Free Essay Sample on Communication in an Organization

Published: 2023-11-25
Free Essay Sample on Communication in an Organization
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Employment Business communication Communication skills
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1014 words
9 min read


Effective communication is paramount for the growth and progression of an organization. By employing appropriate communication channels and strategies, the employees and the management of the company can engage freely on critical issues that affect workplace operations, including stimulating, management, control, arraignment as well as administration preparation. Research as revealed that through effective communication, different operations in different departments in the organization can move on smoothly and facilitate the functioning of the organization as a single unit. By employing the right communication channels, the various departments in the organizations can share information, and this is important as it ensures that the company management can make decisions that are based on accurate data.

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Communication establishes high rational capabilities, which improves connect amongst the employees and the organization management as well as the employees and their colleagues (Erdil & Tanova, 2015). Proper connections in the organizations are responsible for enhancing the growth and development of the organization. It is, however, important to note that communication should be with and outside the organization. Through effective communication, there is the creation of connections that facilitates the engagement of vital components that are involved in normal organization operations.

Communication is an integral part of modern organizations that are highly characterized by increasingly challenging owing to cultural diversity, globalization, and other dynamics in the workplace (Johnson, 2020). Failure to keep the employees involved on the various happenings in the organization leads to complaints as this is perceived as disregard of personal opinions regarding the vital decision-making process in the organization. Imperatively, the absence of proper communication techniques in an organization limits the employee's capabilities to strive for increased productivity. It is, therefore, important to note that discouraged employees are highly disillusioned, and their overall productivity in the company is typically minimal or insignificant (Hugo, 2016). Additionally, the lack of relevant communication techniques leads to mistrust among the employees, which is most apparent between the organization management and the subordinates.

Effective Communication Improves Employees Trust and Engagement

The lack of effective communication in the workplace creates unnecessary tension in the organization. This is because employees lack the appropriate framework for engagement and association. Communication in an organization eliminates conflictions the responsibilities and duties of each employee are clearly and appropriately demarcated (Johnson, 2020). All the staff needs to understand and know how they interact and fit in the workplace. Therefore, the organization's management ought to put in place a precise mechanism that facilitates appropriate communication between the management and the employees.

Through the employment of effective communication strategies, it allows for the free flow of information as well as the training programs that educate the employees on the importance of good relationships and help them understand how strain relationships can impact their productivity and organization negatively. In the right of this, the organization must therefore be on the frontier, inculcating a culture of tolerance and respect amongst the employees. In some instances, the employees prefer to avoid confronting conflicts, and this is because they lack effective communication techniques to address the issues that they face.

Communication Techniques

The purpose of the paper is, however, to compare and constantly two communication techniques that are used in an organization to improve worker engagement and trust. Most organizations employ employee review and other use onsite meetings to boost worker engagement and conviction in the organization. The employee review techniques involve taking an employee through the 360-degree self-evaluation process. By employing this technique, the staff furnishes their employer with a perspective of his or her adequacy. The data collected on the employees assist the company human resource department to assign the right duties to the right individuals based on their adequacy, and this boosts the employee's satisfaction.

The employee's review permits constructive criticism where the employee or the employer is criticized for improving their efficiency. However, this implies that the criticisms ought to be founded on compelling reasons and a structured framework to ensure that negative criticisms filtered. On the contrary, positive criticism allowing for the building of a two-way discussion in which the employees and the employers are criticized based on their responsibilities, capabilities, and adequacy.

Onsite meetings comprise gathering all the employees and opening a discussion on the concerns noticed during business operations. Compared to the employee's review, the onsite meeting gives each employee a chance to air their opinions. Therefore, the onsite meeting is more of a discussion rather than a self-assessment (Erdil & Tanova, 2015). Similarly, this is the easiest form of communication when both the management and employees are concerned.

These two techniques, however, require a proper framework to guide the exchange process effectively. Additionally, both communication techniques are highly centered on the employees and are tailored to enhance employee satisfaction, welling, and welfare. Therefore, the mediator needs to accord both the employees and the management equal opportunities to express themselves freely (Johnson, 2020). The onsite meeting plays an essential role in problem-solving since the employees and the management are involved directly and can address their grievances independently and freely.


Behavioral meetings are organized with the intent to address anticipated and clarify the past behaviors exhibited by employees. The level of employee satisfaction is assessed to establish a staff's level of satisfaction and therefore find effective methods to improve their satisfaction. Employees constantly follow up on their coworkers to assess their behavior change, progress, condition, and management strategies. Another situation is when an employee and the employer are involved in a romantic situation, which is referred to as an open entry agreement. This kind of relationship should, therefore, not be permitted to influence the privileges or favors according to the employee.


Erdil, G. E., & Tanova, C. (2015). Do Birds of a Feather Communicate Better? The Cognitive Style Congruence Between Managers and Their Employees and Communication Satisfaction. Studia Psychologica, 57(3), 177–193.

Hugo, A. (2016). Leadership Behaviors and Trust in Leaders: Evidence from the U.S. Federal Government: Request PDF.

Johnson, M. (2020, June 15). 3 Ways to Improve Employee Engagement In Your Organisation.

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