Essay Example on Graduation Portfolio

Published: 2023-08-24
Essay Example on Graduation Portfolio
Essay type:  Personal statement
Categories:  Learning College Education Personal development
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1812 words
16 min read

A graduation portfolio is a document that is used in the process of synthesizing a student’s achievements, and it also incorporates their aspirations. It gives a detailed account of the work that learners have done during the learning process. It makes inclusion of the successful development of the values supported by a learning institution, such as self-confidence, compassion, self-reliance, and resourcefulness. The portfolio highlights the importance of college success.

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Summary of Relevant Work Experience

Company A: Surrey, Bc- Le chateau

Company information: The firm is involved in the selling of formal and casual wear for all genders

Employment dates: Mar 2017/Current

Position: Keyholder management

Total hours in this position: 150 hours


There is a wide range of activities that were accomplished when working in this entity. I usually manage to handle the arising conflicts from the clients, ensuring that they were satisfied with the quality of service they were getting. The organization is large, and a good number of the client that are visiting the entity are likely not to get satisfied with the service they were getting. Some of them may desire to have customized service. It is a difficult issue to offer customized services to all the clients though the business is always willing to ensure that the services provided are meeting the desired of a majority of the customers. Therefore, I had the duty of managing the issues arising from them. I also managed to ensure that all clients had a great shopping experience.

One of the significant factors that businesses should consider when they are handling their customers is to ensure that they are satisfied, for they form the basis upon which a business continues to grow. Therefore, I ensured that I had taken the initiative to offer a conducive purchasing environment for the clients visiting the company. I usually assist clients that are enquiring about products over the phones. I also provide them with details concerning orders and promotions in the firm. Over the years, I have managed to learn how to open and close a given location and facilitate the handling of deposits in the business.

The employees that are joining the firm are placed under my supervision, and I am supposed to train them on the measures that they are supposed to take when they are handling the clients that are visiting the company stores. Having the responsibility of training the employees that are joining the firm is a great achievement, and it is an indication that the company has complete trust in me. The firm sets daily objectives that must be met, and I have a duty of calculating the metrics to determine if the desired goals are realized. When the store manager is not on duty, I take over the responsibilities that are managed by this officer, including manning the operations that are happening in the stores.

Company Information: The organization operates in the food industry

Employment dates: Mar 2015/ July 2016

Position: Sales representative/Keyholder management

Total hours in this position: 150 hours

Accomplishment: Surrey, BC- Teavana

Some of the accomplishments that I have managed to realize when working in this firm include being part of the team that was involved in weekly floor sets to facilitate promotional display and update product inventory. I managed to create awareness about the products of the company to a wide range of clients in the market. I manage to get involved in the process of filling out deposits slips, as well as, the deposit bags that I would later drop at the respective financial institutions. I was assigned the duty of handling the deliveries made to the business and store the shipment products that were made to the firm or the ones that needed to be sent to other entities.

The phone service is one of the ways that the clients in the market manage to interact with a business and, in this case, I was assigned the responsibility of handling the cashier and phone service to ensure that the customers seeking for information from the firm were handled in the right manner. Inventory is one of the critical components of a firm, and I was given the responsibility of stock count to ensure that it was adequate for the various activities being undertaken by the company. I managed to handle the daily activities in the company that involves managing any complaint raised by the customers and taking part in the selling process.

Company information: Burnaby, BC- IGA Market Place is an online grocery store, and it sells a variety of commodities ranging from meat and seafood.

Employment dates: Jan 2013/ Mar 2015

Position: Customer service representative

The total number of hours in this position: 150 hours


In this firm, I was employed as a customer service representative, and some of the duties assigned to me included running the role of a cashier and the phone and customer service. I had to assist a wide range of clients that were visiting the company. Some of them that were not fully aware of the specifications of a given product that they wanted to buy, I would offer the best available advice to ensure they were satisfied with the quality of services. I had to ensure that any raised issue was resolved in the best way possible, and any resulting outcome was to benefits all parties.

Company information: Burnaby, BC- Swift Warehouse

Employment dates: Sep 2012/ Dec 2013

Position: Picking Packing operation

The total number of hours in this position: 150 hours


The accomplishment realized when attached to this firm includes managing the inventory in the warehouses. Facilitating a smooth flow into and out of the storage unit ensured that the company was adequately equipped all the time. Cases of stock inadequacy were eliminated. I also managed to track all the orders placed with the firm and the ones that the business made with external parties to ensure that they were right and in the quantity and quality demanded. The move ensured that there was a smooth flow of activities and conflicts, and court cases emanating from the making of wrong orders were significantly reduced. I also managed to learn how to ship orders and ensure that they were of the right quantity as requested.

Resume Analysis

When joining the various companies that I have worked for, the primary aim was to handle a career in business management to ensure that I am utilizing the skills and knowledge that I have learned over the course of my education. In addition to the work experience gained over the last few years, I have managed to learn several languages, which include English and Arabic. Having an understanding of several languages enabled me to interact with clients from different parts of the world.

Portfolio Synopses

The career portfolio development focuses on various issues, including the course and portfolio information, the work experience, and the oral presentations. The BUSN 4500 is a credit course that students are supposed to enroll in their final year, and this is after the completion of around 90 credits in the completion of a degree. However, the learners are advised to work towards the completion of this portfolio in their program when they join college. The degree coordinator has a duty of ensuring that there is an open communication channel with the student and employer when necessary.

The students that are taking the BBA program are supposed to get a minimum of 500 hours that can either be volunteer work or paid work before they are allowed to graduate though most of the time should be spent in the paid word section. The work experience is supposed to be gained when a student is learning or before they join college. It is important to ensure that it is completed before the awarding of a degree and should be within five years before undertaking the BUSN 4500. Students can search for experience from various quarters, and the working process can either be full-time, summer position, or part-time, and all the accumulated hours must total to 500. It is essential to ensure that a student manages to intermingle with several employers, and the supervisors should fill the sheet on the employer check-off program.

It is not all work that is undertaken by a student qualifies as work experience, and students are supposed to ensure that they are following the guidelines given by their instructors. For the students in the accounting department, they can seek, for work in accounting firms, and some of the duties that they were being needed to undertake should include book-keeping, computer work, clerical work, financial analysis, and the budgeting process. The financial services students should undertake duties in the banks in the intermediate levels sections, administrative offices, and other institutions that are offering financial services. They can offer customer services, financial analysis, and advising process.

When an institution that a student joins only offers the routine tasks and entry-level, a learner is expected to request for more responsibilities and challenging tasks, and they can also volunteer to work in various projects with the entity. A student will be required to ask for job shadow, and this will provide them with a chance to get exposed to high-level roles. It is crucial to interact with people that are experienced within the company, and having a conversion with them will be a great way of understanding the way that activities are happening in the firm. It is expected that the accumulated timeline that a student takes to gain the work experience should not be less than 500 hours, and the proof that this has been done is the employer’s check-off document.

It is not right to provide work experience from another state with the one gained in Canada is the only one that is accepted in this course program. Therefore, self-employment should be classified as part of the work experience, and it cannot be filled. There is a need to ensure that the document is filled by an independent third-party though the degree instructor can accept exceptions if the professional measures are followed when seeking the work experience. The self-employment that can be verified by an independent third-party can be accepted as part of the work experience though the instructor must be notified at an early stage.

Students should understand the importance of taking the portfolio program regarding their graduation process. It is useful for it shows that a student manages to integrate their education with the work experience that they are gaining in the market. It is an indication that there is a flow of experience and skills from the school setting to the workplace. The learners should ensure that they can apply the eight learning outcomes of the program and realize the desired outcome. Additionally, it will play a significant role in securing employment or when undertaking the employee assessment process.

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