Engineering: History of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-26
Engineering: History of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Engineering Computer science Science
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 632 words
6 min read


Computer numerical control (CNC) is a new system used in the production and manufacturing industries across the world. However, computer numerical control is believed to have originated from the knowledge of numerical control (NC). The hint on NC began when machine tools were invented to be used in program logics. The first numerical machines to be developed and built were during the 1940s (Ran et al., 2016). In the 1950's more advancements were made on numerical control machines. These advancements were achieved due to the available quality tools that were available. Early numerical controls were modified with the digital and analog computers. With time computer technology was introduced in numerical control; thus, it led to a system known as computer numerical control (CNC).

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Numerical Research on Numerical Control by MIT

After the Second World War, Parson John began researching ways of improving aircraft. He improved by using strengthened skins on the aircraft. Parson's research led to more significant projects on the Air Force. These researches were done by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). MIT research on numerical control began in the year 1949 (Ran et al., 2016). After doing serious research and planning, a machine for the experiment was built by MIT. The professor who led the researcher's team in making the milling machine is known as Professor J.F.

The Earliest CNC Machine

Earlier before projects by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Michigan, Parsons Corporation had made a system producing templates for blades meant for helicopters. Parson, the founder of the company, discovered how to do calculations of the airfoil and how it matches with IBM multiplier (Li et al., 2020). With time, Parson transferred the collected data in jig borer. This invention by Parson is known as the first real numerical control machine because it was used in the manufacturing of goods.

They were moving to 1960's numerical control technology developed systematically. In the 1970s, a Numerical Computer machine began to be developed (Li et al., 2020). Modern technology then moved to fray, and the production automation process was considered appropriate and efficient than before. Several individuals were then able to buy CNC machines; some were even able to build their local CNC machines. Because of advancements in computer machines, almost all the industries have CNC machines.

CNC Technology Staples

While CNC technology is undergoing remarkable changes, several factors are constant and are not easily changed. All the machines controlled automatically used for manufacturing to date are still having more advanced systems with the other three components. These components in the machine include motion or drive system, feedback system, and a command function (Li et al., 2020).

Computer Numerical Control system as a long and exciting history. With time as technology is evolving day by day, there will be even more history added to the system. As long as manufacturing is in progress, there will be the promotion of using automated and robotic processes in almost all fields.


In conclusion, Computer Numerical Control (CNC) is deliberated to be repeatable, complex, and precise, unlike the normal manual machines. Other benefits of CNC are that they are flexible, having good speed, and accurate. Despite promoting speedy production, CNC is very expensive and also requires more cost of maintenance, unlike other methods of production. High skilled programmer in Computer Numerical Control is necessary to run CNC. With CNC performance of the plant will improve.


Li, B., Zhang, H., Ye, P., & Wang, J. (2020). Trajectory smoothing method using reinforcement learning for computer numerical control machine tools. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 61, 101847.

Ran, Y., Zhang, G., & Zhang, L. (2016). Quality characteristic association analysis of computer numerical control machine tool based on meta-action assembly unit. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 8(1), 1687814016629344.

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