Eugenics - Free Paper Example

Published: 2023-12-12
Eugenics - Free Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  History United States Research Animals Science
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 879 words
8 min read


Scientists have improved various species by breeding out diseases, disadvantaged characteristics, and disabilities in the available creatures. According to Castles (876), eugenics came into place to improve the kind of breeds to adapt to the emerging changes to the environment. It was prudent because the changes in the world pattern of weather had made more species vulnerable to diseases. Therefore, coming up with ways of improving the kind of breeds existing on the earth was essential in improving the survival of certain breeds. For instance, various sources are giving well-detailed information on how the eugenics were performed on various breeds of animals in the world.

The sources are preserved for historical purposes, and they are also used for the learning of scientists aiming to improve the currents breeds further. The primary breeding sources provide all the nitty-gritty information essential for any person interested in the learning process of eugenics. Thus, for an easier understanding of primary eugenics sources, it is safe to take a case study of North Carolina State archives on how their primary sources explain the process of eugenics processes that occurred to various breed types in the 20th century.

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Sources Provided

According to the sources provided in North Carolina states, it is vivid that the eugenics' process was tedious and required various consultations from scientists in achieving it. The primary sources that were available at the archives included the diaries, the motion clips that were recorded, manuscripts of the speeches of scientists, clinical reports, and the people who were present during the eugenics process. The sources are arranged chronologically in the way the events happened. The sources aim to give a vivid description of how the scientist executed the process of coming up with the better breeds to improve their chances of survival in the world. Also, the sources show the minutes of the meetings held in identifying features that were required to be improved in a specific breed. Also, this explains the characteristics of a breed that need to be eradicated to improve the chances of the newer breed of surviving swiftly to the changes of the environment.

More so, the other sources compared the previous breeds of species to the improved type of species. Through video clips, the sources could give unique differences or features that were making the previous species a weaker breed that needed to get improved through eugenics. The representation of eugenics was well described as the scientists chronologically learned from each other until they realized the required perfect breed species. Therefore, the combination of all sources played a massive role in showing the nitty-gritty information that could be linked in explaining the whole process of eugenics (Brophy et al. 89). Even though the sources used different ways of disseminating the information, the scientist could understand the change of events and differences of ideas that lead to the need to apply other techniques in arriving at a preferred breed.

Eugenic Process

Different sources showed different ways in which the eugenic process was applied. Firstly, the North Carolina state archives had written, digital media and picture sources to explain the eugenic process. For example, in describing how better breeds were arrived at by cross-breeding health animals. Digital clips were precise about how healthy breeds were forced to come up with a better breed. The breeds with weaknesses or disabilities were prohibited from taking part in the exercise (Castles 887). On the other hand, primary sources from the written manuscripts showed how scientists followed in the laps in coming up with better and unique breeds that had the best features in surviving the dynamic environment.

According to the archives' sources, anybody could be able to write a better history concerning the eugenics exercise. The primary eugenics sources describe all the procedures followed in bringing up the better species in the world. Different categories of researchers could be provided with all the needed information with the sources available in the North Carolina state concerning the development of a stronger breed discovered in the 19th century (Castles 855). The sources provided all the chronological events that were followed in coming up with the scientific procedures that could give a specific animal species an advantage on the final products coming from the process. Thus, it can be stated that the sources provided all the acquired information that a researcher required for a vivid description of eugenics procedures that were done by the ancient scientists.


According to the sources provided, the research question required for the projects can be several based on the information provided by the archives. The research question is needed to explain the need for enhancing the eugenics practices and how the sources can aid in the learning process of future students. The research question will help the student understand the effectiveness of primary sources in researching various topics.

Works Cited

Brophy, Alfred L., and Elizabeth Troutman. "The eugenics movement in North Carolina." NCL Rev. 94 (2015): 1871.

Castles, Katherine. "Quiet eugenics: Sterilization in North Carolina's institutions for the mentally retarded, 1945-1965." The Journal of Southern History 68.4 (2002): 849-878. A_gaHs3obPhr9lILTjB87LDH1N12ryptudr067--7JW0284xexU5YFsXehL1_H8qrKFL065eZypKQXmUpRK5uMdg.

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