Paper Example: Communication Modes

Published: 2023-11-14
Paper Example: Communication Modes
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Communication Unemployment
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 778 words
7 min read

Instructions: Read each scenario below and choose from the list provided the mode that would result in the most effective communication experience. Be sure to justify your choice with a response of at least 100 words per scenario.

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Choices of Mode: telephone, memo, email, text message, social media post, face-to-face conversation, mailed letter, video conference

Scenario Mode Choice Justification for Choice

Your company is going through a reorganization and you have been tasked with firing three of your team members. Face-to-face conversation face-to-face conversation is most appropriate in delivering bad news such as termination. This mode that the employer has respect for the employees. Being in a position to explain firing them and company reorganization in their eyes may ease their anger. Also, the face-to-face conversation gives the employee a chance to ask questions. On most occasions, a firing of any kind causes emotions such as concern, anger, fear, and sadness to be displayed by the employee (Przybylski & Weinstein, 2013). Hence, this mode of communication allows management to console the employees.

Encouraging at this particular time is essential while emphasizing employees’ strengths and giving advice to the employees regarding their next move after exiting the company.

You have a last-minute change to a meeting agenda and need to let meeting attendees know about it quickly. Telephone Many people use the telephone to communicate orally. Also, it is the quickest mode of communication since it is prevalent among each class of people. Besides, it is readily available since most individuals use it anytime and anywhere (Przybylski & Weinstein, 2013). While compared to email and text, a person may not be in front of a computer to read an email. When looking at the telephone as a mode of communication, each individual always has his or her phone with him or her holding in hand or a pocket. Thus when you make a call, he or she will easily pick the call and respond quickly to the emergency.

Your company is running a special limited-time promotional offer for customers. Social Media Social media is the most effective form of communication of today’s most company’s message reaching a large number of customers in a short period. Today, companies use their app, company’s Twitter account, Instagram, and Facebook page to reach their customers (Veil et al., 2011). For instance, a company can send specials to customers that have the company’s mobile app to be downloaded and also follow or subscribe to their Facebook or Twitter page. Therefore, the most effective way of advertising a special promotional offer on a limited time to customers is social media.

You are negotiating a new contract with a supplier and need to discuss several terms of the agreement that require clarification. Face-to-face conversation Negotiations need an interaction that is more extended whereby the receiver and sender are able to recognize inflectional clues, subtle and nonverbal clues for it to be successful. Distrust can be present when negotiations are not completed in this mode of communication. Hence this mode gives the receiver the sincerity of the sender, thus combatting distrust (Forms of Business Communication, 2020). It also permits an individual to ask questions from the supplier and clarification given on both sides, thus allocating a two-way conversation. The sender is able to pitch in a way that will directly pass an individual’s feelings, commitment, or passion at a group meeting.

You are inviting several subordinates to an impromptu business lunch to build team camaraderie. Email A situation like this requires an email to convey a message to a large group of people with speed and efficiency since such a situation does not need an exchange of complex information. This is a one-way communication because the feedback loop to the sender is absent. Notably, emails permit voting buttons whereby the sender has the capability of including voting buttons for the receiver to choose their participation (Sanders, 2015). Moreover, emails provide a room for recording to give location, date, and time of the event and can relay to the receiver the importance of their attendance. For the message to be effective, it should be clear and concise.


Forms of Business Communication. (2020). Retrieved from

Przybylski, A. K., & Weinstein, N. (2013). Can you connect with me now? How the presence of mobile communication technology influences face-to-face conversation quality. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 30(3), 237-246.

Sanders, T. (2015). Getting email right, when email is the wrong choice.

Veil, S. R., Buehner, T., & Palenchar, M. J. (2011). A workinprocess literature review: Incorporating social media in risk and crisis communication. Journal of contingencies and crisis management, 19(2), 110-122.

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Paper Example: Communication Modes. (2023, Nov 14). Retrieved from

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