Good Communication in Disaster Management: Key to UMRS Effectiveness - Paper Example

Published: 2023-10-28
Good Communication in Disaster Management: Key to UMRS Effectiveness - Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Communication Nature Disaster
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1719 words
15 min read


The management of disasters effectively by UMRS significantly depends on good communication among those involved; whether victims or even those engaged in harmonizing the aftermath of disasters. The occurrences of natural calamities such as earthquakes, tsunami waves, or even hurricanes, among others, often bring forth the possibility of communication loss in the sites affected by these forms of disasters. The reason being is that they are often extremely catastrophic to the extent of destroying the facilitators of communication, which usually applies in the digital world. These communication enhancers are inclusive of power lines, roads, smartphone networks, or even the internet. Upon their destruction, or in scenarios of malfunctions as a result of sudden natural calamities, communication hick-ups are often under experience, a fact that always contributes to the overwhelming aftermath of such incidents. As in the case of UMRS, the management of such disasters successfully depends upon its implementation and adoption of sophisticated technological advancements of communication, whose reliability and effectiveness surpasses the influence of earthquakes, hurricanes, or the tsunami waves among others. These technologies are inclusive of the Tactical Operations Department (TacOps ECK), which is a product of Cisco Company, the TB9400, a product of New Zealand’s Tait Communications Company, as well as the America’s portable Beartooth device. These sophistications of communication stands the capacity of being functional regardless of the big magnitudes of calamities. However, in as much as these technologies remain active, even when there is an experience of no power, internet, or even the smartphone network during disasters, they also vary in reliability comparisons. These three communication advancements bear different lengths of usage time, price, effectiveness, as well as reliability among them, regarding communication frequencies, the diameter of coverage, and power factors. Their critical assessments, evaluation, and analysis provide the UMRS with the most suitable selection among them. Due to the considerations mentioned above, the TB9400 remains to be the best choice for effective and reliable communication for UMRS, during the occurrences of enormous disasters, whether natural or human-initiated. The paper, therefore, discusses the adoption and strategies proposal for TB9400 as the best communication technology during disaster management. It also addresses the phase, timeline, and variables that should be acknowledged by UMRS while implementing the technology.

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The Current Phase of TB9400 in the Technology Life Cycle

The phase of any technological innovation reflects its stage in the technology life cycle. The technology life cycle of any new product or technological advancement often aims at predicting its acceptance, adoption, as well as the eventual dismissal (Byun et al., 2018). The effective estimation and understanding of the technology life cycle of TB9400 permit an improved accurate analysis in asserting when and whether its research and the costs of development will accumulate profit offsets for the manufacturer. The research and development, ascent, maturity, as well as decline phases are the distinct stages that make up a technology life cycle of any innovation (Byun et al., 2018). The adoption of TB9400 also possesses the stages like the innovators, early adaptors, early majority, late majority, as well as laggards, which are the chronological demographics in its life cycle (Byun et al., 2018). The manufacturer of TB9400 leverages the above models to execute some predictions regarding the investment in it as it matures.

The TB9400 communication technology is in its second phase of the technology life cycle. It is in the ascent stage as it covers the duration from when it was invented, to a scenario when the out-of-pocket expenses are in full recovery (Byun et al., 2018). Here, the manufacturer aims to register a boosted distribution and growth of the technology and win its industry’s competitive privilege of possessing the lately invented reliable product. The ideal time for adopting TB9400 by UMRS is during the instances of absence in a communication network during the occurrences of calamities. The reason being is that it has been put to the test and designed as per the MIL-STD, to reliably enable the mitigation of network outages (Byun et al., 2018). Based on its intelligence and reliability, the base station of the technology aims at keeping the organization harmonized to the full potential and its members safe, as it is the backbone of the P25 Phase 2 Tait system.

The Timeline of Adoption and Implementation of TB9400

The adoption of TB9400 also possesses the stages like the innovators, early adaptors, early majority, late majority, as well as laggards, which are the chronological demographics in its life cycle (Huang, 2017). The manufacturer of TB9400 leverages the above models to execute some predictions regarding the investment in it as it matures. Therefore, the fact provides the capacity of estimating the technology’s future outcomes accurately, linking it with the targeted demography of consumption, as well as popularizing it in the industry for its market’s advantage. The possible timelines of the technology adoption model that can be implemented by UMRS upon using the TB9400 are the early adaptation and early majority models. As an early adaptor of TB9400, UMRS can achieve high conformity regarding its adaptation to the new technology, as it is risk-oriented (Huang, 2017). It will, therefore, follow the technology’s innovators in embracing it, as the first organizations to adopt it successfully due its much knowledge about the technology following enhancing communication during sudden disasters of great magnitudes and aftermath.

On the other hand, as among the early majority, UMRS can carefully adopt the technology by first evaluating its perception in the market by generating its new ideas after learning from the early adaptors (Huang, 2017). Therefore, the organization can evade risks easily in case the technology does not work appropriately for the early adaptors. However, the adoption model timeline that possibly fits the grievances of UMRS is being an early adaptor. The reason being is that it will be among the popular organizations within the small demography to implement TB9400 as a risk-oriented body to curb any abrupt communication difficulties during calamities (Huang, 2017). It will, therefore, help the innovators to market the technology to other organizations to help curb communication hick-ups during disasters. The UMRS will consequently influence other organizations in assisting combat calamities through good communication, besides enjoying a cheaper cost of investing TB9400 before other companies after the technology has popularized and proves effective.

The variables that affect the timing and implementation of TB9400 as a new technology

The adoption and implementation of the new technological products or advancements that launches in the market tend to depend on some considerations. As a new technology innovated to enable harmonious communication between people and organizations during the management of disasters, the adoption and implementation of TB9400, too, rely on these very factors. The considerations remains to be the variables shaping and defining the acceptance of new technologies in market, in terms of their timing and implementation. These variables are majorly the factors of success, and they include control abilities, size of the new technology, effects, and reliability of the new technology, communication, support system, as well as the ease of transition (Sartal & Vázquez, 2017). Controlling the new technology is a variable often put forth by many organizations in their encounters of implementing the new technologies at a particular time. The reason being is that these technologies are at times out of control, and therefore, many organizations opt for implementing them later, or not at all (Sartal & Vázquez, 2017). Regarding the sizes of the new technologies, small technologies are implemented easily and within a short time by organizations. It is because every member can generate ideas about how they will adapt to it, unlike in scenarios of implementing bigger technologies, which takes a lot of time to plan and high levels of expertise to implement (Sartal & Vázquez, 2017). The effects of technology in an organization’s process also affects its time of use and implementation.

An organization may need to maintain its old ways of operations if the new technology does not prove to bring any significant change to its output. However, it may implement the technology when the necessity emerges. Communication also remains to be a variable when a company considers whether and when to implement new technology. Easier communication following the applications and effectiveness of the new technology can facilitate its easier and timely implementation by a company or organization (Sartal & Vázquez, 2017). The ease of transformation of any new technology facilitates its timely implementation by a company if it technically advances from simple to more technical aspects of adoption (Sartal & Vázquez, 2017). However, new technologies that possess tougher aspects of adoption technically at the beginning of its implementation may take longer to adopt. Finally, the availability of adequate and enough support system in terms of the necessary resources in an organization makes it easier to easily implement the adoption of new technology on time, unlike in scenarios of limited resources like qualified staff and funds (Sartal & Vázquez, 2017). Therefore, the implementation and timing of the UMRS as an organization to adopt TB9400 as a new technology that enhances good communication in cases of catastrophic disasters significantly depends on the above variables.


Generally, combating and managing disasters effectively by the UMRS, significantly depends on good communication among those who are involved, whether victims or even those engaged in harmonizing the aftermath of such incidents. The occurrences of natural calamities such as earthquakes, tsunami waves, or even hurricanes, among others, usually result in the possibility of communication loss in the zones affected by these forms of disasters. It is since they are often extremely catastrophic to the extent of destroying the facilitators of communication, which are known to be effective in the digital world. Therefore, UMRS can help combat disasters by adopting and implementing TB9400 technology in enhancing good communication that is reliable and effective even when the smartphone network or internet is not functional.


Byun, J., Sung, T. E., & Park, H. W. (2018). Technological innovation strategy: how do technology life cycles change by technological area? Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 30(1), 98-112.

Huang, C. C. (2017). Cognitive factors in predicting continued use of information systems with technology adoption models. Information Research: An International Electronic Journal, 22(2), n2.

Sartal, A., & Vázquez, X. H. (2017). Implementing information technologies and operational excellence: planning, emergence, and randomness in the survival of adaptive manufacturing systems. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 45, 1-16.

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Good Communication in Disaster Management: Key to UMRS Effectiveness - Paper Example. (2023, Oct 28). Retrieved from

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