Essay Sample on Strength and Weaknesses of Budget and Resource Allocation of Nassau-Suffolk Region

Published: 2023-05-14
Essay Sample on Strength and Weaknesses of Budget and Resource Allocation of Nassau-Suffolk Region
Type of paper:  Case study
Categories:  Budgeting
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 451 words
4 min read

A well-planned budget and resource allocation process is vital to ensure active participation of all the stakeholders. When planning budget and resource allocation, the committees should take time to review and interpret the HIV data used in decision making. The aim of this paper is to describe the strength and weakness of budget and resource allocation process, steps to follow to ensure the consumers understands basic principles of budget, and how to manage conflicts of interest of consumers in Nassau-Suffolk region.

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The strength of budget and resource allocation is driving performance, prioritizes vital activities, and mitigates risk in the organization (Anthony et al., n.d). The finance sub-committee reviews HIV data to examine the individuals in need of assistance and set a new goal to bring a certain percentage of newly diagnosed and unaware individuals to care. The weakness of budget and resource allocation is encouraging subjectivity, such as considering financial outcomes only. Nassau-Suffolk region committees allocate funds to treat people living with HIV in the budget and expected results. Still, they do not deal with issues, such as the quality of products and services to the patients of HIV (Anthony et al., n.d). The SAP management committee should incorporate all the problems in the budget and resource allocation.

The steps of ensuring all members understand the basic principles of budget and resource management is providing top management support, ensuring the participation of employees and consumers in goal setting. Another step is communicating the results with people to ensure the flexibility of the budget and resource allocation and follow-up for corrections (Anthony et al., n.d). The members should understand the purpose of the funds allocated in the organization to deliver appropriate services to the patients of HIV.

To manage the conflicts of interest, the SAP committee should establish a process to reduce the conflicts and ensure financial distancing between Ryan White-HIV funding program and Nassau-Suffolk region members (Anthony et al, n.d). The committees should implement effective management strategies to reduce conflicts of interest in the workplace, such as monitoring the activities to be done using the funds from Ryan White-HIV Program.

In conclusion, the strengths and weaknesses of budget and resource allocation process are driving performance, prioritizes key activities, mitigate risks, and encourages subjectivity. The steps to take to ensure all members understand the basic principles of budget and resource management providing top management support, the participation of employees, and consumers in goal setting. To manage the conflicts of interest, the SAP committee should establish a process to manage the conflicts and ensure financial distancing.


Anthony J. Santella, DrPH, MCHES, and Georgette Beal, MHA1 (n.d.) Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Priority Setting and Resource Management Process

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Essay Sample on Strength and Weaknesses of Budget and Resource Allocation of Nassau-Suffolk Region. (2023, May 14). Retrieved from

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