Essay on From Haiti to Project Management: A Scholar's Journey and Vision for Housing Solutions

Published: 2023-12-06
Essay on From Haiti to Project Management: A Scholar's Journey and Vision for Housing Solutions
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Project management Education Economics School
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 772 words
7 min read

Haiti is home to beautiful mountains surrounded by water. The country boasts of being the first independent black republic in the world. Additionally, it successfully ended slavery without civil wars. The Haitian Creole and French are the country's official languages. Economically, many of the Haitian population is unfortunate and lives in the rural parts of the country. Houses in rural areas are mud-walled and thatched, while in urban areas, the lifestyle is comparable to modern American values (Pierre 45).

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They practice Christianity, of which the largest percentage of the population is Roman Catholics, followed by the Protestants. There also exist smaller numbers of Muslims, Buddhists, and a handful of subscribers of the Baha'i faith. Haitian Cuisine heavily borrows from French, African, native Taino, and Spanish influences (Hauge 21). Haitians are immensely affected by natural calamities such as earthquakes that claim hundreds of lives and subject millions to the risk of death due to a lack of basic needs. Amidst the calamities, Haitians have always remained resilient and spirited to live (Hauge 4).

Recently, more Haitians have migrated to the United States, increasing the number of students in the country's colleges and universities (Pierre 45). Many of these students left their homeland under terrible conditions, including fallout from natural disasters and political unrest, seeking a better future. Haiti is a country deeply entrenched in poverty, and hence its citizens have to grapple with, a low quality of life. As a result, fortunate families migrate to the U.S. to seek a healthier, cleaner, and better quality of life. Natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis that render millions of people homeless were an excellent motivation for our relocation. Natural disasters claim lives and disrupt the rest of the population since people take too long to adjust and fully recover from their adverse effects. The safety of a family and better education have always been a primary concern to most parents, and hence a change in the environment is almost inevitable (Pierre 45).

Political instability has hampered learning in most schools in the country. Colleges and universities continue to experience systemic problems such as antiquated curricula and limited financial support stemming from political rivalries. For instance, during Duvalier's regime, scholars, students, and teachers were viewed as threats to the operations of the administration. Consequently, most of them were controlled, suppressed, and imprisoned. Schools in significant cities were attacked, and the majority of students faced a total ban from school. It is in light of the challenges, as mentioned earlier in the education sector that parents resolve to relocate their children to the U.S. (Pierre 45).

Perimeter College students have a better quality of education and will undoubtedly make me excel in my chosen career path. Flexible studying hours will allow me to take up a part-time job to get pocket money to support my brothers in high school, hence relieving my father of some financial responsibilities. Perimeter College, with its unlimited resources, will fully equip me with all the project management knowledge I need to kick-start start project management career. I have full confidence in the instructors since they put their students' needs before theirs. I share in the college's mission of creating a wholesome individual.

Haiti has, for the longest time, grappled with the problem of housing and overcrowding (Hauge 4). I deserve this scholarship because, with a business degree with a major in Project Management, I hope to develop solutions to the housing and overcrowding problem. In high school, the administration recognized me for coming up with the idea to re-organize the school library to reflect today's student needs. Because of my efforts, the students enjoyed obtaining information and thereby improving the reading culture in the school.

My desired goal upon completion of the degree program is to work in the construction management industry in my mother country. As a child who grew up in abject poverty in Haiti, I have always yearned to find ways of helping out. My acquired skills will enable me to formulate ideas for increasing efficiency in coming up with low-income housing projects, hence solving the long-standing housing crisis in Haiti. Additionally, upon my graduation, I intend to form a foundation back in Haiti to mentor students, especially girls, to encourage them to take up courses in the male-dominated construction industry. With this scholarship, I can complete my degree, go back to my home country, and give back to society to the fullest.

Works Cited

Hauge, Wenche. Haiti: A Political Economy Analysis. Norwegian Institute Of International Affairs, Norway, 2018, pp. 1-66,

Pierre, Lucien. "Psychosocial Impacts On Young Adult Haitian Immigrant Students In The United States." Walden University, 2018. pp. 26–95.

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Essay on From Haiti to Project Management: A Scholar's Journey and Vision for Housing Solutions. (2023, Dec 06). Retrieved from

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