Free Essay with Quantum 9 Limited Company Research

Published: 2022-03-03
Free Essay with Quantum 9 Limited Company Research
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Job
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 490 words
5 min read

What company did you choose to research? What information were you able to find about this company at these websites?

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I opted to research on the Quantum 9 limited Company. I decided on it since I was able to find a lot of information about this company in almost all the given websites. In these websites, I was able to find information such as the address of the company, Share capital, directors' details, Company's registration date, Co.'s activities and also information about their operations. Most of the given websites put more emphasis on the company's business structure and also the ranks available for this company.

B. Now conduct a search for the address of the company's own website. Visit that site. What information did you find at the company site? Why do you think this information might differ from the information found at the above sites? What information is probably more objective?

Further researches on quantum 9 limited Company led me to their website. The company's website provided more information about the company more on its operations and business base. The information on the company's website is very objective and precise more than the data in the above sites. The own website is very precise as it provides some details such as, incorporation date 21 Dec 2016, Age 2 years, authorized capital INR 1.0Lacs, Paid capital INR 1.0Lacs, industry -business service, company type- Unlisted private company, Category,- limited by shares, subcategory- Non -government company, Email address , and registered address 16, Hill Niketan Mt Mary road Bandra West. Director's list which includes Bhaskar Joshi and Manisha Joshi.

Why is it important to research a company before going to an interview?

It is imperative to research about a company before going for an interview as it gives one the chance of familiarizing self with the desired company name, vision, mission statements, business activities, achievements, awards won, number of branches, number of employees and company shares in the industry of operation. It should be noted that when one is familiar with a company, they always stand a better chance during the interview because she or can be able to answer any question related to a company she or he intends to get employment.

What would you do if you obtained an interview with a smaller company or business that has no website and no information about the company or business on the web? How would you make sure you're prepared for the interview?

I would carry out a physical search which involves visiting the business in advance to learn about the location of the company and business activities of the company. Another option will be contacting a team member of this small company and inquiring about their operations and also their organizational structure. Being prepared for an interview calls for one to be confident and well prepared both physically and mentally. One should ensure that he or she has some basic knowledge about the organization they desire.

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