Free Essay: Culture Effects on Global Business

Published: 2023-08-01
Free Essay: Culture Effects on Global Business
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Globalization Business Multiculturalism Business communication
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 854 words
8 min read

Currently, most businesses are entering the business market where they need to understand the cultural difference to thrive in a targeted local market. If business operations first think of communication, they can bridge the language barrier or gap. In a low-context of culture like the US and UK, where English is highly used, communication seems to be explicit (Tunguz & Bien 56). In contrast, in a high-context culture like Japan, communication appears to be implicit and nuanced. In Japan, as Erin Meyer posit, giving feedback is entirely different from that of a Western nation. In most instances, it reveals a “cultural shock,” which was a term used to describe disorientation feelings felt by experts when they visit another country. However, technology tends to make it invisible.

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Miscommunication and misunderstanding are common across cultures, which may make trust erode in the business hierarchy. The concept may be propelled by task-based or relationship-based issues, which creates a cultural dilemma. Peter Alfandary argues that people interpret subjectively. However, trust can create a path to success when cultural differences are excluded in business operations.

Culture affects Business in terms of the comfort of silence, which impacts trust-building. In Japan, as suggested by Meyer, the comfort of silence is high, which may lead to people not providing feedback during public meetings. Finland people highly rely on the use of silence.

Culture affects Business in terms of negotiation style. Culture impacts the way people think, communicate and behave. In most instances, the above characteristics are displayed on how people negotiate. Businesses are marred with these challenges during transactions and find stumbling blocks and barriers to curb these differences. Americans communicate during negotiation more directly, whereas the Japanese observe it as a win-win process. In other Asian countries, negotiations are considered as a means to create a firmer and healthier business relationship. Peter Alfandary argues that “slightly disappointed” when translated in Business means “extremely disappointed.” Displaying the emotion of anger in the negotiation process does not necessarily imply that the deal is off.

Cultures perceive time differently. Other time is like a guideline, while others are quite relaxed even to start Business very late. Businesses are affected by how they treat their employees in terms of time and other services such as lunch. Alfandary claims that French people would hardly operate in a business or working environment where lunch is not provided for the employee. A company can create a good relationship by spending time together, such as lunch.

Importance of Big Data Firms

Big data firms provide more efficient management capacity, which entails transportation and logistics systems. Big data firms help in improving decision-making, for instance, by increasing the real-time impact of price changes or other forms of marketing mix such as driving dynamic pricing. Big data firms tend to generate marketing insight into the wants and need of the customer based on comments, feedback, and transaction. Big data firms play significant roles in monitoring and tracking the reliability, safety, and performance of operating equipment.

Big data firms can track criminals’ records, just like the ISIS group case. In essence, they can hack into systems. Kenneth Cukier argues that when there are more data allows people to see better and differently. Big data firms play a significant role in helping society to advance. Society gets big data at the expense of small data to improve infrastructures.

Big data firms offer information that can be easily retrieved, shared, and stored. In essence, people are provided with a chance to reuse the data for what they could hardly understand at the first collection of data. Big data firms are essential since they take data that were scattered and make them have a unique format. People can record their data at any designated location.

Big data firms help in controlling online reputation through sentiment analysis. In this context, a customer can receive feedback about the company. If the client wants to improve and monitor the business presence, they tend to seek big data tools to help them. Big data firms play a crucial role in understanding the market condition. Analyzing customers’ purchasing behavior helps a firm to know the products sold and produce products based on the analyzed trend.

Big Data Firms is a cost-saving organization. Big data tool like Cloud-Based Analytics and Hadoop allows businesses to enjoy when big data are stored (Tunguz & Bien 67). By using Big Data Analytics, Business increases customer retention and acquisition. Every Business tends to prioritize over its customers. Such that there ceases to be any business that can purportedly claim success without creating a substantial customer base. Big Data firms enable other businesses to be aware of different customer-related trends and patterns. In this context, loyalty can only be triggered if customer behavior is observed, just like the Big Data firms. Therefore, Big Data Firms are the drivers of product development and investigation. Through these firms, companies gain the ability to redevelop and innovate their products.

Works Cited

Tunguz, Tomasz, and Frank Bien. Winning with Data: Transform Your Culture, Empower Your People, and Shape the Future. John Wiley & Sons, 2016.





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