Essay Sample on Shepard's Garden

Published: 2023-05-31
Essay Sample on Shepard's Garden
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Advertising Business
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1838 words
16 min read


Shepard's Garden is the business selected for the project. The organization is a family-owned business situated in Williston, North Dakota. The enterprise is located on 313 Main Street. The core activity of the company is providing flowers and related products within the vicinity of Williston Township. Some of the main product lines that the organization deals with include fresh cut flowers, Mylar balloons, candy bouquet, and funeral flowers. Other offers are gift baskets, party balloons, wedding flowers, and gifts, among many offerings. Family-owned businesses experience multiple challenges, including the limitation for growth and expansion. Inadequate access to capital undermines their ability to reach new markets. Such limitation prompts the need to conduct a marketing campaign to create more awareness about the business' products within Williston and its environs. Since the organization is located within a limited area of the city, it is essential to investigate the impact of marketing on the catchment of the business. Moreover, the city has experienced significant population growth in the last decade linked to improved economic conditions as a result of fracking oil business. Hence, choosing an enterprise associated with the sale of flowers and related products provides an opportunity to study the social behaviors of people living in the city and how the change in incomes affect their engagement in social functions. For instance, is the rise in income resulting from oil business impacting the tendency of residents to engage in social activities requiring flowers, or is it the typical trait among the population?

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Advertising Theme

The advertising theme "Flowering Your Life All The Way" will be used for Shepard's Garden advertisement campaign. The first step in designing the theme involved defining the needs and wants of the potential purchasers of the products of the organization. The strategy is to determine the wants or needs that the product of the business under review seeks to address. In a more profound sense, the process entailed defining the symbolic need that floral goods and other related products will satisfy the consumers of Williston and its surrounding areas. The next phase was to design the theme in such a way that it is construed as an avenue of resolving the social problems/needs of the target customers. It is essential to crafting the message in such a manner that customers perceive it as a tool for solving their issues straight-forwardly. The most significant aspect of the design is to ensure that customers associate themselves positively to the message presented in the advertisement. The last consideration in arriving at the theme is memorability. The factor of being easily memorized or able to easily stick in the minds of the customers was reached by choosing words that link the product to the impact it creates on the consumers. Since the primary goods that the business offers are a selection of flowers and related products and services, the author considered it necessary to include the term flower in the theme to foster the ability of the consumers to remember the subject matter of the advertisement quickly. It also essential that the customers associate the theme of the advertisement with the product that is being promoted and, therefore, choosing words as indicated presents an almost instance awareness to the audience that the product that is being advertised is related to flowers.

The overarching consideration in coming with the stated theme was that it has the potential of not only attracting positive response but also provokes psychological effects on the current and potential customers. A compelling advertising message appreciates the value of consumer psychology and what motivates their purchasing decisions. That means the theme must create individual emotional responses from the consumers regarding the impact of the product on given issues or problems in their lives. The central aspect of the psychological implications that one needs to consider is that the theme has the potential to evoke positive cognitive reactions from the consumers (Fennis & Stroebe, 2010). In other words, the marketing theme should create an emotional meaning on the things that the consumers regard as valuable to their lives. In this respect, the words "Flowering Life" imply that the products offered by the organization not only seek to actualize the needs of the clients but also create an enduring emotional connection with the lives of the consumers, thereby helping them achieve their aspirations.

The Time of the Year and the Marketing Campaign

The theme chosen is the valentine theme, which occurs from January to mid- February. Marketing is a way of communicating the company product to the final consumers. Marketing influences purchasing behavior among consumers as well as increase sales. Sales promotion is one way that marketers use to increase sales and increase profits in the short term as well as the long-term through customer loyalty (Jean & Yazdanifard, 2015). In the case of Shepherd Garden, sales promotion in the short term will live a mark in the mind of customers because of the theme chosen and the timing. In this regard, there is a likelihood of increasing sales and consequently earn profits in the long term. It is in this view that a 5-day promotion will play an important role in promoting the company business. In the five days, there shall be attractive promotional activities to entice customers into buying our flowers. The timing of the offer puts the Shepherd Garden's promotion strategy perfect because it is around the valentine time where flowers are used in the expression of feelings of love and care. The five-day events are listed as;

Day 1

The slogan for the day will be "buy two get one free." The promotion is intended to increase sales as many people would love to get free flowers. It is expected that beneficiaries will be enticed to buy more and also inform others to visit the organization's premises to peruse available offerings.

Day 2

Buyers will be encouraged by the marketing statement reading, "Buy 3 let it be delivered for free". Modern marketing has significantly changed over recent years. Many people prefer to order, and the items are delivered at their doorsteps. It is anticipated that giving people a free delivery day would truly increase sales as other people will try and use the opportunity.

Day 3

The gimmick for the day's promotion will be "Buy a flower and refer a friend to get gifted." The logic behind this promotion is to use existing customers to bring other customers. In return, the existing customers shall be rewarded for their loyalty with a gift.

Day 4

On the fourth day, the clarion call will be, "Buy a bouquet and find attached gift hampers". The motivation behind this strategy is to use existing customers to bring other customers. In return, the existing customers shall be rewarded for their loyalty with a gift

Day 5

The final day is meant for offering discounts, and the slogan will be "buy all bouquets and get a 20% discount". Discounts are a monetary form of sales promotion where customers are enticed to buy because of the reduction in prices. Giving customers a discount would encourage them to buy and also attract new customers who may have wind about the discount.

Advertisement Platforms

The Newspaper

The local paper chosen for the advertisement is The Shopper advertising newspaper. According to the information available on its Facebook page, the paper is the leading advertising platform in Williston and boasts more than 37, 0000 readers in the entire state (The Shopper, 2020). Since it specializes in advertising products of companies within Williston and North Dakota, it provides an appropriate platform through which the goods and services of Shepard's Garden can be exposed to a huge audience of potential customers. Such a strategy will be in line with the strategy of growing the business outside Williston. According to Moriarty et al. (2015), a medium with an adequate reach of potential customers should be used when advertising.

Newspaper Advertisement

Are you looking for something to spice up your ceremonies? A wedding, birthday party, or otherwise? Then Shepard's Garden is the perfect place to enable you to have a memorable experience. Located on 313 Main Street Williston, the outlet offers you the best option of flower/balloon assortment to fit your occasion. We strive to make every occasion enduring with flowers. We are famed within Williston and its environs for offering our customers the best choice of flowers for wedding ceremonies, birthday parties, and other social events. We customize flowers to meet your needs and make timely deliveries to your doorstep. We understand the value that fresh flowers have on the consumers and, therefore, strive to offer the best quality in town. Our prices are among the most competitive in the city. All you need to do is visit our premises on 313 Main Street and peruse through the best offers available in respect to your needs. For those who cannot make to our location, visit the organization's Facebook page, @ShepardsGardenFloral, for further inquiries. Fulfilling your needs is our primary responsibility.

Social Media Tools

Making Twitter Posts is one of the tools that will be employed during the marketing campaign. The purpose of the posts is to provide information about the location of the business as well as the various offerings available. The idea of using the posts is to provide brands mentions, which will expose customers to the multiple selections they can consider for the social event during the Valentine season. A range of prices will also be provided regarding the various products that the business sells and a description of the payment channels available to the customers, especially to those that chose to make their purchases online. The overall objective of using this tool assesses the competitiveness of the organization's products, which will turn give insight into the presence of any competition in Williston city and also evaluate whether the marketing campaign is working depending as anticipated.

The other tool that will be deployed in the campaign is Facebook Chats. The messages that will be contained in this tool are features about the products offered and their ability to fulfill customer needs, especially during the season of spreading love. The primary reason for deploying this tool is to gather the reaction of both existing and potential consumers of the business' floral products regarding pricing, deliveries, and also the ability of the products to meet their needs. The main motivation for chatting through the Facebook page is established whether the campaign activities taking place at the business premises are receiving positive reception. The platform will further enable the campaigner to address any grievances of customers.

Instagram will be further be used to display the floral images of the business. The focus will be given to images of new offerings. The platform will contain various shapes, sizes, and colors of the floral products that are on offer at Shepard's Garden. Moreover, the platform will contain images of flowers, and related products have been designed to meet the customization needs of clients. This implies that those visiting the site consider the selections are given, or order post the intended appearance of their orders for customization.

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Essay Sample on Shepard's Garden. (2023, May 31). Retrieved from

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