Growth and Change in Rochester: Experience & Understanding of Resident Community - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-27
Growth and Change in Rochester: Experience & Understanding of Resident Community - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Community
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1219 words
11 min read

Having lived in Rochester for several years, I have gained a lot of experience and understanding regarding the resident community. Normally, Rochester is made of the most popular community in New York (Ward et al. 163). In 2019, the region had 205,695 people (Ward et al. 164). According to Ward et al., Rochester has been associated with massive growth in population and economic growth (64). Due to economic growth, many investors have moved to the region and started forming industries such as flour mills. Currently, the region is highly known for its massive technology and education growth rate. The approach has triggered the establishment of more educational research, which aims at strengthening the need of the people. According to Ward et al., the region is the second-largest regional economy in New York State (65). Culturally, the community is highly known for music background, and this has become a crucial way of sharing and preserving heritage. Additionally, the community conducts yearly festivals such as the Rochester Fringe Festival, and this brings different groups together, which is a crucial aspect of preserving the culture (Ward et al. 164). Furthermore, the region has numerous museums such as the Strong National Museum of Play that helps in preserving photographs about community history (Ward et al. 164). Despite the region having major aspects in the economic sector, it is characterized by a low cost of living, which has attracted a large number of people.

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Historically, the region was occupied by the Seneca tribe of Native Americans (Ward et al. 161). Since 1803, a large number of people have moved into the regions, making the region a cosmopolitan (Ward et al. 163). For many years, the region was associated with a low development rate. As a way of pushing for development, residents were led by prominent individuals such as Charles Grandison Finney to conduct protests in demand for better living conditions (Ward et al. 163)). The protests were perceived as a major aspect that triggered the Second Great Awakening, which caused massive growth in the region (Ward et al. 164). Since the 19th century, the region experiences massive growth, especially in the industry sector, and this attracted a large number of people from different parts of the country (Ward et al. 162). Geographically, the region is located 43°9′56″N 77°36′41″W. Due to the attractive nature of the region, the community engages in a wide form of activities such as tourism (Ward et al. 161). For instance, Lake Ontario has created a good attraction area, and hence, people within the area highly engage in tourism activities (Ward et al. 161). Additionally, the region is surrounded by many communities, such as Beechwood, Browncroft, and much more, and the approach has triggered to rise of trading, which is a crucial economic activity in the area (Ward et al. 162). On religious bases, most people in the community are Protestant and catholic, and other minor groups follow Jewish teaching. Overall, there are 214 religious congregations.

As a community member, I have a great role in improving the living condition of residents within the region. As such, engaging in project performance assists me in introducing new approaches that aim at solving issues affecting the community. Through this role, I have severally managed to introduce creative techniques, which have helped in improving the performance of people across the community. As a leader, it is my role to show others the importance of maintaining law and order. For many years, the region has been associated with numerous crimes and violence, and this has triggered the creation of a negative perception toward the region. Therefore, showing fellow youths the importance of observing order has played a critical role in reducing violent crime in the community. Additionally, informing youths about the impact of substance application has been perceived as a crucial role that activates them to engage in other constructive activities, thus improving their living conditions. Introducing religion teaching when interacting with friends helps to inform them of the danger of engaging in particular immoral activities according to the words of God. The role has highly improved my faith, thus influencing other individuals to focus on religion teaching.

Living in a diverse group within the community has highly shaped my experience. In particular, interacting with different ethnic groups has impacted my experience in the importance of numerous cultural practices. As such, the interaction has given me new experiences about perception and understanding of people from different cultural groups. Additionally, interaction with diverse groups has impacted my understanding of numerous economic approaches within the region. For instance, engaging modern systems in production creates a more effective way of increasing profit. Furthermore, modern systems impacted my understanding of how to produce diverse products, thus increasing productivity and market performance. Therefore, modern systems have opened my perception of how to use the available resources to improve my living standards, thus overcoming economic challenges affecting the community. Working closely with community leaders has impacted my understanding of numerous methods that people are required to embrace, and this is a crucial way of improving the application of social norms, thus preserving the culture for the future generation. In recent years, the region has been experiencing a change in climatic, and this has impacted the economic activities such as farming. As a way of countering the issue, learning has influenced my understanding of numerous production techniques such as greenhouses, which assist in overcoming such challenges.

In the past two decades, the government in the community has been striving to improve education, health, and other crucial sectors. The approach has impacted my understanding of the importance of education in improving living standards. In this case, education opens people's perception of how to engage in numerous activities with the aim of improving living standards. Therefore, people live is highly bounded on the kind of activities they take toward its improvement. Working hard in school open more opportunities that children may use to increase living standards. Most parents across the community have been pushing and supporting children to work smart in school to improve their living standards.

In conclusion, Rochester is one of the regions whose community is characterized by low living standards, diversity, and much more. The region holds a large number of people from different ethnicities, and this opens up for cultural change. Economic activities, such as industries, have been a major aspect that triggered the growth of the community. As a community member, I have a great role in improving the living condition of residents within the community. As such, engaging in project performance assists me in introducing new approaches that aim at solving issues affecting the community. Additionally, as a leader, it is my role to inform youth of the importance of observing the law, thus avoid illegal activities that trigger negative perceptions regarding the community. Living in the community has highly impacted my experience, especially when interacting with numerous ethnic groups. Furthermore, the need for education in the community has influenced my experience of its importance toward improving living standards.

Work Cited

Ward, Scott G., and Kathryn L. Amatangelo. "Suburban Gardening in Rochester, New York: Exotic Plant Preference and Risk of Invasion." Landscape and Urban Planning 180 (2018): 161-165. Accessed on 29th July 2020.

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