Free Essay Sample: Importance of Interprofessional Team Collaboration

Published: 2023-10-18
Free Essay Sample: Importance of Interprofessional Team Collaboration
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Communication Organizational culture Leadership management
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1360 words
12 min read

Interprofessional team collaboration plays an essential role in the success of an organization. Team collaboration helps solve the challenges facing the firm when different departments give their opinion on how a case should be addressed (Boyer, 2017). In a healthcare facility, interprofessional collaboration is portrayed when the professionals in the facility work together to provide patient care.

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In any organization, effective use of communication and collaborative strategies ensures that there is a healthy relationship in the firm (Gutierrez & Roman, 2018). The information should be in line with the mission and vision of the health facility to ensure that employees strive to achieve the objectives of the organization. Effective communication should be adopted by employees to warrant successful passage of information to all departments. Communication and collaborative strategies has to involve all the departments in the organization, by allowing the team leaders to give their views on matters affecting their units. A health care setting that adopts collaborative strategies have most of their problems resolved because, teamwork allows sharing of ideas to find solutions to the problem that the facility faces.

The health care setting that interests me is the Anson General Hospital. It is located in Texas and offers a wide range of inpatient, chronic care, emergency, outpatient, ambulatory care, and long-term care services. The various teams that work together include the doctors and nurses who strive to provide quality service to the patients.

Several factors hinder interprofessional team collaboration in a health facility. A team without a clearly defined purpose will not perform as a unit as there is no specific task that binds them. Therefore, it affects the ability of health care workers to deliver quality services to patients and their families. A collaborative team needs to be trained to work together for it to be successful. Failure to prepare the interprofessional team will result in poor teamwork as they will not coordinate effectively. The size of the group also plays a vital role in the success of cooperation as too many or very few members reduces the ability of the team to work effectively. Another issue that may arise is the failure of the health facility to set up an effective communication medium. It makes the transfer of information hard, which will, in turn, affect how the team operates. Failure of the healthcare workers to act as a team will result in poor service delivery, which means that the quality of treatment that the patients will receive is low (Sibiya, 2018).

A healthy culture is essential in ensuring that an organization runs the day-to-day activities smoothly. A healthy organizational culture acknowledges the shared norms, beliefs, values standards, and attitudes of the workplace to help develop positive results (Safeer & Allen, 2019). Several factors define a healthy culture, (Payne et al., 2018) the attributes include, creation of top-performing teams. Having a quality team in an organization results in quality work as those involved are well equipped to tackle the challenges they are facing. Informing the groups of their objectives helps develop a sense of responsibility where the team feels obliged to deliver on the assigned task. The health facility should adopt conflict management policies to ensure that instances of differences in the organization are resolved. An agreement should be reached to enable the conflicting parties to work as a team. An organization should build meaningful teams that are required and have a role to play for collaborative groups to be effective. Communication is an integral facet in an organization's success; according to (Bucata & Rizescu, 2017), excellent communication should have a clear message in it to enable the receiver of the information to understand what is being expressed. It should also be complete and have all the information that a receiver is required to know to avoid misinformation. The choice of words used in communication should be more natural for the receiver to understand. It should also be polite to ensure that the receiver does not feel offended and should consider the team's opinion.

Communication style is how people tend to converse with each other. There are several ways in which communication styles can be applied to facilitate productive communication. When dealing with aggressive communicators, one should remain calm and seek assistance from the Human Resource team. When communicating with a passive employee, one needs to be definite on the employees' expectations and make sure they truly understand the role they are supposed to play to ensure that communication has been effective.

A leader can support a collaborative culture and enhance communication by allowing the team to take leadership roles. By allowing the team members to lead in areas they are best suited, the group will produce the best results possible, rather than limiting themselves to leadership roles that the leader is not best suited. A good leader asks for directions when managing the team rather than being aggressive and forcing team members to refrain from raising concerns when they feel something is not being done right. Seeking clarification helps the team avoid unnecessary errors. The team should engage in dialogue and allow members to give their opinions on a particular issue, thus coming up with a solution and creating confidence between the different teams. Leaders should encourage diversity among the group, as this will encourage unique approaches to finding solutions.

Employee satisfaction in a health care facility is vital in ensuring patients are provided with quality care because, the production level increases with the level of content. It ensures that the quality of service delivery is high, and patients are treated with more responsibility because their satisfaction determines whether customer experience at the facility will be positive or negative (Aron, 2015). Professional communication should involve proper listening skills where one carefully concentrates on the message that is being conveyed to ensure they understands all the information required. Another quality is clarity, where the message that is communicated should have clear guidelines of what is needed. The information should be friendly to the employees because sensitive information affects the workers' morale. Professional communication should also be open-minded to give room for opinions in which members of an organization can provide feedback on how they feel work should be handled in the organization.

A healthcare leader plays a vital role in ensuring that employees work as a team and effectively communicate. According to (DeSimone &Roberts, 2016), leaders should encourage networks among employees by strengthening workplace relationships and the flow of information through interaction at the organization. They should also ensure there is transparent communication which helps employees engage in conversation with the patients, their families, and fellow staff, thus enhancing collaboration in the facility. Leaders should build a relationship of trust to enable all the parties to have the freedom to seek clarification and give opinions of matters in the organization (Fuller et al. 2018).


Interprofessional team collaboration is a crucial element in ensuring a healthcare facility is successful. Therefore, it should be incorporated in health institutions as it enables the organization to have positive results.


Aron, S. (2015). Relationship Between Nurses' Job Satisfaction and Quality of Healthcare they Deliver. All Theses, Dissertations, and Other Capstone Projects. 50.

Boyer, S. (2017). The Importance of Collaboration in the Workplace. Scientific Research Journal. 6-9Bucata, G., & Rizescu, A. M. (2017). The Role of Communication in Enhancing Work Effectiveness of an Organization. Land Forces Academy Review, 22(1), 49-57.

DeSimone, J. R., & Roberts, L. A. (2016). Fostering Collaboration Between Preservice Educational Leadership and School Counseling Graduate Candidates. The Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision, 8(2), 2.

Fuller, M., Heijne-Penninga, M., Kamans, E., van Vuuren, M., de Jong, M., & Wolfensberger, M. (2018). Identifying Competence characteristics for Excellent Communication Professionals. Journal of communication management.

Gutiérrez-Porlán, I., & Román-García, M. (2018). Strategies for the Communication and Collaborative Online Work by University Students. Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal, 26(1).

Payne, J., Cluff, L., Lang, J., Matson-Koffman, D., & Morgan-Lopez, A. (2018). Elements of a Workplace Culture of Health, Perceived Organizational Support for Health, and Lifestyle Risk. American Journal of Health Promotion, 32(7), 1555-1567.

Safeer, R., & Allen, J. (2019). Defining a Culture of Health in the Workplace. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 61(11), 863-867.

Sibiya, M. N. (2018). Effective Communication in Nursing. Nursing, 19.

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