Doctrine of Interactionism or Physicalism - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-28
Doctrine of Interactionism or Physicalism - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Philosophy
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1223 words
11 min read


Interactionism, also called dualism, is referred to as a dualist site in the mind’s philosophy, which argues that the mind along with the body is separate; nevertheless, there is a causal interaction existing between the two. Interactionists dualists argue that both mind and body are made using various substances. According to their arguments, the mind is a thing that is used in thinking. Still, it lacks the familiar physical objects’ attributes such as solidity, adherence to physics law, shape, size, location, and many more (Tomasik). These dualists fall into many camps depending on the way they think about the relationship between the body and mind.

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Physicalism is referred to as a metaphysical thesis that states that all things are physical. In this sense, the properties for mental are non-physical properties because they cannot be found in physics. Nevertheless, despite these properties being absent in physics, mental properties are considered a physicalism case because the properties are based in the physical dominion through supervenience relation. Although they cannot be indistinguishable to physical properties, all of them are expected to be, in principle, explained in physical properties terms (Tomasik). Both interactionism and physicalism have different arguments concerning the mind, and all had different conclusions, which regards the same.


Interaction is a popular method of dealing with problems that regard the mind and body. Nevertheless, this problem has bogged the sophists’ minds for a long time, and they have been looking for various ways to solve it. As a result, several people contain a dissimilar understanding of both mind and body challenge, but essentially, it is the relation’s concept between mind events as well as physical events (Mills). Furthermore, the idea is suitable for explaining what occurs between the mind and the body. The method of interactionism cannot be the solitary way of thinking about this challenge, though it provides people with confidence, assertiveness, along with the relatable method of acquiring knowledge on the world that surrounds them.

The dualistic method of intelligence provides an individual with a prevailing method of connecting the events of mind with physical events. When people think in a dualistic way, they make a decision that can be generated in mind, leading to a physical event. As a result, this provides dualists with the mentality that it is possible for them to alter some things in the physical world where they belong. It is the joy of every interactionist to implement something, and it becomes a reality in the physical world (Mills). Since physical properties should be visible, most of the purpose to make changes where they belong, and this benefits every person around them.

Having the ability to impact the biosphere around them is a sensation that all people celebrate, provided they are aware that conscious life will not stop causing changes in the atmosphere because of its habits, choice-making, or decisions. The constant order cause-effect or events demarcate life. Dualists feel their cognizance has the supremacy to convey about physical events, instead of the opposite.

Another reason it is believed that interaction philosophers choose to view things in this perspective since it provides a reliable argument that sounds plausible, thus, giving this individual the sensation that they have a proper understanding of the world plus are protected in their thinking. However, this thinking method does not condense the thinkers deserted, or entirely susceptible to nature’s wills and natural order; nevertheless, it puts the awareness at the metaphorical.

Finally, the interactionist thinking trait observed to have a relationship between mind and body includes the reliability of the thinking method. Traits are characteristic forms of thinking, behaving, along with the feeling that generalizes across comparable situations, diverge systematically between individuals, plus remain stable across all time. When traits are used together with states, they become essential concepts in personality research and theory. States are distinguishing patterns of thinking, behaving, and feeling in an actual situation at a particular moment in time.

Unlike traits, states are known for differing across time as a situation’s function encountered by an individual. Interaction philosophers have spent a lot of time distinguishing between the two since they have been involving themselves in reflecting on the human psyche’s nature (ukachoke). They identified that the state and trait’s notion is common in daily language, especially when individuals describe themselves along with others. Many people adopt the interactionist method of thinking since it enables them to reflect on others and understand them properly. As far as several personal research is done, generally, people like feeling as if their mind, as well as willpower, is the one that brings about the witnessed physical events. Commonly, it is disconcerting for an individual to be told that he is at an uncontrollable force’s will.

As a counterargument, the thinkers for physicalist my offer a scenario such as John Doe thrills a vehicle while closing the road, and this caused the road accident hence leading to his death. However, in this way of thinking, rather than the mind event of John bringing about the thrilling of the vehicle, the physicalist thinkers decide to accept as real that physically thrilling the vehicle led to the death event of John. Consequently, I do not support this way of thinking because it appears confusing how John can thrill a vehicle.

I have confidence that emotion that one cannot see; nevertheless, it is real. There is the fact that the mind, along with the human entity, has fragments that are still existing, yet the senses witness them in this dimension. Physicalists maintain that processes along with the states that are involved in the mind of the human, are at nethermost physical processes and states. Although not all, several individuals are convinced that body and mind interrelate causally with one another. For instance, stimulation of the sense-organs grounds conscious experiences, plus decisions cause movements in the body.


To summarize the above discussion, it is clear that interactionism dualism property is a position which tries to preserve the mental properties’ reality and provide theorist with a base in the real world. The need for this argument is provided the intractable challenges presented by interactionism polarity on the one hand, as well as the problems experienced by the theory of identity on the other hand. However, even though it is true that property interactionism dualism currently enjoys the renewed popularity, it is exposed to fundamental objections that its critics are not addressed adequately along with the properties that render the location problematic.

Interactionism, along with physicalism, is popular methods of elaborating on the problem that concerns body and mind. I support the dualistic or interactionist way of thinking since aids in providing an emotional, dreaming, thought, along with other events’ explanation that is considered to be real. Traits of this method of thinking that attract me include the power it provides, reliability, and confidence.

Works Cited

Mills, Eugene. “Interactionism and Physicality.” Wiley Online Library, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 17 Dec. 2002,

Tomasik, Brian. The Many Fallacies of Dualism. 10 Nov. 2017, ukachoke, Chirapat. “The Physical Theory of the Mind.” The Basic Theory of the Mind, 20 Feb. 2020,

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