Essay Sample on Ensuring the Sustainability of Both Confidentiality and Privacy in Communication Forms

Published: 2023-09-25
Essay Sample on Ensuring the Sustainability of Both Confidentiality and Privacy in Communication Forms
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Ethics Nursing care Interpersonal communication
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 464 words
4 min read

Any professional nurse needs to ensure any information about a patient has privacy and confidentiality. Both confidentiality and confidentiality play a significant role in the formation of a courteous clinical association. Patients' right to privacy facilitates an open discussion between a nurse and a patient on the patient's health. It is essential for a nurse to confidentially keep the patient's personal information or the information achieved by the nurse during their communication.

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The HITAC was recognized in the 21st Century Cures Act. The HITAC is under the supervision of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (HITAC, 2020). The HITAC has the responsibility of recommending to the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology the specifications of execution, policies, criteria used in the certification process, and finally, the standards used. The main key areas of HITAC concern are the access of the patients, security, interoperability, and privacy.

Part II


NLP refers to a psychological method that entails the application of evaluating tactics applied by successful personnel and used in achieving a personal objective. NLP creates a relationship between language, views, and different behavioral patterns usually learned from various familiarities of guaranteed results.

The use of NLP in Electronic Health Records

The NLP has numerous applications in Electronic Health Record. One of NLP's functions is the removal and utilization of formless data present in the HER (Demirsoy & Kirimlioglu, 2016). In case of any unstructured data obtained during the process of information collection, physicians usually perform natural language processing algorithms against the data collected, which will spontaneously remove unstructured data.

Part III

Areas in the Hospital That Form Part of Privacy Officers' Responsibility

The privacy officer in a hospital plays different essential roles, aiming to ensure that the medical officers observe all laws regarding the patient's privacy. Privacy officers usually review complaints made by patients related to violations of their privacy rights. In hospitals, privacy officers have performed the following general functions: conducting supervision of program compliance and overseeing all activities related to patients' privacy.

The Privacy officers need to be objective while performing their duties as their work entails an assessment of complaints grouped under privacy violation. The Privacy Officers should always have information concerning changes made on the health care privacy laws (, 2020). The final area that forms part of the Privacy Officer role is training both the existing and new staff on matters related to privacy in hospitals.


Demirsoy, N., & Kirimlioglu, N. (2016). Protection of Privacy and Confidentiality as a Patient Right: Physicians’ and Nurses Viewpoints. Biomedical Research, 27(4), 1437-1448

HITAC. (2020). Health Information Technology Advisory Committee (HITAC).

Retrieved from (2020, May 30). Healthcare Privacy Officer: Job Description & Salary. Articles About Careers. Retrieved from

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Essay Sample on Ensuring the Sustainability of Both Confidentiality and Privacy in Communication Forms. (2023, Sep 25). Retrieved from

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