Free Essay on Change Management: ALSERKAL GROUP

Published: 2023-08-14
Free Essay on Change Management: ALSERKAL GROUP
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Ecology Water Essays by pagecount
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 597 words
5 min read

The Alserkal group is one of the largest family businesses in the UAE. The company deals with a variety of services ranging from environmental solutions such as water and waste management to tourism, cultural initiative, transportation services, and property management services, among others. The company has made several initiatives to achieve sustainable and long-lasting change. This paper presents a critical evaluation of how the company is achieving lasting and sustainable change.

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It is essential to note that sustainability is anchored on the long-recognized and simple factual premise that everything that is needed for the survival of humankind is dependent either directly or indirectly on the natural environment (Keen et al., 2005). Thus, any activity geared towards the conservation of the natural environment promotes long-lasting and sustainable change. In this light, the company's initiative to collect fats, oils, and grease from the wastewater before release into the natural environment does not only help protect public health but also promotes sustainability by limiting the contamination of the environment.

Again, because of the growing global water challenges, sustainable change within the organization must promote water conservation measures such as water recycling as well as reusing wastewater. As such, Alserkal Company promotes long-lasting and sustainable change through the provision of clean water from the reuse of wastewater. The company also encourages sustainable change through the provision of clean water and sanitation in both the residential and commercial areas of the food-producing industries. The recycling and reuse of the wastewater also enable the company to reduce the cost incurred in obtaining clean water for daily operations. As such, the company could have long-lasting operations due to the reuse of the wastewater while limiting the pollution to the ecosystem.

Furthermore, based on the premise that sustainable waste management is aimed at ensuring that the materials are reused as many times as possible, Alserkal is promoting sustainable and long-lasting change through the proper management of waste (Vootla et al., 2019). This is achieved in the company through the collection of the used cooking oils and recycling them properly into biofuels. Waste recycling reduces the cost of production and promotes environmental sustainability by reducing pollution in the environment.

Most significantly, the sustainable industrial process ensures minimal destruction of the natural environment to obtain raw materials. As such, the waste recycling plant (Enirol) initiated by the company would rely on the grease obtained from the wastewater released from residential areas within the country to produce bio-diesel and soap. Therefore, the company's activities will be long-lasting and sustainable since they require limited or no encroachment into the natural environment.

In conclusion, long-lasting and sustainable change is aimed at the enhanced production of goods with a limited negative impact on the natural environment. As such, sustainability does not only reduce the cost of production by limits the damage caused to the environment as well. For instance, the Alsekal Company encourages long-lasting and sustainable change through initiatives such as wastewater recycling and reuse, and regulation of the markets of grease traps through conversion to other products such as soap and biodiesels. The cost implications of such initiatives include reduced purchases of raw materials, public health issues, and the destruction of the natural environment.


Keen, M., Brown, V. A., & Dyball, R. (Eds.). (2005). Social learning in environmental management: towards a sustainable future. Routledge.

Vootla, P., Almansoori, M. M. A. M., Alhammadi, A. A. A. O., Alhousani, S. M. A., & Alhammadi, F. M. S. H. (2019, March). Valorization of Waste Cooking Oil. In 2019 Advances in Science and Engineering Technology International Conferences (ASET) (pp. 1-4). IEEE. Retrieved from

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