Changes in Men's Suiting in Different Periods in Historical Social Change. Paper Example

Published: 2023-01-02
Changes in Men's Suiting in Different Periods in Historical Social Change. Paper Example
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  History Inspiration Fashion Design
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 875 words
8 min read

Historical, men's suiting experience massive changes which were influenced by the adoption of different styles and nature of the materials used. The occasion also plays vital roles in defining the type of suiting to be adopted and its usefulness and meaning among people. Traditional forms of formal clothing among men in the western world are the suit. For many years, suits of matching trousers, waistcoat and matching coat have been in and sometimes out of fashion depending on its inception among people. The modern lounge has adversely portrayed an outstanding derivation in suiting which is having a bright color in its outlines and the elaborated crafts. However, due to revolution and evolutions in the British tailoring, changes in men's suiting has massively evident as attempts are made to make the new style fit in the steady society.

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Men's Suits in the Regency Period

The period was the predominant upper-class clothing that was introduced by Brummel. The suiting styles was an adapted, popularized and redefined British court style which was associated with wearing of the well-cut and tailored clothes which are adorned with neckties which were carefully knotted. The dark colors and simplicity of the new garments used sharply contrasted with the vain, extravagant styles.

The Regency period in men's suiting by Brummel influenced the introduction of the era of men's clothing such as the new suit and necktie. Similarly, through inspiration from the utilitarian military officers and hunters dressing, the period led to the inception of the dark-colored tailcoat which is tightly fitting with no matching pale waistcoat, trousers, white shirt, and tall boot and cravat.

Men's Suit during and the Victorian Period

During the Victorian Period, the black frock coat became popular as regular daily clothing among men. In the middle of the 19th century, the morning coat which was one of the new skins became acceptable. The attire was less formal with a clear cutaway front which makes it more suitable while driving. Although the frock coat garment coat and the morning dress were not common suits during this period, they were occasionally worn with unmatched fabric or color trousers. However, the match between trousers and waistcoat were considered formal to give a characterized ditto suit which was adequately worn during the Victorian period.

Later in the 19th century, a modern lounge suit was introduced as very casual clothing which is only meant for sports, seaside or the country activities. Parallel to the contemporary lounge, the dinner jacket was born and became more prominent for informal evening events. The The garment was descended from an exemplary white tie before it became an entirely new one with a unique code. Overall, the dress lounge suit was only worn during small private meetings while the white lace was meant for large formal gatherings. The dress lounge gradually became an alternative to the white tie in more significant events towards the end of the period to give it a fascinating outlook.

Men's Suit during the Edwardian Period

The inception of the Edwardian period at the beginning of the 20th century led to the decline of the frock coat while the morning coat rises to dominance in relative formality. The morning coat became significant among the businessmen before being accepted as a standard dress in town. The lounge also became slowly taken during these people as most men were seen comfortable with it in town. Although it is a reservation among the North Americans, the sack suit which was a cut of the lounge suit became dominant because of lack of dots which was common in another period. Overall, the Edwardian period led to the rise of loose, unfitted and informal suits for different events and occasions.

Men's Suit during the Inter-War Period

After World War I, small lounge coated most men adopted suit. This led to the death of the long coats from fashion, especially for business and everyday wear. The morning coat also gained a position in the formal classification. The period also led to the introduction of short suits which were preferred for formal occasions. On the other hand, older and more conservative men were occasionally seen with the frock coat.

In the 1920s, straight-legged trousers which are often wide matched with their sits were worn by men. The pants had a measurement of 23 inches, especially around the cuffs. Younger men wore Oxford bags which were characterized by wider-legged trousers. Cuffed trousers also became dominant during this period and persisted until the Second World War. Creased and high waisted trouser became common during this period and gave light to the introduction of single breasted suits which were cuffed to make them more appealing and fashionable. However, in 1935 across to 1970s, waistcoat and snugly tailored coats were preferred by men. Loose-fitting layers followed these with tapered arms and bottoms. The new trend was not meaningful, and it quickly faded away to allow popularity to the morning dressing.

Men's Suit during the Post War Period

The period was a reflection of a more significant trend and democratization of wealth after World War II. The suits that were dominant during the post-war period were standardized and streamlined. The coats were cut straight to hide an indication of the waistline; lapel later became the most dominant one.

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Changes in Men's Suiting in Different Periods in Historical Social Change. Paper Example. (2023, Jan 02). Retrieved from

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