Essay Example Comprising the Interview with Seth Godin

Published: 2022-08-18
Essay Example Comprising the Interview with Seth Godin
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Inspiration Biography
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1536 words
13 min read

Seth: thank you for having me.

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Interviewer: Seth, you have had such an illustrious and accomplished life. Please tell us about yourself.

Seth: I was born and raised in New York City 60 years ago. Regarding my entrepreneurial journey, I remember I always wanted to help. New York had mixed opportunities and challenges for a young man growing up. The entrepreneurial bug hit me early in my life and I desired to solve problems that people faced. I started my first business at 14 which entailed book packaging.

After high school, I joined Tufts University for my undergraduates where I chose to study computer science and philosophy. Later on I went to Stanford where I obtained my MBA.

Interviewer: please tell me about your early business experiences.

Seth: as I mentioned above, I have always loved doing business. My business philosophy has remained the same since the early times: I seek to help and be of value to others as many as possible. I launched my first business which was a book packaging business in my apartment in NY. Later on I started Yoyodyne which was basically a marketing branding company. I and other partners in the business obtained $4 million in financing from venture capitalists and this helped us to scale. Later on, I sold the business to Yahoo for $30 million. I remained a part of the business as I moved to Yahoo as the vice president of permission marketing. I also founded Squidoo and other businesses which I partnered.

Interviewer: besides business, you are best known for your books. Please tell me about them.

Seth: I have always loved writing. In line with my philosophy of helping others, my ideas have the centric vision to empower others. In 2000, I wrote the "Unleashing the Ideavirus" eBook and gave it away for free. The book was popular with many people and ended up being translated into ten languages and becoming the most downloaded eBook on the internet.

I have written and published 16 books and many eBooks over the last 18 years. "Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable" is one that is among the most well-known. The book has sold many copies and has been translated into more than 36 languages.

A few years ago, I wrote "Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? : how to Drive Your Career and Create a Remarkable Future" in which the idea of being unique and indispensable was brought out. With the changing employment landscape, it is essential for entrepreneurs and every high achieving individual to ensure that they are not replaced by systems and labor forces.

I am glad that the ideas propagated in the books have been able to shape conversations around marketing and other business topics.

Interviewer: that is so impressive. Still on your works, your ideas about the current education system have sparked a lot of discussion. tell me more.

Seth: I still hold the same "controversial" perspective. The public education system in america was designed to serve the industrialists' interests. It was designed to create submissive factory workers. There is need for a more accomodative education system that will serve the interests of the modern world, which is more technology-leaning.

Interviewer: any lessons you have for young people in this country?

Seth: my advice to everyone is simple. Always strive to master the art of persuasion. Serve. I have grown my business mainly by being of help to others. Let your work speak for itself. you will always across failure and fear. Face and combat them. be a purple cow and stand out. Do not blend in. finally, have courage to pursue your dreams.

Shorter Interview

Interviewer: thank you for accepting to talk to us Seth Godin. You have had such an illustrious and accomplished life. Please tell us about yourself.

Seth: I was born and raised in New York City 60 years ago. I formed my first business when 1 was 14 and I have since founded other companies such as Squidoo and Yoyodyne.

I obtained a degree in Computer Science and Philosophy from Tufts University before pursuing an MBA from Stanford.

Interviewer: please tell me about your early business experiences.

Seth: I have always loved doing business. I launched my first business which was a book packaging business in my apartment in NY. Later on I started Yoyodyne which was basically a marketing branding company. We raised $4 million in VC financing before later selling the business to Yahoo for $30 million. I remained a part of the business as I moved to Yahoo as the vice president of permission marketing.

I also founded Squidoo and other businesses which I partnered.

Interviewer: besides business, you are best known for your books. Please tell me about them.

Seth: I have written and published 16 books and many eBooks over the last 18 years. "Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable" is one that is among the most well-known. The book has sold many copies and has been translated into more than 36 languages.

In 2000, I wrote the "Unleashing the Ideavirus" eBook and gave it away for free. The book was popular with many people and ended up being translated into ten languages and becoming the most downloaded eBook on the internet.

A few years ago, I wrote "Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? : how to Drive Your Career and Create a Remarkable Future" in which the idea of being unique and indispensable was brought out. With the changing employment landscape, it is essential for entrepreneurs and every high achieving individual to ensure that they are not replaced by systems and labor forces.

I am glad that the ideas propagated in the books have been able to shape conversations around marketing and other business topics.

Interviewer: that is so impressive. Still on your works, your ideas about the current education system have sparked a lot of discussion. tell me more.

Seth: I still hold the same "controversial" perspective. The public education system in america was designed to serve the industrialists' interests. It was designed to create submissive factory workers. There is need for a more accomodative education system that will serve the interests of the modern world, which is more technology-leaning.

Interviewer: any lessons you have for young people in this country?


  • Master the art of persuasion.
  • Serve. Let your work speak for itself
  • Face and combat failure
  • Do not blend in
  • Have courage to pursue your dreams

The most inspiring person I have met: Seth Godin

I have always wanted to meet Seth Godin. I have read several of his books and watched video and TV interviews that he featured in. His books and other woks paint the image of a person with a firm understanding of his craft. He demonstrates great wisdom and knowledge of matters relating to personal and corporate branding, starting and scaling a business, how to market and target effectively and how to attract customers. With his entrepreneurial journey spanning more than three decades, most of what he writes and shares comes from the experiences he has had. This makes him one of the most outstanding businesspeople today. By focusing on all aspects of business growth from effective marketing strategies and leadership, to how best to spread ideas and to disrupt business processes, Seth has arguably impacted, motivated and inspired many people around the world. In 2013, he was one of the three professionals to be inducted into the Direct Marketing Hall of Fame. Also, in 2018, he got inducted into American Marketing Association's Hall of Fame alongside Lee Clow and Esther Lee. According to Forbes, many marketers today owe their thinking to the works of Seth Godin.

From an individual perspective, Seth is a lifelong idol and source of inspiring. His ideas about business and life are enriching. To pick his brain, there are several things I wanted to know. Firstly, I wanted to know more about his personal life and how he got driven towards the entrepreneurship world. Secondly, the books and the content he has written or helped write. Thirdly, Seth has had a remarkable entrepreneurial journey entirely which can inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs. Finally, what advice could Seth have to young people?

About Seth Godin

Seth Godin is a globally renowned entrepreneur, best-selling author and also a global speaker who presents unique ideas for growing and scaling a business in these modern times. As a serial entrepreneur, he helped companies such as Yoyodyne in 1995 which was later sold to Yahoo! For $ 30 million. Another company he found is Squidoo which by 2008, was one of the most visited websites in the world. Seth is perhaps well known for his speaking roles and books. In his many speaking roles across the globe, Seth has been known to advance his thoughts about succeeding in business and life, and especially on how more and more people can achieve in entrepreneurship. He owns one of the most popular blogs in the world. As mentioned, he is well known for his books. Some of the best-sellers authored by Godin include Tribes, What To Do When It's Your Turn (And It's Always Your Turn), Purple Cow, and Linchpin which is his most recent one. In total, he has written more than 18 bestsellers and continued to write even today actively; contributing one blog post per day to his website.

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