Free Essay Sample: Course Reflective Summary

Published: 2023-10-03
Free Essay Sample: Course Reflective Summary
Essay type:  Reflective essays
Categories:  Teaching Learning Covid 19
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1447 words
13 min read

My fieldwork experience has been a memorable and fulfilling way of researching as I had the opportunity to different backgrounds throughout my semester. Unfortunately, my research was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, forcing the state to set a few rules that affected research. However, I managed to work with what was available to me and learned some critical lessons in the study about the education profession, the learners, and about myself. This experience has allowed me to experience what researchers go through in the field. At first, I was uncertain of what I was supposed to do. Still, with more exposure to different experiences, I got to learn more about the people I was observing, the education profession, and myself. The lessons were all very educational and have equipped me with more than I thought I would achieve; they were insightful in helping me understand what goes on in the education profession.

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As a result of the field experiences in this course, I learned many things about learners. It was amazing to see how quickly learners use their environments to grow or help themselves learn new things. Not everyone adapts to learning as fast as they should, and they tend to look for what works best for them. It creates an environment of making mistakes and learners, especially children, learns from these mistakes and aims never to repeat them. All learners have their unique way of memorizing what they were taught, and they all comprehend such information differently. All learners are individual and have their unique strengths and differences, meaning that what works for one learner may not work for another. I learned this during field observation one, through a dialogue that I had with a woman I met at the toy store I picked when creating my toy box. Based on the conversation that we had, I learned that children could use toys to interpret what they are taught in school. For example, she chose the Distraction game for her son to help him memorize what he is taught in school. No one is incapable of learning; they need guidance on how to find what works for them and how best they can use their environments to help them in the learning process.

As a result of the field experiences in this course, I have learned many things about the education profession. The first thing that I learned is that different educators use different techniques, resources, and ideas when teaching. This observation gave insight into some of the methods and strategies that I would use as an educator. I also learned that the profession needs one to be keen, especially on how students react from different perspectives than what is expected. My observation from the education profession taught me the importance of considering what is best for the students at all times. It also creates an opportunity for personal, professional development, and growth. It allowed me to reevaluate the classroom from a new perspective or new ideas and modern concepts rather than focusing on traditional methods. From my third field observation, I realized that for a lesson plan to be effective, I need to exercise being an effective educator as well. An educator is an individual whose enthusiasm for the profession matches up to what they teach their students. I observed this by watching how Dr. Oz engaged his audience on physical health. I believe that his passion played an essential role in determining how best he coordinated what he intended to share with the audience on mental health. Preparation is critical to the profession, but it is also important to expect anything likely to arise. My observations of this field were made during the Covid-19 pandemic that forced all educational institutions to convert to online learning. However, some parents opted for a personal tutor for their children, and during my second field observation, I saw how teachers use what is around them to make their lesson plan work best for them. For instance, I observed my nephew’s tutor, Mrs. Kathy, use pebbles to teach addition and subtraction. I assumed that she believed that when my nephew would want to remember how to do addition and subtraction, he would use the pebbles to relate the mathematical problem and remember what he was taught. This teaching plan increased my curiosity as to what other methods can be used in learning and how I can effectively use them in the education profession.

As a result of the field experiences in this course, I learned many things about myself. I found myself intrigued by the notion of letting children learn and grasp different skills and knowledge and guiding them on how they would apply them to their lives. I got to understand that we can use simple materials to help children grow and that their weaknesses do not make them incapable; it means that as an educator, I have to design different ways to impact the children I teach. The observation has inspired me to want to do more to equip little children with the desire to read as I introduce them to English, mathematics, arts, geography, and history. With the exposure I have gained, I believe that I have what it takes to create the proper environment that will be as engaging and interactive as should be such that my students acquire essential life skills, communication, and teamwork. This experience has inspired me to further pursuing my dream to be a good educator through some of the skills I acquired from my second and third field observations. I would also implement what I learned from the conversation I had with the woman from the toy store on how some toys and games impact cognitive development like memory. Even as an educator, my responsibility is not only to teach but also to let my students show me and let me learn what works best for them. I can do this by actively engaging them through discussions as they highlight the main points of what they learned. From my observations, a classroom should not only be a space filled with books but a place of interaction through different learning activities. I was able to see this through Mrs. Kathy’s approach to teaching mathematics to my nephew. My role as an educator comes with the responsibility of maturity, patience, passion, and humility. I have learned to be open to mistakes as my students will make many as they learn and grow. Most importantly, this experience showed me that having a passion for what one wants to do is essential in shaping its success.

In conclusion, I have learned a lot from the field experiences of this course, and I am grateful for the exposure it has given me. The experience has been more of a mentorship program that I enjoyed taking part in, especially with the insight I gained daily by observing different educators in different environments. Learning is not something that everyone is born with, and as educators, it is vital to come up with strategies that enable everyone to benefit from what is being taught. Incorporating different learning ideas and procedures is essential as learners pick what works best for them. As an educator, it is necessary to observe others in the field and see what ways work for them, and being open to learning new things, as the profession is diverse. This course has equipped me with an avenue that has shown me the importance of being an educator and the impact I can make. Had it not been for this experience, I would not have realized the critical role I play as an educator, not only in academics but also in life skills. I have gained a new form of appreciation for what educators do, given that it is not easy to deal with different people who are accustomed to varying ideologies on teaching. It feels good to know that my profession impacts what children do as they advance in life, and being a part of that journey creates a form of self-appreciation. I have grasped the concept of differentiation in lesson planning, and I believe that with what I have learned, I am now in a better position to create a plan that will be interactive, informative, all-inclusive, and easy to learn. I believe that my method would help those with learning difficulties as I would include games and memory cards that the students can refer to in case they forget. I want to engage in a similar activity as I advance in my academics, given that there is much more that I can learn through field observation, which supplements what is covered through our coursework.

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