Essay Sample on Child Hardship

Published: 2023-07-12
Essay Sample on Child Hardship
Essay type:  Book review
Categories:  Intelligence Child development Literature review Behavior
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 553 words
5 min read

Battle, K. (2007). Child poverty: The evolution and impact of child benefits. In Covell, K., & Howe, R. B, (Eds), A question of commitment: Children's rights in Canada (pp. 22-44). Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

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Ken Battle basically battles out on his research in explaining the benefits of a child to society. There are many different assumptions that basically create a belief that all people in society should play a greater role in the upbringing of children.

This article is of great importance and very relevant to my paperwork that explains the hardship which children are going through and thus making the life of the child more difficult. The whole society should play a big part altogether in bringing up the children and thus reducing and also completely avoiding the suffering of the child.

Robson, K. (2008). Wrapped in the Flag of the Child: Divorced Parents' Perceptions of and Experiences with the Federal Child Support Guidelines. Can. J. Fam. L., 24,283.

Robson outlines the difficulties that is brought out to the children due to divorce. There is a lot of difficulties both financially and emotionally while going through a divorce. This divorce menace could in many ways affect the child growth and impose hardship through his growing period. Robson thus argues that child support issues should first be prioritized by the parents during the divorce. This can be done by the help of other people intervening to get an agreement.

Schoon, I., Hope, S., Ross, A., & Duckworth, K. (2010). Family hardship and children's development: the early years. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 1(3), 209-222.

They argue that there is evidence in relation of family hardship to the children's behavioral development. They stated the existence of mental development in the early years of child development that come up in relation to the environmental conditions. These conditions affect the child's behavior. The child's poverty also is brought out due to the low financial income of the family. Children in such families may encounter many hardships such as insecurity, lack of services and overdependence on the government.

Ho, C. S. N. (1991)' Economic hardships, and adolescent distress.

There are many families which have greatly gone through economic hardships. The economic hardship causes psychological harm to the members of the family. This psychological harm thus leads to the straining on family relations. The children who are grown in these family situations are at risk of developing behavioral problems. This is as a result of economic hardship.

Zilanawala, A., & Pilkauskas, N. V. (2011, February). Low-Income Mothers' Material Hardship and Children's Socioemotional WellBeing. In Conference Papers-American Sociological Association.

Their research precisely advocates that families with low income are to show behavioral problems. This thus has long-term effects on their academic outcome. They also suggest that the mother's inability to pay bills has adverse effects on the behavior of the child. Financial hardships play a part in the academic, behavioral, and health of the children. This greatly reduces the child's academic performance.

In conclusion, this paper basically covers several hardships that children undergo. These hardships affect the behavior of children in many different ways. The research focuses on the well-being of the child economically and emotionally. This research will be directed to human rights, to lay down ways to give support to the wellbeing of a child.

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