Essay on Ethical Challenges and Judicial Flaws in the U.S. Supreme Court Case Ricci v. DeStefano (2009)

Published: 2023-11-05
Essay on Ethical Challenges and Judicial Flaws in the U.S. Supreme Court Case Ricci v. DeStefano (2009)
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Students Science Food Family Accounting
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 495 words
5 min read

The human race is not subject to perfect work - no human-made machine or system is a hundred percent efficient. Although the legislative system tries its best to work under a neutral guideline as dictated by the law, there are flaws along the way. The occurrence of decisions that act as lessons is a result of mishaps in the process of judgment. The U.S. Supreme Court case Ricci v. DeStefano (2009) is an example of a case that proves the presence of flaws in the imposition of law and constitution.

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Ethical issues play an important role in human life Ethical issues ensure that activities are done in the right manner. This issue has extended to court rulings because they ensure that whatever is done, it carried out in the right manner. Therefore, it is important for ethical issues to be observed. The ethical challenge presented in the case is the involvement of blacks in the quest to attain promotion which reflects equality. Most of the individuals from the African-American community demand to be treated the same way as the white majority community. In this case, these individuals have come up with the need to ensure that they also attain promotion. Only 20 people have applied and qualified for the roles, 19 being white men and one being Hispanic. Since none of the black men who took the test qualified, the officials saw it necessary to penetrate some into the promotion leaving out the legitimate individuals. It is unethical to allow such a thing since the right procedure was not followed (Muffler & Cavico, 2010).

Some of the decisions made in the courts of law may leave many people speechless. It is mind-blowing that such a decision was made. Also, the aftermath of the decision comes to cost one of the Hispanic firefighters; he retracted from the Hispanic firefighter's team. The Hispanic firefighter was also attacked due to his stand on filing a lawsuit against the decision. It is unfathomable that the legitimate procedure for the deduction of who is to be employed had an unwelcoming take. The people expecting promotion due to their hard work and persistence were psychologically affected and could not easily take in the conclusion (Muffler, Cavico 2010).

All parties, examiners, and assessed individuals, involved during the court proceedings were affected by rulings. The examiner had to face ethical challenges since there was an instance of not following the right procedure. Assessed individuals had psychological challenges as it was mind-disturbing that justice was not availed. The court ruling tried to calm things and make justice dominate.


Brodin, M. S. (2011). Ricci v. Destefano: The New Haven Firefighters Case & and the Triumph of White Privilege. S. Cal. Rev. L. & Soc. Just., 20, 161.

Muffler, S. C., Cavico, F. J., & Mujtaba, B. G. (2010). Diversity, disparate impact, and ethics in business: Implications of the New Haven firefighters' case and the Supreme Court's Ricci v. DeStefano Decision. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 75(3), 11.

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Essay on Ethical Challenges and Judicial Flaws in the U.S. Supreme Court Case Ricci v. DeStefano (2009). (2023, Nov 05). Retrieved from

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