The author’s place in society is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania (Ali, 1994). The factors listed shaped the author’s perspective in this source by knowing the importance of considering the history of a great man like Nelson Mandela to be taught to the students. Nelson Mandela fought hard as a leader, and he had beliefs to uphold humanity in justice, strengthen the confidence of a human soul and also sustain all hopes for a glorious life. Such qualities of a leader are necessary to teach a generation such that they learn from the best.

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I think that the author created this source to document a historical event that would be beneficial to other people. The author felt that it would be necessary that the inauguration of Nelson Mandela to show his intentions as a leader would reveal later after he served his term whether he held up to his promises. This way, it would be easier for learners and researchers to look back and find a reference to the actions of Mandela where he promotes hope for people and document that it was as he said it during the inauguration.

The intended audience for this source is the students, researchers, and the general public that is interested in giving Mandela as an example of a great leader in history. The intended audience may have shaped the perspective in this source by writing in simple terms that the learners would understand and making it easy for them to find the exact words that Mandela used during his reign.

Historical Context

The specific historical circumstances under which this source was created include the fact that the inauguration was a momentous occasion for the large population of the blacks in South Africa. The celebration was like marking the end of the abuse of rights for these individuals. The blacks had been denied these rights because of issues with colonialism, the minority rule of the white, as well as the oppression apartheid that had affected them. Having Nelson Mandela as the president and leader would be the end of violence and oppression.

The larger historical events that might have influenced this text include the movement against apartheid, the on-going segregation against the blacks, as well as the power of the whites that had dominated the country (Mandela & Rutherford, 2002). The source is consistent with the historical record from that time because Nelson Mandela immediately started movements to resist apartheid using protests and negotiation.


The historical facts learned from this source include that there is no easy road to freedom as Nelson Mandela fought hard for it. Other cultural factors may have shaped the message from the source include the social organization of communities and language (Mandela, 1994). The ideas and values in the source differ from those of our time because leaders have integrated other values. The historical perspectives left out in the source include the actions of Nelson Mandela to prove that he held his part of the bargain in the inauguration. The questions left unanswered by this source are those concerning the actions of Nelson Mandela. The source contributes to the social, political, and historical context of education by documenting a great thing in history.


Ali B. Ali-Dinar (1994). Inaugural Speech, Pretoria (Mandela) – 5/10/94. University of Pennsylvania -African Studies Center., N. (1994). Inaugural Speech, Pretoria.

Mandela, N., & Rutherford, T. (2002). Inaugural speech. Split Time Press.

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