Counseling Case Study.

Published: 2022-07-18
Counseling Case Study.
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  History United States Economics Finance Personality
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 922 words
8 min read

There are several cultures existing in the universe today. We have a work culture, corporate/company culture, academic culture, religious culture, race, ethnic, sexual identity, state (location differences), family, tribe, and gender. All of these different cultures of the world impact how human beings view the world and the people around them. It's important to note that culture is not passed down from one generation to another i.e. it cannot be inherited. In some instances, you may found one culture domineering against another culture (Bennett, 2006). For example, you may have state culture domineering against a sexual culture or even a generational culture domineering against a gender culture or even a corporate culture domineering against a state culture. In addition, there are various facets of culture that influence the manner in which human beings socialize with other people. These consist of state culture, corporate culture, and various techniques of communicating. All of these impact on the way people carry out their work, their manners, their use of linguistics, how people tackle serious problems or find a way of ending conflicts, how people bargain with each other and lastly how their create and enter into relationships.

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All of these cultures when they come into contact with each other they create a misunderstanding. Basically, a cultural misunderstanding is when a statement, gesture, thing, or a community setting has varying meanings in 2 cultures (Edwards, Driscoll, Abder & Carothers, 2010). At times the misconceptions get tackled, other times they head out nowhere and other times it gets so hot to anything from love to tragedy. For example in the united states of America society people often have a notion that racial divisions are biological but this is not the case in other societies or cultures, where they have a different way of categorizing race e.g. African Americans may find issue with the fact that some emigrants from other nations like Jamaica "behave in a manner not considered to be black" the misconception comes out in the sense that even in the emigrants nation they were not identified as black. This does not also mean that they identify as being white it may rather show how they have diverse categories in their culture e.g. yellow, brown or fair in the island of Jamaica compared to the United States of America. Another perception common in the United States of America is that you may find a certain percentage of white people in America think that all emigrants are black people (Jones, 2008).

The first information to be collected will be the behavior that is causing all the ruckus. Secondly, data from other cases with similar characteristics will be collected to be looked into to come up with a baseline. The next type of information to be collected is observational info on the factors that impact the occurrence of the misunderstanding and how often it takes place. In an exploration of the issue, it will be of utmost importance that various stakeholders are consulted and their opinions are taken into consideration.

The parents of the children will be first in line followed by both white and black teachers at school; the school management will also have to shed light on the issue, the federal government and the victims of this action. These people will be able to shed light on this style of discipline and its benefits and disadvantages if any. The cultural aspects to be taken into account include the belief of the people in the community about the practice. This will be crucial since certain practices are culture-specific. Another aspect is the moral traits of the society concerning the practice. And lastly, the customs and traditions about the action in the society. Factors that are found in this scenario that are common to all conflicts include the presence of the misunderstanding, two different set of cultures, ignorance of other people's culture and variation in cultural customs.

There are a number of culturally sensitive techniques like societal change intervention whose impact is mainly on the social behavior, norms, and attitude, also there is cross sharing of problems which involves identifying a common challenge that cuts across the body in the society (Tonbuloglu, Aslan & Aydin, 2016). In approaching the issue I will take into consideration the preferences of both parties. This is to help in resolving and coming up with a solution quickly. The teachers will be encouraged to go into a mediation session in order to come up with an effective solution. For the teachers to be able to tolerate and live and impact positively upon their student's lives they should visit a museum which is dedicated to the opposite culture and learn and be familiar with their ways. Also, host each other in tier houses so that they can effectively learn about one another. Lastly, the events or cultural activities that are arranged by the opposite culture.


Bennett, D. (2006). Cultural Resources and School Engagement among African American Youths: The Role of Racial Socialization and Ethnic Identity. Children & Schools, 28(4), 197-206. Doi: 10.1093/cs/28.4.197

Edwards, C., Driscoll, M., Abder, P., & Carothers, S. (2010). Exploring students' and teachers' perceptions of the cultural responsiveness in three programs for African American students.

Jones, A. (2008). Cultural Identity and Tolerance in a Multicultural World. Psyccritiques, 53(10). Doi: 10.1037/a0010666

Powers, P. (2005). Cultural Property and Student identity in the Multicultural Classroom. MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States, 30(2), 49-64. Doi: 10.1093/melus/30.2.49

TONBULOGLU, B., ASLAN, D., & AYDIN, H. (2016). Teachers' Awareness of Multicultural Education and Diversity in School Settings. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 16(64), 1-28. Doi: 10.14689/ejer.64.1

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