Free Essay: Personal Statement

Published: 2023-10-17
Free Essay: Personal Statement
Essay type:  Personal statement
Categories:  Learning Biology Dentistry Profession
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1293 words
11 min read

Throughout my life, I have focused on being all-rounded. I have loved interacting with doctors, which I have found to be interesting based on the way they communicate with the patients. I also like listening and asking doctors questions as they examine and treat patients. Through the services obtained from the doctors, I have learned the various services aligned with essential values (Lowrance and Birnbaum, 1766). As a result, I have focused on being well-rounded to improve my personal experience and find a balance between my interests and my family responsibilities. I have worked hard to fit into society by using service to provide the link between science and my personal life. Having migrated to the United States of America four years ago, I have not been able to find the course I did which is a major in chemical engineering. As a result, I had to change my major to biological science and do dentistry. I want to study biological science major and become a dentist so that I understand the responsibilities of a dentist as well as the skills and knowledge required.

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My knowledge form of chemical engineering gives me the ability to provide evidence in the field of science. Through chemical engineering, I have been able to solve problems surrounding me, especially issues to do with dentistry. After migrating from Iran to the United States, my father got Parkinson disease, and I have to work and at the same time study. According to Lowrance and Birnbaum (1766), "medical students from disadvantaged backgrounds are more likely, when they become physicians, to serve patients from similar circumstances than their non-disadvantaged peers." Focusing on various social changes, I have learned of the various social issues that affect modern society. These issues inspire me to work hard towards combating them with the best of my capabilities. My capabilities and the opportunities from the field of biological sciences have the potential to allow me to excel in the sciences as well dentistry throughout my life, and my interest has developed even more after moving to the United States of America.

My interest in doing dentistry is based on my service orientation which entails the desire to help others and being sensitive to the needs and feelings of others. Besides, my social skills and cultural competence that affect my interactions and behaviors will allow me to suit in the medical field and engage in diverse and competing perspective for learning. I have decided to pursue biological sciences major full-heartedly, and I will dedicate my time and efforts to improve my study tactics. Teamwork with collaborating with others to achieve shared goals will help me achieve my career goals. My inspiration to study biological sciences and focus on dentistry is based on my ethical responsibility to self and others as well as being reliable and dependable, which involves taking responsibility for personal actions and performance.

I worked in a Walgreen pharmacy, and I got a pharmacy technician degree. After which I went to the dental clinic as an intern, which was very interesting for me such that I decided to go to dental school. Working as a physician has allowed me to balance the reality of a person's humanity and care for other individuals. During my internship, I did a lot of dental-related activities while considering the internship as a real job. I acquired various skills and abilities during the internship, including clean and sterilizing the dental treatment room. I also learned various healthcare programs, such as how dentists and dental assistants work together.

During my 120 hours internship, my experience nurtured my passion for medicine, and I found that working in a dental clinic requires more than pharmacological knowledge. Throughout the internship, I addressed various difficulties while seeking out the underlying fears and feelings in patients. My passion for biological sciences motivates me to share knowledge and emanates from my curiosity. During the internship, I learned that physicians are sensitive and perceptive of spirit. As a result, my desire to become a physician has been validated as I have to be a person ready to sacrifice and give altruistically.

I was shadowing for two months last summer (2019) for the D2O dental clinic in Sacramento. My shadowing experience has stimulated my curiosity and the desire to learn more in the field of medicine and things in the surrounding. Besides, shadowing physicians fueled my curiosity in dentistry. As a result, I enjoy the connections in medicine as it allows me to gather knowledge from specialities by collecting distinct concepts to come up with a coherent picture.

I have an associate degree for pharmacy technician from Ashworth College. From my experience during my study, I have realized that my desire in medicine as an individual is not misguided. I have learned to practice empathy and compassion through my experiences as a pharmacy technician, and my purpose has not changed. I have developed my understanding as a physician, and I work hard to help ensure every individual lives a healthy life through effective practice in medicine.

I had a complicated situation when I came to the United States. Firstly, I could not bring my bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from Iran. Secondly, I should work and study at the same time and settle down my family here. As a result, I am ready to sacrifice my time to serve in my capacity with purpose. Therefore, I believe that my experience will be valuable as a physician as I can establish a balance between my service and my personal life as a physician and a dental clinic officer. As a result, I will be connected to the human experience through this opportunity.

I will serve the patient with compassion while taking take of my family here in the United States. Studying biological science as a major will allow me to blend the roles as a dental clinician and a pharmacist and have a responsibility to my family. I realize my success as well as effectiveness as a physician, which has shown my ability to harmonize my ambition to study biological sciences sufficiently.

When I was in Iran, I was a soccer player, and I was a member of our soccer team for university. In pursuing my career, I have always sought new experiences to the outside world. As a result, during my bachelor's degree in chemical engineering, I contributed to the university team by participating in soccer games.

Most of the activities I pursued when doing a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering in Iran were chosen for the plan and not just for utility. With my interests in various human activities, I have discovered the importance of bridging individuals' needs with health care. The experience I have gained has helped me learn to communicate in health care effectively and pay attention to others' feelings efficiently.

Besides, my passion and interests and the need to change from the field of chemical engineering to a major in biological science, I am highly motivated to become a pharmacist and pursue in the field of medicine. My career goal is to assume the role of natural science, especially in the dental clinic, which will allow me to offer service to society and take care of my family. I am currently looking to resume my professional career due to my excellent skills and ready to gain thorough biological sciences knowledge.

I hope I will be accepted to progress and get the professional guidance that I believe will make me a great physician in the future.

Work Cited

Lowrance, Adam M., and Matthew G. Birnbaum. "Am I Disadvantaged? How Applicants

Decide Whether to Use the Disadvantaged Status in the American Medical College Application Service." Academic Medicine : Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 2019, doi:10.1097/ACM.0000000000002798.

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