Communication: The Key to Successful Relationships - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-09-13
Communication: The Key to Successful Relationships - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Communication Literature
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 652 words
6 min read


After reading the book "why we don't listen better," it is incredible how communication is entirely incorporated into every aspect of human life. The author emphasizes how communication is critical right from when we wake up until when we sleep. Therefore, developing sound communication skills is fundamental to ensure that information is exchanged effectively, and both stakeholders are satisfied with the communication process (Petersen, 2007). Since communication needs utmost attention to avoid giving or receiving biased information, Peterson believes that most people are unaware when they give out wrong or biased information. And when they are pinned, most people are surprised since they weren't aware of what was happening.

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However, I just realized the weaknesses I had after reading Petersen’s book. Although some people have amazing abilities to multitask, I cannot perform two activities simultaneously. For instance, when I am watching movies, my focus on what the person next to me is saying is minimal. Therefore, concentrating on what thing is the best way to get full information on what message I am receiving. More so, despite the neighbor's ability to watch and still communicate effectively, it is clear that interpersonal communication skills are unique to every individual. Petersen's idea on 'the Native American talks' when the talker had to hold a stick to indicate their turn to talk, shows how listening is critical in a conversation (Petersen, 2007). However, the practicability of this method is close to impossible with large populations.

France states that building rapports form the basis of a sound communication process. More so, having adequate knowledge of how to communicate effectively in different situations is very critical in conveying information. For example, interacting with a student might be different from how you talk to a patient. In emergencies, a lot of skills are required than when talking in ordinary events. More so, France believes that building good communication relationships are fundamental in initiating productive change. Therefore, communication is efficient with good rapport (France & Weikel, 2019). My encounter when talking to police officers is quite different from when I talk to my spiritual leaders. In later chapters of his book, France states how critical nonverbal communication can be essential, especially when addressing non-verbal clues. People tend to communicate more with their expressions that what they are saying (France & Weikel, 2019). Therefore in all communications, all these aspects should be utilized to enhance the accuracy of the message. My strengths in observing non-verbal clues are fundamental in helping me realize the contradicting clues between words and expressions to which I openly ask for clarification.

In the movie Fireproof, many ideologies are brought out on how communication is critical in a union. It is wise to accept that marriages are encountered with various challenges. However, how to correlate requires a lot of conversation and understanding of your spouse's interpersonal skills (Toroczkai & Preda, 2014). Marriage does not change people, but people with different personalities agreeing to live together. Therefore being willing to compromise and accommodate each other is essential in a marriage. The moment Caleb decided to love Catherine unconditionally for 40 days was the beginning of peace in his marriage. Therefore building interpersonal skills is very basic in a union. More so, in some situations, communication is what is required to solve existing issues.


In conclusion, communication is very fundamental in all aspects. Especially in the professional encounter, dialogue and excellent interpersonal skills are essential requirements for employees being recruited in various organizations. Therefore, they are developing sound communication skills that will effectively help when encountering multiple situations that require these skills.


France, K., & Weikel, K. (2019). Helping Skills for Human Service Workers: Building Relationships and Encouraging Productive Change. Charles C Thomas Publisher.

Petersen, J. (2007). Why Don't We Listen Better?: Communicating & Connecting in Relationships. James C. Petersen.

Toroczkai, C. I., & Preda, D. (2014). FIREPROOF OF MARRIAGE CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE OF A FILM. European Journal of Science and Theology, 10(4), 37-48.

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