Free Essay Sample: Effects of Channel on Learning

Published: 2022-12-08
Free Essay Sample: Effects of Channel on Learning
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Teaching Learning Students
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1080 words
9 min read

In the contemporary world, videos are used in classrooms to support the curriculum and help the students learn the materials faster. In most cases, the teachers use videos during the academic year and have considered video learning to be effective.

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My hypothesis

If a student learns by watching a video, they will understand more compared to when they are reading the text.


For this study, the methodology used consisted of a mixed technique. This involved the use of questionnaires and an experiment. Through the methods, it would be easy to investigate a range of educational issues, as well as enrich the thoughts of different learners. The principles and norms of the research study were used. The participants of the study were assigned to experimental and control groups.

The participants of the study were fifty-two third-grade students who agreed to take part. All of them were girls between the ages of 15 and 16 years of age. Since the girls were under 18 years, there was a need for informed consent by getting permission from their careers. As such, the ethical requirements were fulfilled. The consent forms were sent to parents of the girls to seek approval for the participation of their daughters in the study. In this third grade, most of the students prefer learning by watching videos. In essence, the educational system is modern; hence most of the students do not depend on textbooks for their studies. Through the videos, they cover several topics within a shorter time as compared to when the books are used. In the study, a pretest was used to establish the relevant outcome of the survey (Delen, Liew, & Willson, 2014).

In the questionnaire survey, questionnaires were distributed to the participants in their various experimental groups based on their experience in the classroom learning activities. The items required a significant demonstration of the attitudes, as well as the opinions of the participants. The design of the questionnaire was both qualitative and quantitative. In such an aspect, closed-ended and open-ended questions were used. In the first set of questions, the main aim was to establish the opinions of the students regarding learning through watching videos and reading textbooks. However, another part was where the learners were asked if there are any new words that they learn while watching the videos.


From the study, 40 out of 52 participants asserted that video learning improves their visual processing of information. This represents 76.92% of the participants. However, 23.08% of the participants disagreed to the opinion that watching videos promotes their learning process as opposed to reading textbooks. Additionally, it was evident that 96.15% of the participants preferred to learn through demonstrations in the form of videos that would tell stories about some given processes.

In some cases, abstract concepts may be difficult to understand when a different technique is used other than watching people who perform and demonstrate the process. The demonstration would make it easy and efficient to learn. In this case, only two of the participants disagreed to the idea of improving learning through presentations (Orus et al., 2016).

Conversely, a questionnaire survey used in the research explored the habits of participants as they watch videos to facilitate their learning outside the classrooms. The questions tried to uncover the beliefs of the plausibility of using videos for language learning. 48 out of 52 demonstrated that the videos were an effective learning strategy. One of the reasons for this is because the materials contain aspects of learning and entertainment. The students argued that the videos always are appropriate when they have subtitles that provide a relaxed environment, which make optimal learning sources as they watch for pleasure. Therefore, it underlines the useful learning aspects when videos are used (Orus et al.,

Implications of the Results

The pre-test method was used to show the differences in the vocabulary knowledge of participants after and before they watch the videos. Watching videos enhance training of the students as they are instructed using about how they are required to undertake particular tasks; thereby they do it correctly. The videos will always give the power to make a visual representation of whatever the world entails, which would facilitate how the abstract theories are converted into visuals. The students would develop some sense of connection between knowledge transferred and the implementation process. Ideally, video learning is better compared to book learning. The former depicts the presence of supporting cognitive and social presence.

A video is a powerful tool used in the classrooms. The lecturers would conduct video tutorials that make the students understand whatever they are expected to accomplish as part of the learning outcomes at the end of the course. The learning process will also be some fun and responsive. For this matter, the students will look for videos that satisfy their self-study without the need to ask for help from any person (Delen et al., 2014). Since the video grabs the attention of different people, the viewers always become engaged. They strike necessary connection, as well as crucial illicit responses that will enable various people to share the videos. These also bring forth a range of views and opinions in the learning system, which consequently make it efficient to interpret the content. As videos are memorable, they recall whatever they learn by watching the videos. In most cases, students take the time to understand the texts through reading books. On the other hand, they will package the information that they try to get across.

In conclusion, before watching videos, students should always experiment whether the process would be beneficial to them or not. The teachers need to help the students develop their listening skills as they watch and listen to the videos. However, in the process, it would be essential to engage interactively. When reading a book, one may imagine that whatever is going on will improve their imagination power. Nevertheless, if it is watched directly, everything will clear the things up. In situations where people do not spend a lot of time explaining the same part, the videos would be of great fun. The videos are also, and the students would improve their pronunciation process. Therefore, they will achieve improved performance in the educational platform.


Delen, E., Liew, J., & Willson, V. (2014). Effects of interactivity and instructional scaffolding on learning: Self-regulation in online video-based environments. Computers & Education, 78, 312-320.

Orus, C., Barles, M. J., Belanche, D., Casalo, L., Fraj, E., & Gurrea, R. (2016). The effects of learner-generated videos for YouTube on learning outcomes and satisfaction. Computers & Education, 95, 254-269.

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