Essay Example. French Empire's Religious Legacy and Its Influence on Contemporary Transnational Relations

Published: 2023-03-27
Essay Example. French Empire's Religious Legacy and Its Influence on Contemporary Transnational Relations
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  History International relations Christianity Europe
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 956 words
8 min read

Social trends on the planet today are described by the developing significance of relations between partners situated in various global spaces called transnational relations. Given contextual investigations, this article delineates how the contemporary transnational relations among nearby and transnational actors influence in various manners the social creation of portrayals that are socio-politically huge, to the extent that they articulate implications in the constitution and practices of social associations also, developments of various political directions (Chamedes and Elizabeth 9). Through the investigation of cases identified with the social generation of portrayals of thoughts of container ethnic indigenous personalities, culture and advancement, common society, and trade expeditions, this content looks to add to the hypothetical discussion about culture, correspondence, and social change in the contemporary world (Hendrickson 340). The cases talked about right now article depends on the religious legacies worked from the French Empire in its political undertakings across the globe.

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The twentieth century saw France's Empire domain move quickly through the exemplary pattern of supreme extension, endeavoring a solidification, and eventually regularly vicious decline (Andersen). The empire arrived at its most prominent physical degree in World War I's repercussions, with the expansion of new order domains once in the past represented by Ottoman Turkey and Germany expanding the global populace living under French principle (Hendrickson 340). The French Empire had the option to broaden its predominance and stated its forces through strict abuses. Regional development and segment development were poor pointers of the realm's fundamental condition; in any case, the empire was in extreme emergency (Dupraz 655). The global depression of the 1930s hit various states hard. The amazing sounding supreme alliances of French Empire like French West Africa also called the Afrique Occidentale Francaise [AOF], French Equatorial Africa (Afrique Equatoriale Francaise [AEF]), and French Indochina (Indochine Francaise) had restricted managerial reach and financial limit and still less premise in indigenous culture (Chamedes and Elizabeth 9). The best way to harmonize and front a common approach to the tough global economic times was through religious approaches.

The French strengths of other frontier networks were estimated in as far as settler nearness other than through obvious indications of social change. The quest for the linguistic change following the transnational relations is founded in the circles of the development of strict groupings in the general public. For example, the French Empire saw the rise of Catholic recognition inside the domain of the urban structure and the reordering of open space over the globe as a method for building up basic requests and shared comprehension. The appropriation of French property law and the rate of blended race connections were all the more habitually referred to as pointers of the supreme nearness than the development of pilgrim social orders (Chamedes and Elizabeth 9). To be sure, the way of life wars between contending metropolitan and indigenous lifestyles, language utilization, and strict practice were similarly as basic in the social history of colonized people groups as their outfitted obstruction against the royal force. Reestablished World War split domain organizations, populaces, and regions, sustaining horde types of sorted out restriction. This was the preface to savagely challenged wars of decolonization in Indochina and Algeria, which left harsh heritages that, despite everything, persevere (Andersen). The contemporary societies have benefited majorly in as far as coming up with the beneficial approaches to international schemes. The French empire support in the coming up with the religious fronts such as the Catholic and the Protestants is yet to ensure that the society's interests are harmonized and run a single unit (Dupraz 634).

The concentration in present-day France as a colonial power, instead of just as a country state, keeps on improving. Besides, numerous ongoing commitments to French Empire history shows how religion, especially imported European beliefs, molded or challenged the empire rule in several settings. This strict impact exuding from the French Empire has seen broadened global associations through courses, basic political methodologies, and energy about a peaceful approach; they all work for the betterment of transnational relations (Hendrickson 340). It is striking that for quite a while, numerous history specialists recently nineteenth-and twentieth-century France chipping away at the settlements neglected the significant nearness and the rich files of Catholic and Protestant missionaries, which dwarfed pilgrim executives on the ground all through a significant part of the empire. This vulnerable side reflects how significantly the figure of speech of republican secularism formed the inquiries that history specialists of present-day France were inquiring. It is likewise an outcome of an obsession with the colonial state itself, an obsession conceived of a craving to see how the political society supported and made pioneer attempts (Andersen).


The French Empire has had a lasting impact o the global aspect concerning transnational relations. The creation of strong yet binding religious backgrounds across its colonies has seen the cooperation between these countries improve many decades after the Empire came to an end. The religious legacy has also seen increased peace and cordial relations between nations leading to increased trade and the overall betterment of life.

Works Cited

Andersen, Margaret Cook. Regeneration through Empire: French pronatalists and colonial settlement in the Third Republic. U of Nebraska Press, 2015.

Chamedes, Giuliana, and Elizabeth A. Foster. "Decolonization and Religion in the French Empire." French Politics, Culture & Society 33.2 (2015): 1-10. Retrieved from

Dupraz, Yannick. "French and British colonial legacies in education: Evidence from the partition of Cameroon." The Journal of Economic History 79.3 (2019): 628-668. Retrieved from

Hendrickson, Burleigh. "From the Archives to the Streets: Listening to the Global 1960s in the Former French Empire." French Historical Studies 40.2 (2017): 319-342. Retrieved from

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Essay Example. French Empire's Religious Legacy and Its Influence on Contemporary Transnational Relations. (2023, Mar 27). Retrieved from

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