Dreams: Hidden Meanings Behind Our Experiences - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-08-28
Dreams: Hidden Meanings Behind Our Experiences - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Psychology
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1003 words
9 min read

Case 1:

Dreams reflect what we normally encounter in our daily practices. In other words, dreams are comprised of hidden meanings, which are inspired by what we experience and endure during the day. Therefore, the brain makes a summary of the content comply without further detailing the meaning of the ream or getting into further details on how a particular incident transpired. Therefore, it is the collective responsibility of the person responsible for the dream to respond accordingly and find an amicable solution. Arlene’s condition has been catalyzed by the increased levels of stress, and constant worries developed from her work. Moreover, she has been using coffee and caffeine products to keep her awake, as a way of substituting the fight on fatigue, and lack of less. Therefore, the speculation of the dream may not be far from the truth, as Arlene appears to be suffering from continuous stress.

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Which theory of dreaming seems to explain Arlene’s disturbing dreams best, and why?

Sigmund Freud's theory of dream suits the above scenario, as a dream is deemed as a virtual representation of unconscious desire, motivation, and thoughts. Arlene is currently faced with much stress at work, which is mainly due to the increase in stress, making her not to concentrate on the work fully. Her desire to end the stress is on the horizon, despite the failure to use concepts such as meditation to overcome her current situation.

How might meditation help Arlene?

Meditation plays a vital role in calming the brain, providing a suitable environment to create peace (Feldman, 2013). The power of meditation is geared on calming the mental stress. Therefore, meditation will be of the great essence in helping Arlene to reduce the level of her stress and have a health sleeping patters. Moreover, the use of meditation will help her use the same concept to sleep when she is awakened by any disturbing dreams.

If you were Arlene’s health care provider, how would you advise her to overcome her insomnia?

One of the advice that suits Arlene is to adopt the concept of having a prolonged and healthy sleep. Therefore, to ensure that healthy sleeping patterns and sleeping hygiene is maintained, I would advise her against the use of caffeine products that alter the sleeping patterns. Moreover, this reduces the potential possibilities of meditating to gain a better sleeping pattern. Thus, it will be essential for her to abandon the use of caffeine products in the quest to develop health and hygiene sleeping patterns.

What are some effects on Arlene of her high caffeine intake?

Caffeine activates brain cells rather than calming them. Therefore, Arlene’s brain has remained in a constant active state, which has increased due to lack of sleep and sleeping patterns too. Increased caffeine consumption may also lead to frequent headaches due to the lack of sleep.

What would happen if she just suddenly stopped drinking coffee and energy drinks?

Abrupt cessation of coffee or energy drinks will have little consequences, especially considering that she uses the substances to help energize her. Therefore, terminating the use of caffeine may slow her working completely. Therefore, she needs to modify her caffeine intake, which includes time and the amount of consumption. Through this, she will slowly develop, more sleeping patterns, than before.

Case Two:

What does the behavior of John’s co-workers toward John suggest about their attributions for his initial manner of dress?

When John makes his first appearance in the new workplace, he is amazed by the nature of dressing his colleagues are wearing (Feldman, 2013). While this seemed more than what he expected, the other employees take a distant relationship with him. However, irrespective of his reactions, the co-workers’ behavior suggests that they truly understand social cognition since suits are the traditional ways of firms dressing rather than jeans and cowboy boots.

The kinds of biases that might have affected John’s co-workers as they formed impressions of him on his first day.

According to Cherry (2016), the halo effect is defined as a tendency developed that is used to evaluate and individual high on several traits due to the commonly shared beliefs. John’s presence in the new organization marked the presence of shared beliefs. Thus, he has experienced the halo effect, both elevating the members of the organization and their dressing code. On the contrary, he has also had a fair share of the same consequence, as the second day, he was forced to wear a similar outfit to the rest of the employees.

Explain why John changed his manner of dress so soon after starting his new job.

John’s idea of changing his outfit was influenced by a series of social influence. One of the social influence included conformity, which included following of what others do, as part of the tradition in the organization. Secondly, compliance played a role in forcing him to change his clothes to help blend with the rest. Lastly, obedience, which may have emanated from direct order in outlining the dressing code, might be one of the factors that may have contributed to the rapid change.

John’s co-workers seemed very hesitant to “warm up” to John. How would you explain to John their initial reluctance to like him very much?

The core workers were not persuaded effectively to help them adapt in like thin the new inmate. Persuasion helps workers to in this state, to quickly blend in with the newcomer, through changing their attitude. However, failure to protrude persuasion, the other workers will be reluctant to develop a friendship.

What Strategies Could You Employ to Prevent Experiences Like John’s?

The scenario has provided us with two distinctive et effective sides in the cooperate world. Strict dressing code may make employees unhappy, despite the rich organizational culture. Therefore, the organization needs to realize the effectiveness of giving the employees the freedom to choose their dress code to limit the existence of oppression.


Cherry, K. (2016). What is the halo effect. Psychology. about. com.

Feldman, R. (2013). Psychology and your life. McGraw-Hill.

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