Paper Example - Creating an Ethical Culture in an Organization

Published: 2023-09-06
Paper Example - Creating an Ethical Culture in an Organization
Essay type:  Problem solution essays
Categories:  Human resources Business ethics Organizational culture
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 453 words
4 min read

An ethical culture in an organization has a set code of conduct, which is acceptable to all. An organization with an appropriate ethical culture has minimal employee conflict; hence it boosts work morale. Furthermore, an ethical culture fosters the organization’s values, such as honesty, integrity, and accountability (Riivari & Lämsä, 2019). Such work in the environment has the highest level of employee retention since everybody feels motivated. This essay analyses the modalities of creating an ethical culture in an organization.

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My perspective on one of the ways through which an ethical culture is created is through encouraging the organization’s management to act as a role model. It is by the management acting visibly towards the employees and clients. I would also conduct myself in such a way that encourages others to be ethical. A role model is a person who sets examples for others to follow, whereas acting-visibly means working in a way that can get noticed. The leadership of any organization plays a crucial role in enforcing ethical culture by influencing their employees to respond appropriately (Langer, 2018). For instance, the management team can exercise its mandate honestly and respectfully while dealing with employees and clients. Furthermore, the management team should financially support planned ethical training. In cases where employees violate ethical practices, the management ought to take stern action against them.

The other method through which ethical culture is enforced is by creating awareness of the essence of ethics. I would increase the occurrence of communications to ensure that individuals are aware of the significance of ethics It helps in ensuring that a particular code of ethics gets observed. The organization can create awareness of an organization’s culture by ensuring they communicate ethical expectations to all employees (Langer, 2018). I believe that communication requires a written set of codes of ethics, which will require employees to read and sign as a way of committing themselves. The communication should include the specific code of ethics to uphold and the essential ethical practices.

It is imperative to note that some people can consider certain practices to be ethical while others might disagree. In such scenarios, it is impossible to enforce the code of ethics using organizational rules entirely. Therefore, I would ensure that my organization offers ethical training courses for such individuals. Moral training makes the defiant group of people in an organization understand the importance of ethics hence leading to their mental maturity and self-actualization (Langer, 2018).


Langer, A. M. (2018). Information technology and organizational learning: Managing behavioral change in the digital age. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.

Riivari, E., & Lämsä, A. M. (2019). Organizational ethical virtues of innovativeness. Journal of Business Ethics, 155(1), 223-240.

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