Culture is Key: The Missing Piece to Business Success

Published: 2023-07-04
Culture is Key: The Missing Piece to Business Success
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Business Business strategy
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 627 words
6 min read

Culture trumps strategy. Strategy and culture is the most effective determinant in business success. A business may have the best approach and the best staff, but without a clear culture practice, the company will fall. As we talk of culture, this is the character of individuals within an organization. Many health organizations have invested in hours and thee management plans, thereby without considering the culture of the working place.

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The main issue with us is that we lack inspirations on implementing strategies in which we all know that they are the qualities of culture in every plan. As a business leader, you can involve the best-talented group, the best hardworking group, but that does not mean you will have to be successful. Culture can either support or destroy any business. As a business leader, you have to emphasize on the culture.

This is because being a leader deals with both strategic planning and culture should not be in isolation (Huston, 2019). We can say that culture trumps strategy whereby we understand that if the literature does not go hand in hand with 'culture,' which is the belief that people have, or how they make their own decisions, then there will be a downfall of the business. The success of a business depends on the leadership of the industry as the change begins from the top. A leader should identify the culture of a company, act consistently upon the success of the market by using how culture positively impacts the business. Some ideas presented should be agreed on while others need to be disagreed on.

The idea of suicidal killing, which is presented by Beckham, whereby he refers to a movie scene, should be disagreed on (Owens, Eggers, Keller, & McDonald, 2017). Though culture is the definition of how people behave, some strategies are applied, which are based on other factors rather than business success. In a war, a lot of approaches can be utilized since it is a matter between life and death. When some explode themselves to win a war, it is accompanied by other factors. As we may look at the terrorist belief, there is also more reason for that acts, which is a success in their way.

The idea of honoring the culture is the best idea presented in the article. Most of the factors presented in this article is representing culture in a very positive manner. In the case where culture and strategy collide, we get to know that culture wins (Huston, 2019). To emphasize that, Robert Nardelli, who was a leader of a specific home depot, applied different strategies, and they worked. He went on and kicked the culture of the workers, which was invested by the founders of the company. It led to the downfall of the business.

In another scene is when Louis Gerstner was appointed s the leader of IBM. Robert respected the culture of the company, which was neglected. This fact led to the turnaround of the company, which led to the success of the company.

In conclusion, culture is the critical point of any business success. Change begins from the topmost level of the management. When a leader honors the culture of an organization, then success in most likely. A leader may have the best-talented group, but without respecting the culture, success of that business is then limited.


Webb, P. G. (2019). Managing Today's Workforce to Meet Tomorrow's Challenges. Frontiers of health services management, 35(4), 3-10.

Owens, K., Eggers, J., Keller, S., & McDonald, A. (2017). The imperative of culture: a quantitative analysis of the impact of culture on workforce engagement, patient experience, physician engagement, value-based purchasing, and turnover. Journal of healthcare leadership, 9, 25.

Huston, C. J. (2019). The Road to Positive Work Cultures. Sigma.

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