Data Coding: The Organizational Process of Sorting & Synthesizing Data - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-15
Data Coding: The Organizational Process of Sorting & Synthesizing Data - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Data analysis Science
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 979 words
9 min read


In many kinds of research and critical information to understand the clear elaborative coding is necessary. Coding is the organizational process that involves the sorting of data. Codes serve the labeling compilation and the organizational data about raw information. The data coding helps synthesize and summarize what happens to the data. The linking of the interpreting coding becomes the data developing analysis. The proceed of coding data is procedural and has hierarchical. The picture speculation in mind, conducting quantitative analysis, and, more generally, storyline. The essential element primary is analyzing the data. Generally, codding is critical to research, and all the hierarchical stapes need to be followed to give clear, informative evaluation information. The research is based on the economic stability of the family hence codding on the informative information about various struggles of family expenses and the need to meet the basic needs.

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Priori Codes

Families and many households have many needs and different expenses. Economically each household tries to get the income to cater to the expense. In specific particular research, there are various variables to take into consideration (Giannakos et al., 2020). Prior to it, there is a need to have variables that represent the data to be collected; however, there is a need to represent the variable.

Table 1

The Code Book

Variable representation Elaboration of what is being represented about the variable.

A The count source of income to the family.

B Age of the source information and data collected personnel

C The number count of the family member and the variation of the age identity.

D The expenses of the family and way of living are considering basic needs achieved.

E Parental presents and Guidant to the family in support of the needs catering and growth of attaining all the quality living standards.

F Growth of the personae in the education background and curricular vitae on the education qualification.

G Futuristic achievements of personal and speculation about the future.

List of Emergent Codes

The struggle to meet the variable consistency of high living standards improvement in the organization about the life of the human being. The sample post has divergent quantitative information about the variables. The 99% sample information is varying in families (Holben & Marshall, 2017). With the information quantified in the table bellow

Table 2

Definition of Code

variables A B C D F G

Post 1 Single parent 47 years 6 6 No school Health insurance cover and food, electric bill and Water with mortgage fees

Post 2 Individual personnel 26 years 1 7 Master’s degree The educational qualification of Masters and a bright future target.

Post 3 More than 4 sources About 35 years 4 8 Master’s degree Buy a house, pay the debt, and have good-level education.

Post 4 The students working on getting money 13 years 2 4 2 college courses Education achievements, water, electricity, and proper house ownership

Post 5 The mother supporting the income of the family 25 years Three family members 7 high school School qualification and achievement with the improves of health and living standards

Post 6 Single and catering for his or her own. About 30 years 1 6 University bachelor’s degree The useful life of graduation and venturing in the music industry with family achievements

Themes Selected

The theme selected in control and the follows up of the research area in a count of roughly six. The education qualification relationship weights the living standards of the family and individuals. The gradients of the family, parents, present, and information about the incomes of the family. The fundamental need issues like mortgage and housing. The theme of electricity with water supply (Spreafico et al., 2018). The food bunch that certifies the whole family. Nonetheless, the themes on comprehensive income and credit free family with happy life under good health sustainability.

Analysis of Organization Themes

The refine codes have a definite meaning in table 1 and table 2, giving the quantitative data bout the themes of the variable’s consideration of the 6 posts. The data is giving a transparent way to the information and conclusion findings; however, in the data collection, there is a need to use the census intervention collection of information. It makes the analysis easy, and concluding is easy on achievements (Tapia et al., 2020). Numbers do not lie. That is the reason for quantifying the data on the collection of information and for analysis purposes.

Findings and Conclusion Remarks

The analysis information about families and the collection of family data is divested. The education qualification helps in the back up of the family living standards. Many families struggle to achieve higher education. The basic need of housing electricity and water supply is the struggle for every family since it tends to be the basic need of the families (Tapia et al., 2020). The credit and loaning help families cater to their needs in times of crisis. Generally, young families have fewer challenges compared to large families. However, single parents’ families tend to have financial strains in catting their family's basic needs and archiving their life dreams.


Giannakos, M. N., Papavlasopoulou, S., & Sharma, K. (2020). Monitoring children's learning through wearable eye-tracking: The case of making-based coding activity. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 19(1), 10-21.

Holben, D. H., & Marshall, M. B. (2017). Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Food insecurity in the United States. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 117(12), 1991-2002.

Spreafico, M., Grillo, B., Rusconi, F., Battaglioli, E., & Venturin, M. (2018). Multiple layers of CDK5R1 regulation in Alzheimer’s disease implicate long non-coding RNAs. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19(7), 2022.

Tapia, M. S., Alzamora, S. M., & Chirife, J. (2020). Effects of water activity (aW) on microbial stability as a hurdle in food preservation. Water Activity in Foods, 323-355.

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Data Coding: The Organizational Process of Sorting & Synthesizing Data - Essay Sample. (2023, Oct 15). Retrieved from

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