Change: The Inevitable Phenomenon of Growth in an Organization - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-09-17
Change: The Inevitable Phenomenon of Growth in an Organization - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Management Business
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1510 words
13 min read


Change is an inevitable phenomenon in an organization setting. Additionally, that is because it facilitates the improvements of processes, which are essential in creating various products and services. Moreover, the effective implementation of such change brings about the overall growth and development of an organization, in terms of structural development or profit and revenue generation. However, despite the significance of the change in an organization, it is often faced with resistance from either the management or employees. The adoption of change meant to improve the manner in which workers in an organization apply for a time off period is imperative in ensuring that there is always a sufficient number of personnel in the workplace environment to execute various operational roles and responsibilities.

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Current Problem

Change management is essential when planning to implement any initiative in an organization. Additionally, that is because, through change management, it is possible for an organization’s management to control any resistance of workers that may occur while implementing an essential initiative in an organization. Moreover, this is possible because it ensures that effective communication strategies are employed in explaining the significance of adopting a change in an organization setting (Karp & Helgo, 2008). Subsequently, this enables organizational workers to understand how a proposed change can be beneficial to them and also to the overall success of the organization where they function.

The current problem being addressed in the Respond to Resolve Call Center is that of excessive application of time off by workers in the organization. In the past, the stated problem has often left an insufficient number of employees in the call center to execute the workplace duties. Additionally, the proposed change in this context will entail implementing a new process to be used by workers to request as well as approve time off in the call center. Moreover, this will be essential in ensuring that at least 50% of workers must be present in the workplace each day, to execute the regular workplace functions.

Stakeholder Impact

Internal Stakeholders

The internal stakeholders of the call center that will be impacted by the change will be the employees. Additionally, that is because they are the group of stakeholders that will directly be impacted by the change in time off request and issuance policy at the organization. Two potential benefits of the new policy change to the employees will include avoidance of work burden among workers left at the workplace after an excessive absence of employees due to time off applications. Additionally, the second benefit of the policy change to the call center workers will be job satisfaction. Also, that is through the creation of a healthy workplace environment where all job functions are delegated equitably to all workers in the organization.

Nevertheless, there are also two perceived adverse effects that will be expected by workers in the organization after the implementation of the execution of the policy change. First, the workers in the call center will face reduced workplace motivation, due to their inability to obtain time offs conveniently at any time they need. Second, the implementation of the new policy at the call center will reduce the levels of workers' productivity in executing their duties. Additionally, that is due to their perceived belief that the management or change implementors will not be placing the workers’ welfare in mind when making the decision to adopt the new policy.

External Stakeholders

The external stakeholders who will be impacted by the adoption of the new policy in the call center will be the customers seeking the organization’s services. Additionally, such customers will include the local business owners as well as the small businesses that seek the call center services at the Respond to Resolve Corporation. In this case, the two benefits that will be attained by the Respond to Resolve organization after the policy implementation will be inclusive of reduced wait time needed in attaining the call center’s services. The second benefit will include an increased customers’ satisfaction with the call center services due to the efficient delivery of services by the organization’s customer support team.

Nevertheless, there are also two perceived problems that can be expected after the implementation of the proposed policy at the Respond to Resolve organization. First, the call center customers might face frustrations due to the worsened state of status wait time they might face after the policy implementation. Additionally, this premise is expected to occur due to the perceived high turnover of workers, at the Respond to Resolve. The high turnover will occur when the call center workers quit their positions for competitor firms with better off time application policies or procedures. The second perceived negative effect of policy implementation to customers will be the attainment of poor-quality services due to the lack of workers with lengthy organizational experience at the call center due to high workers’ turnover rate.

Communication Plan

A communication plan refers to the roadmap or tool that can be employed by an organization to deliver an intended message to the targeted workers or customers of the institution. Also, the development of an essential communication plan is imperative in the effective implementation of change in an organization (Harkness, 2000; Hayes, 2014). Moreover, that is because a communication plan enables workers in an organization to better understand the change (Torppa & Smith, 2011). Particularly, that is in terms of the benefits that the proposed change will yield to the workers and to the organization where they function. Subsequently, this would be essential in reducing the level of resistance that could be encountered when introducing a new policy change in an organizational setting.

Communicating to Employees

To communicate about the intended change to the Respond to Resolve employees, the organization’s workers will be asked to attend weekly change management meetings at the organization’s conference center. Additionally, in such meetings, the management team in the call center will explain to the employees why change is essential in promoting the quality of service delivery in the organization. Moreover, the change communication meetings will be held for two hours each week and for a period of two months. Furthermore, during such change communication meetings, the call center workers will be given a chance to raise their concerns about the change.

The workers will also have a chance to ask questions regarding the change. In this case, the questions asked will seek to determine how the policy change will affect the workers after its implementation. Also, the questions will provide an effective strategy of curbing any resistance to change that may be recorded in the call center by the institution’s workers. Lastly, upon its implementation, the policy change will be broadcasted to all workers through a published workplace bulletin that will be distributed to all Respond to Resolve employees.

Communicating Change to Customers

It will also be essential to communicate about the change to customers of the organization. Additionally, that is in ensuring that such clients to the call center learn about the improvement in service delivery that they will attain in the organization after the policy implementation. In this case, communication about the policy change will be performed through the local media broadcasting stations through a radio announcement that will be aired two times a week for a month. In the stated announcement, the customers will be informed about how the new policy will streamline the services that they attain from the call center. Moreover, the broadcasted information will also inform the call center’s customers of the advantages associated with the new policy in streamlining their business interactions with the Respond to Resolve Corporation.


In conclusion, the adoption of change meant to improve the manner in which workers in an organization apply for time off period is imperative. Particularly, that is in ensuring that there is always a sufficient number of personnel in the workplace environment to execute various operational roles and responsibilities. Moreover, through change management, it is possible for an organization’s management to control any resistance of workers that may occur while implementing an essential initiative in an organization. Ultimately, the development of a communication plan is imperative in the effective implementation of change in an organizational setting. Moreover, that is because a communication plan enables workers in an organization to better understand the change.


Harkness, J. (2000). Measuring the effectiveness of change – The role of internal communication in change management. Journal of Change Management, 1(1), 66-73.

Hayes, J. (2014). Developing a change plan. The Theory and Practice of Change Management, 297-312.

Karp, T., & Helg, T. I. (2008). From change management to change leadership: Embracing chaotic change in public service organizations. Journal of Change Management, 8(1), 85-96.

Torppa, C. B., & Smith, K. L. (2011). Organizational change management: A test of the effectiveness of a communication plan. Communication Research Reports, 28(1), 62-73.

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