Essay Sample on Comparison Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise

Published: 2023-08-20
Essay Sample on Comparison Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise
Essay type:  Compare and contrast
Categories:  Sport Anatomy Healthcare
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1389 words
12 min read

Exercises can be differentiated into two groups: dynamic predominance work and static predominance. Each of them presents a well-differentiated cardiovascular response (Patel et al., 2017). An exercise that predominantly requires dynamic muscle work is called dynamic or aerobic exercise. This type of exercise mobilizes large muscle groups; they contract rhythmically, giving rise to movement. There are changes in the length of the muscle fiber and little increase in tension. They are usually prolonged activities that require an increase in oxygen consumption, such as walking, running, swimming, or cycling.

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For its part, static exercise, strength will cause changes in the tension of the muscle fiber, but without significantly changing its length. Specific muscle groups usually intervene, and being of short duration, does not use oxygen consumption, which is why it is also called anaerobic. Within it, two types can be differentiated: isometric exercise and isotonic exercise (Van et al., 2016). The isometric produces a sustained muscular contraction against a fixed resistance that cannot be overcome (for example, pushing a wall). At the same time, the isotonic would be a muscular contraction against a resistance that the involved musculature can overcome (for example, mobilize weights of a few kilograms).

Strength training is usually done through a series of exercises in which a certain weight is mobilized through a determined number of times (repetitions). When a high weight is mobilized a few times, it would be an isometric exercise, which mainly improves muscular strength. On the contrary, if many repetitions are performed with a small weight, the resistance of the muscle is enhanced. The use of weights that allow between 8-15 repetitions are those that will facilitate improvements in both strength and muscular endurance.

Exercises increase the body’s ability to eliminate fat by increasing specific enzymes in the muscles for this purpose (Kitzman et al., 2017). The most significant beneficial effects at the cardiovascular level are achieved by performing predominantly aerobic or dynamic exercises (Patel et al., 2017). It has been shown that it prevents the appearance of cardiovascular disease, and if such disease already exists, it reduces complications and increases survival. Static training improves muscle strength and endurance, increasing autonomy, and the ability to perform many of the activities of daily life. Strength training should be performed, in addition to aerobic exercise, but it is not recommended as isolated physical activity to improve health.

Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Exercises

The main difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercises is that the former uses oxygen as the primary source for the production of energy in the muscles (Patel et al., 2017). The anaerobic makes use of carbohydrates during the practice of high intensity and short duration exercises. It is important to note that almost all sports can be trained aerobically and anaerobically, depending on the intensity of the exercise (Franchini et al., 2016).

The aerobic exercises are those which are generally performed at a medium or low intensity for a considerable time (over about 25 minutes). With this type of exercise, the body requires a lot of oxygen. In addition to the aesthetic benefits, there are more satisfactory benefits, which include the improvement of metabolism, which is faster and more efficient if anaerobic exercises are done regularly. As the metabolism gains more strength to perform its functions, other areas of the body are benefited. Among them are the immune system, which will have more power when facing illnesses. The cardiovascular system also starts to work more effectively since the whole body gains more resistance (Patel et al., 2017). Another positive point is to increase the strength of the bones, which become more resistant to fractures and other diseases, such as osteoporosis. Among the most common types of aerobic exercises include those that are done when walking, running, dancing, skating, or cycling, as long as its duration exceeds approximately 25 minutes.

The anaerobic exercises are those exercises performed at high intensity and duration, which tends to be rather short (from about 4 to 20 minutes). When doing these exercises, the body does not need that “extra oxygen,” since the energy required comes, for the most part, from the body’s strength and muscular resistance. Through this type of exercise, the body acquires more strength and endurance, the ones that will make the body define itself and increase its muscle mass.

Anaerobic exercises include weight training, sprints, interval training of between 4 and 20 minutes, isometric exercises (maintaining own body weight) and any form of fast and demanding exercise that requires high effort in a short period, such as the tabatas, which consist of batches of one or several different exercises carried out during eight 20-second intervals with interspersed breaks of 10 seconds, with which the body achieves a 4-minute workout in high intensity (Franchini et al., 2016).

Recommended Excercise

There are countless exercises, and among them, a multitude of combinations if the intensity, duration, and how they are performed are modified. According to health experts, it is much healthier for the body to opt for aerobic exercises. The dynamic type of training is more beneficial because it is progressive and does not impact the body too much. It is a type of training that is perfect for improving physical condition and optimizing cardiovascular health. Also, with these exercises, the body will be able to lose weight as well as tone muscles in a much more progressive way. However, anaerobic exercises are ideal in case one wants to strengthen the body to the maximum and improve muscle tone. They are of a more significant impact on the body; however, they will be perfect for defining and tone.

Therefore, the best type of exercise will always depend on the objectives one wants to achieve. If they want to lose weight and improve their health, then it is best to opt for aerobic exercises, as they will help burn fat, strengthen body muscles and gradually achieve a better state of fitness. If one wants to tone and define, then they will have to bet on anaerobic exercises, since they will help the body to always work to the maximum, in addition to strengthening the muscle groups concisely and concretely.


Aerobic training is simply those types of exercises that activate the body by making the cardiovascular system work. The main characteristic is that to carry out these exercises, it is essential to work with oxygen because, as they are carried out, its demand increases. In this way, exercises such as elliptical, running, cycling, swimming, etc. are included in aerobic training. On the other hand, anaerobic training constitutes exercises that are high-intensity but of short duration. They are usually exercises that aim to work a part of the body such as, for example, lifting weights, abdominals, etc., including short races at high speed. These exercises are carried out to improve muscle mass and power effectively.

The purpose of the exercise usually defines what type will be applied. For the loss of body fat, both exercises are effective, as they work to accelerate the metabolism. Still, for the doctor, the ideal is to associate these two types to the diet, since they will have the function of stimulating the diet, producing a caloric deficit that forces the body to metabolize the fat reserves. Whether taking care of health or keeping fit with a defined body, it is recommended to perform both types of exercises, because while aerobic exercise will help burn fat and improve the cardiovascular and respiratory system, anaerobic exercises will shape the body.


Franchini, E., Julio, U. F., Panissa, V. L., Lira, F. S., Gerosa-Neto, J., & Branco, B. H. (2016). High-intensity intermittent training positively affects aerobic and anaerobic performance in judo athletes independently of exercise mode. Frontiers in physiology, 7, 268.

Kitzman, D. W., O’Neill, T. J., & Brubaker, P. H. (2017). Unraveling the Relationship Between Aging and Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction: The Importance of Exercise and Normative Reference Standards.

Patel, H., Alkhawam, H., Madanieh, R., Shah, N., Kosmas, C. E., & Vittorio, T. J. (2017). Aerobic vs anaerobic exercise training effects on the cardiovascular system. World journal of cardiology, 9(2), 134.

Van Ark, M., Cook, J. L., Docking, S. I., Zwerver, J., Gaida, J. E., Van Den Akker-Scheek, I., & Rio, E. (2016). Do isometric and isotonic exercise programs reduce pain in athletes with patellar tendinopathy in-season? A randomized clinical trial. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 19(9), 702-706.

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