Controversy of Confederate Symbols: Pros, Cons, and Congressional Issues - Free Paper

Published: 2024-01-09
Controversy of Confederate Symbols: Pros, Cons, and Congressional Issues - Free Paper
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  History United States
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1490 words
13 min read


Confederate symbols are known to elicit historical commemorations in the United States. Even though they are recognized for their historical connotations, they are also feted with numerous controversies. The debate concerning their erection maintenance and removal has been a hot topic in U.S. society, with recent demonstrations concerning black lives matter taking center stage. Some monuments have since been removed, and others relocated to museums and educational facilities. The relocation of these symbols has been conducted under the influence of various demonstrations in U.S. history (Solis 10). Issues concerning Confederate symbols have attracted legislators' attention, with various bills being proposed concerning their erection, maintenance, and relocations. These symbols were erected as a means of commemorating native Americans or remembering the enslavement of Black Americans. The symbols were erected on cemeteries, national parks, and other federal spaces such as major cities. They constitute works sold in gift shops as themed items for commemoration. Confederate symbols include monuments, statues, and names of places such as cities, counties, and schools. Most confederate symbols were erected during the Jim Crow era by United States daughters of the confederacy. They are imbued with pros and cons insofar as the U.S. history is concerned.

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Confederate Flag Pros


Even though U.S. history has experienced periods of demonstrations regarding these Confederate symbols, residents view them as historical components. According to those who are opposed to their removal, these symbols constitute a considerable section of U.S. history. In that regard, the opposers regard them as imperative icons, upon which American history can be traced. To them, these symbols indicate how the far U.S. has come since its existence. Even though the confederate symbols were erected in total disregard of Black Americans, their supporters argue that the symbols illuminate the perils of racism in the U.S. Therefore, the Confederate Flag has remained relevant to Southern states as they attribute them to historical significance insofar as their racism journey is concerned.


A significant number of these confederate symbols exclude Black Americans, which means that they fall short, insofar as a representation of American culture is concerned. The fact that they mainly represent white icons in U.S. history, means that Black Americans feel alienated from the country's history. A symbol such as the confederate flag exemplifies the inequality of blacks against whites in U.S. history. Thus, it perpetuates racism in the southern part of the country. The Confederate flag is deemed to be the most inflammatory symbol present in South 1(12). It has been proven that historically, the confederacy flag has failed to identify itself with representing states' rights, but there is proof that it displays historical instances of slavery. In that regard, these symbols continue to perpetuate sympathy with Jim Crow Laws and slavery.

Confederate Monuments


Monuments in most parts of the U.S. have been deemed to signify struggles that the country underwent concerning civil wars, Southern heritage, and state's rights. Even though they were not erected immediately after civil wars in the country, their supporters argue that they illuminate U.S residents' challenges during the early stages of their journey as a country (Schragger et al. 10). They are claimed to have been erected to honor war veterans. Thus, they serve as a display of heroism on the part of war participants. These monuments were erected as a way of rewriting the meaning of the Civil War.


In the contemporary world, these monuments are viewed as symbols of racism. Most opposers of these symbols argue that the fact that they were not erected immediately after the Civil War is an indication that they were not meant to commemorate U.S. triumph over the Civil War era. Opposers of these monuments argue that they do not represent heroism over the Civil War, but they act as contemporary messages, indicating white supremacy over the minority races.

Sale of Confederate-Themed Items


Some concessioners and cooperating associations operate National Park Service units where they sell confederate-themed items (Congressional Research Service 12). These items generate a significant amount of revenue for the NPS and its partners. Sales from such items create job opportunities for U.S. residents. Thus, they are critical to the reduction of unemployment in the country.


Even though numerous U.S. residents make a living out of selling these items, they are imbued with controversies. One incidence that illuminates their controversial aspect is the 2015 shootings in Charleston (Congressional Research Service 12). After the unfortunate incident, the NPS instructed sellers of the items to exclude items that displayed the confederate flag, particularly those that displayed it as a stand-alone feature. The exemption was made particular to items that were wearable and easily displayable in the public domain.

Congress Issues


Due to the national uproar regarding confederate symbols, congress has experienced divisions concerning appropriate legislation with respect to these controversial symbols. The Congress's resulting divisions have seen some symbols retain full federal funding based on their historical and academic significance. The emergence of the issue in Congress platforms has posed a discussion that is likely to elicit critical symbols for future generations, without the danger of sending racist messages (Congressional Research Service "2017" 13). Those symbols that are within the NPS units have been confirmed by recent governments to be vital for educational purposes. Such symbols have since then received protection under sections 106 and 110 of the NHPA.


Due to some of these confederation symbols' tainted image, the congress has proposed withholding of maintenance funding. The symbols outside the historical context have also been suggested for removal, their status quo notwithstanding (Congressional Research Service "2017" 13). It is worth noting that even though some of these symbols exemplify acts of racism in American history, their removal indeed alienates a significant part of that history. Withholding of maintenance funds also presents an issue of proliferated authenticity, unless they are removed completely from their existing sites.

Veteran Affairs and Policies


Veterans Affairs Department is responsible for the maintenance of various cemeteries where fallen soldiers were laid to rest. Cemeteries act as national shrines upon which gallant dead soldiers were buried. The cemeteries are real representatives of civil war struggles, given that they were developed during the war and were administered by the military (Schragger et al. 13). The cemeteries mainly constitute remains of fallen American soldiers, including those imprisoned by the U.S during the war. In essence, cemeteries are deemed to be true indicators of the U.S. struggle. Patriots frequently visit them as a way of paying tribute to the dead soldiers and resonating with their rich history.


During memorial days, confederate flags are usually displayed for purposes of commemoration. The flags are displayed through restrictions. They are only allowed at national cemeteries where Confederate soldiers were buried. These restrictions were introduced because of the conspicuous association of the flag with racism (Schragger et al. 13). Even though other members of the public could be willing to possess the flags and maybe carry them home on memorial days, they are not allowed by the federal laws as organizations sponsoring these flags are manded to place and remove them after the commemoration events. Despite the fact that these flags are legitimately applicable during the memorial days, the limitation of their use prevents most patriots from paying tribute to the fallen soldiers through them.


The U.S. history is filled with controversial issues, particularly those that place natives against minorities in the country. Removal of Confederate Statues, symbols, and statues have taken center stage in the U.S. society on several occasions. Racial-related connotations usually fuel controversial issues surrounding removing the above features from various places. Some U.S. residents believe that these features act as an exemplification of vital historical events and should be protected by all means. Such people argue that future generations are likely to fall short of the country's rich history without these features. Others opine that these features are supposed to be removed from public spaces because they represent white supremacy. As a result of resentments espoused by the opposers of these features, the Congress has experienced divisions, with some supporting their removal while others opine that they should be preserved for education purposes. The Confederate symbols should be sorted based on their relevance. Those that represent racism overtly should be brought down while those that exemplify the actual U.S struggles can be retained for heritage and educational purposes. Some of the symbols should be removed because the country has previously experienced demonstrations concerning them, and it would only be prudent to prevent such from happening in the future.

Works Cited

Congressional Research Service, Confederate Symbols: Relation to federal lands and programs, CRS Report (2020).

Juanita Solis, A Monumental Undertaking – Tackling Vestiges of the Confederacy in the Florida Landscape, 8 U. Miami Race & Soc. Just. L. Rev. 109 (2018).

Schragger, Richard, et al. Confederate Monuments and Punitive Preemption: The Latest Assault on Local Democracy, University of Virginia, School of Law, (2019).

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