Essay Sample on How Electronic Health Records Revolutionized Healthcare Delivery

Published: 2023-11-06
Essay Sample on How Electronic Health Records Revolutionized Healthcare Delivery
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Electronics Nursing management Interpersonal communication
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1176 words
10 min read


The interprofessional collaboration is a situation in which two or more professions tend to work together with the primary aim of realizing the same goals and in resolving complex problems. As a physician, the introduction of electronic health record (EHR) system was expected to deliver the desired outcome in easing the accessibility of the clients’ records. The tool made it easier to share real-time information among the various departments in the health unit a move that made it easier to realize the desired outcome. The quality of healthcare was improved, and there were rising cases of satisfied patients. The patients were in a position to access their information, and this ensured that there were an easier flow and exchange of details between the nursing personnel and the patients.

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Information Technology

The decision-making process was eased, and there was a lot of support offered by the information technology team that ensured that the nursing team was in a position to access the required details with ease. It was not easy to use the system, considering that it lacked the information technology (IT) background. One of the issues that made it challenging to utilize the system was the fact that the EHR system contained health care data from thousands of sites, such as the laboratory, ambulatory services, and hospitals (Romijn et al., 2020). I had to cover many pages before I accessed the details I wanted, and this took a lot of time, and the process became boring. The problem was made worse by the fact that the information technology team was not willing to help even after notifying them, I was a slow learner on matters technology.

I believed that the solution lied with the IT team, and when they agreed to collaborate, I managed to appreciate working with the EHR tool. Additionally, the system was later modified to ensure that I mainly accessed the only details that pertained to my working process. The details that were not useful to my work were screened out by the IT team, and this made the working process easier and smooth. Therefore, the interprofessional collaboration that existed between the nurses and the IT group helped to raise the quality of services delivered.

Interprofessional Collaboration

In the case of the Vila Health Team, one of the significant issues that have been noted is the lack of interprofessional collaboration between the health care officers and the persons that have a duty of installing the health record system. In this case, the unit is relying on Healthix system, and it is clear that the nurses are having a hard time accessing the details that they need. They have to navigate more than three pages before getting the information that they require, and this is taking a significant amount of their time.

The process is also boring, and they are failing to enjoy the benefits that come with having an EHR in a hospital. The leadership of this health unit need to understand that the activities of all the departments are interconnected, and when one of the sectors is not operating optimally, the others are highly likely to suffer. The nurses in the Vila health unit are raising suggestions on the ways that they believe that the system can ease their work and the IT team is not willing to offer feedback on whether the nurses’ opinions can be implemented.

The issue shows that there is a breakdown of communication between these two departments, and the issue is likely to have adverse effects on business operations (Chew et al., 2019). Lack of cooperation among the workforce will only lead to more problem when handling the affairs in the hospital. The health unit is likely to collapse due to the inefficiency of operations for it can be noted that it has invested in electronic health recording system but it is not being optimally utilised.

Recording System

The recording system is causing troubles to the nurses for the tool is sometimes stating errors when entering vital details. The nurses are getting tired of trying to use a system that is failing to offer the desired outcome. They revert to recording the details in a paper that can be easily lost. It is not logical to install the EHR system that costs a lot of money with the desire to ease the communication process, but still, the nurses are using papers to make their records.

Some of the recommendations that will help in easing the working process include ensuring that there is a cohesive working environment in the hospital. All the professionals should be ready to seek advice on issues that they do not understand. Additionally, workers should ensure that they are responding in the right manner to the issues raised by their colleagues at the workplace. The health unit has professionals from various departments that are working towards the realization of the same goals (Craig et al., 2020). However, their duties are not the same for the IT personnel do not have the knowledge possessed by the nurses.

When the physicians are provided with the Healthix system, they should be trained on the way to use for this is one of the significant moves that will ensure that the nurses are having an easier time using the health recording system (Pomare et al., 2020). These details can be shared with the colleagues at the Vila hospital and the leadership to ensure that the right mechanisms are implemented for the success of the centre. The electronic health record system works towards ensuring that the various teams that are in the hospital are collaborating.


All the employees should ensure that they are handling their departmental affairs in the right way. The information technology stakeholders should ensure that other departments are managing to use the electronic devices installed in the hospital with ease. They should offer adequate training and if it is necessary, they should institute mechanisms that will ensure that the available system is personalised to meet the needs of the various sections of a health care facility. The leadership of the Vila Health Care has a mandate of ensuring that everyone is happy and satisfied with the provided working conditions.


Chew, B. H., Tang, C. J., Lim, W. S., Yap, J. K. Y., Zhou, W., & Liaw, S. Y. (2019). Interprofessional bedside rounds: Nurse-physician collaboration and perceived barriers in an Asian hospital. Journal of interprofessional care, 33(6), 820-822.
https://doi: 10.1080/13561820.2019.1566218

Craig, S. L., Eaton, A. D., Belitzky, M., Kates, L. E., Dimitropoulos, G., & Tobin, J. (2020). Empowering the team: A social work model of interprofessional collaboration in hospitals. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 19, 100327.

Pomare, C., Long, J. C., Churruca, K., Ellis, L. A., & Braithwaite, J. (2020). Interprofessional collaboration in hospitals: a critical, broad-based review of the literature. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 1-11.
https://doi: 10.1080/13561820.2019.1702515

Romijn, A., Teunissen, P. W., de Bruijne, M. C., Wagner, C., & de Groot, C. J. (2018). Interprofessional collaboration among care professionals in obstetrical care: are perceptions aligned?. BMJ quality & safety, 27(4), 279-286.

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