Free Paper on Issues Associated With the American Education System

Published: 2023-11-10
Free Paper on Issues Associated With the American Education System
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education United States Government
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 480 words
4 min read

There are several issues associated with the American education system since it is viewed to be flawed by the people around the educational sector. The first factor that causes the education system to be seen as failing is poverty. Low-income families are unable to satisfy their basic needs, and therefore they can't provide education, a secondary need for their children (Spring, 2017). This being so, the children who are supposed to be in school are not able to access education since their parents are unable to take care of the costs associated with education. In the instances where the parents can squeeze in some money to take their children to school, they are unable to provide them with quality education. Therefore they end up taking their children to overcrowded schools that have few resources available for the use by the children, hence making it impossible for the children to access the required quality of education as stipulated by the government.

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Secondly, the school system in America is underfunded. The government does not provide enough funding for the schools in the country. Therefore it is impossible to provide the needed facilities and equipment to support the education of children in the country. When education systems are underfunded, the facilities needed, like classrooms, will not be improved in size and quality to support education. Therefore it would be impossible to satisfy the needs of the students if the facilities like classrooms and laboratories are not funded. It is also the issue with underfunding that creates problems with developmental programs such as building more public schools since the majority of the children are enrolled in public school systems (Spring, 2017). Through underfunding from the government, there are also instances of understaffing in the school system. Therefore the teacher-to-student ratio is wanting, making the teachers overloaded with work and unable to give their maximum to the students that they are in charge of. It would also be impossible for the teachers to give their best to the students since the school systems are underfunded, and therefore the materials that they would need to make the best out of their students are not provided.

The school systems in America also face the challenge of a lack of enough technology to help the education system operate smoothly. The American school system is underfunded and therefore makes it impossible for the inclusion of technology in the school system (Boyer & Hamil, 2011). This means that the public school system is still operating on the analog ways of learning, which makes it hard for the people concerned to provide the best outcomes from the things that they have been provided with. It is also through the lack of inclusion of technology in the educational sector that has continued to fail in tracking different aspects of their students effectively, hence making the students not get the needed attention from the school systems.

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