Free Essay Sample on Time Management Skills and Time Distractors

Published: 2023-12-06
Free Essay Sample on Time Management Skills and Time Distractors
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Strategy Time management
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 506 words
5 min read


A time log is an essential tool that allows individuals to track the time spent on specific activities. This document helps the employees to focus on critical tasks that contribute to their success and, at the same time, eliminate low-value activities (Chunta & Boothby, 2017). However, efficient time management cannot be achieved without auditing this document to identify time distractors. Auditing the time log provides an opportunity for improvement as it is a way to identify inefficient tasks and activities that cause interruptions.

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Time Distractors

The three main time distractors that shifted my attention from the core activities are smartphones, chatty co-workers, and office noise. I received several phone calls, text messages, social media notifications, and emails that interrupted me. In this regard, constant phone distractions made me unable to complete tasks on time. This aspect also contributed to five five-minute delays while commuting to the place of work. According to Bialowolski et al. (2020), smartphone distractions adversely impact 69% of the younger employees. I did not stay focused on my work because of persistently chatty team members who engaged in unnecessary conversations. The third distraction was office noise. Here, I was dissatisfied with the noisy working environment in the morning hours, and I could not stay focused on the task. For example, I could not think constructively and creatively because of the loud music from the neighboring premises.

Areas in Need of Efficiency

The two main areas that should be improved are controlling meetings and prioritizing urgent tasks to achieve targets. It is essential to eliminate unnecessary meetings because time is lost, and the employees are interrupted in their work. Importantly, supervisors should communicate with team members via email and text messages concerning scheduled meetings to allow individuals to prepare in time. Such meetings ought to be brief and as short as possible. The efficiency of accomplishing tasks can be improved by prioritizing work that should be completed on that day or within a specific time. This aspect is a strategy to remain focused.

Improving Time Management Skills

Poor time management has adverse effects on one's performance at work. According to Chunta and Boothby (2017), it can lead to inefficient workflow, decreased work satisfaction, waste of time, and poor-quality work. Overcoming procrastination is the first step towards improving time management skills (Chunta & Boothby, 2017). Procrastination adversely impacts one's productivity at work as it results in a waste of essential time and energy. In addition to overcoming procrastination, other strategies that can help build time management skills are prioritizing work, delegating tasks, setting deadlines, and creating schedules to follow. Together, these strategies help one to prioritize tasks and organize work in a way that can save time.


Bialowolski, P., McNeely, E., VanderWeele, T. J., & Weziak-Bialowolska, D. (2020). Ill health and distraction at work: Costs and drivers for productivity loss. PLOS ONE, 15(3), e0230562.

Chunta, K. S., & Boothby, J. (2017). Time-management strategies for nurse leaders. American Nurse Today, 12(11).

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