Essay Example: Self-Assessment of Conflict Resolution Style

Published: 2023-12-13
Essay Example: Self-Assessment of Conflict Resolution Style
Essay type:  Narrative essays
Categories:  Relationship Conflict resolution
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 799 words
7 min read

When there is conflict in the workplace, home, or any other place, I try using assertive and cooperative means to solve the problem. I prefer using collaboration for both parties involved to get satisfied. At first, I will weigh on how difficult the matter is and explain to the parties involved in how strong the case is. I will inform both parties of the consequences of the conflict to others and themselves. I will then give the parties a chance to express their thoughts on the issue. If there are more people around, I will engage them and ask for their thoughts concerning the matter. People can help decide on the best direction you can follow to get a solution. Here, I will discover how everybody feels about the issue and the level of the conflict from the emotions of the parties involved.

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After getting more information on the conflict, I try to give my thoughts on the conflict. I tell the parties what I think is the main cause of the issue and the point everyone is differing. I engage everyone to see if people agree with what I am telling them. If most people are in disagreement, I will try and view the issue from another perspective that is satisfying for both parties. When we agree, I will engage them to determine the negative effects of the conflict on their environment. When we are both aware of what is at stake, we will focus on determining which side is right and which one is wrong. However, the solution should satisfy both parties and make them live peacefully (Wild, 2011). For instance, I will have to listen to the reasons people give for the solutions they want to come up with a solution that does not lean on one side.

This means that I have to find the common areas of understanding between the parties in conflict and give my main focus on them. Together with the people around, we will have to agree on the perfect procedure that might not bring more conflicts before a solution is met. We will both discuss what could happen if the procedure followed does not give good results. We will have to discuss alternatives to the solution to avoid complications in the future that may bring about more conflicts. I always analyze what is the best action for the problem and then ask people if they have differing thoughts. At this point, most of the conversations involve parties in conflict and focus on their interests. Those involved can help determine how long it can take to fully resolve the conflict, and I would suggest the shortest time possible.

When a solution has been reached, we will determine a way to pursue the future relationship between the conflicted parties. We may decide to watch the reaction of the parties after a few weeks or hold short meetings to discuss the progress of the conflict resolution. I will stay in contact with the parties to encourage a peaceful relationship and strengthen the bond. However, not all conflicts may get resolved easily. Some problems might be too big at the moment. In this case, I will engage people to come up with a temporary solution that will be beneficial to both sides until a permanent solution is found. The solution must be able to satisfy the parties for the period agreed (Berkeley, n.d.). If the conflict persists, then I will have to consider other measures like involving more people.

I can choose outsiders who are experienced at handling issues or ask for advice on the matter at hand. An outside party might have a better perspective on the issue and offer appropriate measures since outsiders are more neutral on the matter. If the matter is too big, I will have to include multiple outside parties to get the best alternatives for the solution or one strong solution to the problem. The solution must be ethical and avoid any illegal activity to avoid any other problems and do what is right (Kilmann Diagnostics, 2014). Depending on the stage of the conflict, we will choose how fast a solution is needed. When a conflict is getting out of hand, we have to discuss the fastest solution possible, even if it has to be temporary. This reduces the consequences faced because of the conflict. However, some temporary solutions turn up to be permanent after some time.


Berkeley. (n.d.). Resolving Conflict Situations. Berkeley.

Kilmann Diagnostics. (2014). TKI Whiteboard Animation [Video]. YouTube.

Wild, J. (2011). Stages of Conflict [Video]. YouTube.

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