Essay Sample on Group Poster Reflection Sheet

Published: 2023-10-27
Essay Sample on Group Poster Reflection Sheet
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning Knowledge Psychological disorder Essays by wordcount
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 658 words
6 min read

My team and I chose to explain the anatomic abnormalities identified with schizophrenia. Information acquired during the study will be outlined in the assessment task. Upon completion, information gathered in the assessment task will be used in creating a psychologist poster that will be used in creating an awareness of defects in schizophrenia. I was fully involved in the entire group work research and poster formulation. I worked on the study and findings on the brain structure changes of a patient with Schizophrenia and Healthy Monozygotic twins. Upon completion of the assigned task, I posted my work on June 19, 2020. I believe that the overall purpose of the assignment was to challenge ourselves to do research, compile the work, and design a poster. The work also provided us with an insight into the aspects of poster designing. All these activities combined helped us come up with the best presentation for our group. Each person in the group participated and demonstrated competence in their assigned research topic area. The only problem I noted was in the manner which our research work was to be delivered. However, I was impressed with the teacher's input as we carried on with assigned individual group research. The teacher reviewed every student's research progress and offered insights on areas to improve and areas wrongly approached. The personal feedback given by the tutor to each student allowed me to be more aware of my mistakes. For example, what to and not to include in the poster.

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I feel I had an essential role in this group work research. I have gained skills used by Psychologists and researchers regularly to present work and develop posters during academic conferences. The experience has given me a learning opportunity as I have gained skills to develop the posters individually. The experience was worthwhile because, in future evaluations, I have the expertise to research and design poster, a skill I can apply in pursuit of my career upon completion of my program.

00 My team and I choose to explain the anatomic abnormalities identified with schizophrenia. Information acquired during the study will be outlined in the assessment task. Upon completion, information gathered in the assessment task will be used in creating a psychologist poster that will be used in creating an awareness of defects in schizophrenia. I was fully involved in the entire group work research and poster formulation. I worked on the study and findings on the brain structure changes of a patient with Schizophrenia and Healthy Monozygotic twins. Upon completion of the assigned task, I posted my work on June 19, 2020. I believe that the overall purpose of the assignment was to challenge ourselves in doing research, compiling the work, and designing a poster. The work also provided us with an insight into the aspects of the poster designing. All these activities combined helped us come up with the best presentation for our group. Each person in the group participated and demonstrated competence in their assigned research topic area. The only problem I noted was in the manner our research work was to be delivered. However, I was impressed with the teacher input as we carried on with assigned individual group research. The teacher-reviewed every student research progress and offered insights on areas to improve and areas wrongly approached. The personal feedback given by the tutor to each student allowed me to be more aware of my mistakes. For example, what to and not to include in the poster.

I feel I had an essential role in this group work research. I have gained skills used by Psychologists and researchers regularly to present work and develop posters during academic conferences. The experience has given me a learning opportunity as I have gained skills to develop the posters individually. The experience was worthwhile because, in future evaluations, I have the expertise to research and design poster, a skill I can apply in pursuit of my career upon completion of my program.

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Essay Sample on Group Poster Reflection Sheet. (2023, Oct 27). Retrieved from

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