Free Essay Sample on Benefits Package With the HR Manual

Published: 2023-11-06
Free Essay Sample on Benefits Package With the HR Manual
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Employment Motivation
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 932 words
8 min read


The compensation package is important because it offers a clear definition of the health benefits, and a basic salary in the company (Diez et al., 2019). Once the human resource management and strategic plan of the company are reviewed, then the compensation plan is included by adding the health benefits and salary to meet the needs of the workers. Once the implementation is identified the team bonus program is then initiated to offer high customer service to cover other alternative forms of services.

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HR Strategies

Many corporations believe that their success is aligned with the proper management of the human resource department. The claim is also effective for smaller businesses because they do not have financial resources to ensure that HR is efficient. One way the HR uses is by balancing the balance of employees aspirations and goals to those of the organization. The company’s objectives and goals are vital for survival if the company wants to gain market shares, make profits or gain global recognition (Jaiswal, 2015). Therefore getting the right employees is the only way of achieving this, and the HR’s role is to ensure that it happens.

Maintaining Adequate People

One strategy the human resource managers focus on is to ensure that the business has the right people who will perform under human resource needs. Such procedures involve developing an organization structure that will identify the type of contract that will work with different types of people (Jaiswal, 2015). The right people are then hired and trained. The only way the HR team does this is by competing with the job market to make sure that only the most talented and the best workers are recruited to assist in fulfilling the company’s objectives and goals leading to higher profits

Maximizing Employee Performance

The second strategy that works best once the required workforce is recruited is by ensuring that the workers are dedicated and motivated to maximize their performance. The HR uses various motivational methods such as the company’s benefits, increased pay and promotion to shore up employee performance (Jaiswal, 2015). The HR also negotiates improved performance and train employees with the trade union officials. Lastly, HR can play a role in disciplining errant workers if their conducts or performance is unsatisfactory.

Various methods can also be implemented to ensure that the company gains a competitive advantage. One way of doing this is by implementing the four Ps of marketing (price, promotion, place and product) presented in compelling ways that differentiate the firm’s services or products from the competitors (Jaiswal, 2015). The second strategy is by embracing the marketing strategies that will make the company achieve a sustainable competitive advantage achieved by the employees and the leaders.

Two Methods for Communicating HR Strategy

Communication is an important tool in any company. Whether the reason is to update workers on the new rules, to prepare for natural disasters, or to ensure that there is safety throughout the company, effective communication is the only effective tool in management (Thatcher, 2016). The only way the company can make this a success story is by developing comprehensive strategies and policies that create a stable communication platform for the stakeholders, employees and the constituency. Communication is something that company leaders must embrace instead of depending on other options of solving challenges (Thatcher, 2016). Identifying the audience concerns is the only way to ensure that any communication strategy is efficient.

One way HR can use to make communication effective is by holding town hall meetings. Whether the team plans to travel or the company owns offices, the face-to-face conversation is vital with the groups despite the size of the firm (Thatcher, 2016). The HR should make sure that they are not just lecturing but embracing a two-way candid catalogue. This way, the HR will understand the challenges facing the team members, ways of solving them and ensuring that the leaders are making the right decisions.

The second way the HR can ensure that there is effective communication is through the employee handbook (Thatcher, 2016). As known, the handbook is used to communicate the policies, guidelines and the standard operating procedures. The handbook is also used to communicate the company’s values; vision and mission to assist them in establishing employment brand and organizational culture (Thatcher, 2016). Even though most handbooks are traditionally done in print form, most of them send clear messages to employees on the company’s future goals.


Instead of guessing what the employees desire in the compensation packages, it is vital to conduct a compensation survey that will access the type of benefits necessary to the worker. Compensations are known to improve employee satisfaction, motivation and morale (Diez et al., 2019). If workers are not satisfied the turnover will increase, and this will lead to low quality work. Therefore a proper compensation plan will not only increase employee loyalty but also lead to organizational expansion and growth (Diez et al., 2019). Motivating employee’s, therefore, will save the company’s money indirectly by not discouraging the works but rather deal with disability claims that frustrate the workers.


Diez, F., Bussin, M., & Lee, V. (2019). Compensation and benefits. Fundamentals of HR Analytics, 187-205.

Jaiswal, S. (2015). Book review: Common sense talent management: Using strategic HR to improve company performance. Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective, 19(1), 73-75.

Thatcher, M. (2016). Breathing life into business strategy: An extract from Melcrum’s new report on communicating strategy. Strategic HR Review, 5(3), 28-31.

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