Free Essay: Dark Innocent Sides of the World in William Blake's Poems

Published: 2022-02-22
Free Essay: Dark Innocent Sides of the World in William Blake's Poems
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  William Blake
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 861 words
8 min read

Introduction: William Blake is a poet who frequently wrote poems, concerning the dark side of the world in consideration. William Blake uses the word innocence frequently, which is always interpreted differently. One of the common understandings of the word innocence is that it is word that describe the series as the two differing state of soul. From the simple definition of the word innocence, it is therefore clear that innocence should be understood as the co-existing states which define fallen humanities. (Norton 1) simplifies the term innocence as the dramatic monologue. William Blake wrote his songs during the harsh regime of British. He was trying to ridicule the system of leadership and administering of law justice. The poems Chimney Sweeper and Holy Thursday are two his powerful works. The two poems Blake wrote trying to be a serious critic of the social injustice. The following areas of concern gives evidence of dark innocence of the world; slavery, colonialism, oppositions and, many other areas as evident in his different works. The dark innocent world is depicted in the following manner;

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Chimney Sweeper: In the poem, Blake critics the social injustice, which is a clear indicator of dark innocent side of the world. It is evident that he tries to lay emphasis on the desperate materials that supports the existence of the bad regime. Blake is very furious on the systems operations, and his angers are reserved for the purpose. He is very furious with the existing bodies that should liberate the country but they are quiet. Such bodies include the churches that should be focusing their attention towards restoring better living standards from the ruthless administration, slavery and, other dark deed of the world. The other body that he is furious with is state machineries that are not fighting to liberate the country, but instead they are tolerating the tenure. And lastly he is angry with the uncaring parents whom should be part of the radical group so as to foster the rights of fellow citizens, but instead the uncaring parents are quiet on the matter. He therefore concludes that the groups of the people who are supposed to be activist are silence and therefore the vision and understanding of oppression is limited because the country cannot fight in unison. It is clear from the short versed poem of 12 lines that the message of Blake was that for the people to be liberated from the oppression then they should all have a common goal and vision. The other general concern of the poem of Blake William revolves around various themes. Some of the major thematic approaches are oppositions, the cycle and oppression sexual abuses, innocence and experience, region issues, imagination or poetry among others has developed by the Chimney Sweeper.

Holy Thursday: Holy Thursday is name that was a certain ceremony that used to take place in England called Ascension Day. The poet, in his poem holy Thursday gives an experience that contrasts the song itself. The name is currently being called Maundy Thursday. Blake ridicules the event by giving the poem a lot of imagery support to coat the inner meaning. For instance Blake shows the wickedness of London by saying that the innocence of the children is not at the mercy of those close to the children. This implies that the mercy of the children is of no importance to those who are supposed to be providing the mercy. He begins by announcing the holiday Thursday and how children are inform of flowers. He stresses on the children's beauty and fragility. The children are putting on London's finest products so that they can go grace the occasion of Holy Thursday. In one phase of the poem, Blake is focusing on the child as an image of innocence and gentleness. The children are in their simplest and lack of sophistication. The simplicity is a clear indicator of innocence and humility, but the major challenge is that the children were at the midst of leaders who do not share in common their innocence. This is a clear picture that, the world was wretched because the children are innocent creatures that need mercy and protection from their superior but Blake is clearly stating that they were in the mercy of few individuals who are not focused in their innocence. On the other hand he describes as a lamb like, in the state of being innocent and meekly. The lamb in this case is metaphor that is used to amplify the link between the children and the Christ. In general its evident that from the two poem Blake is ridiculing hypocrisy of the leaders, and this is justified by the demonstration of the weaknesses of innocence and ignorance. The innocence of the children is abused in the poem, which is a full glare of the dark part of the world.

Conclusion: From the two poems which are Chimney Sweepers and Holy Thursday, it is clear that Blake used insights to rebuke the evil and none moral behaviors and deeds that were happening in London and other parts of the world, with some weird traits.

Work Cited

Norton G. (2014). Discovering Literature: Romantics and Victorians. Public Domain

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