Essay Example. Idea Journal

Published: 2023-01-13
Essay Example. Idea Journal
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Business plan Marketing plan Customer service
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1832 words
16 min read

In our daily living, we encounter various challenges which may be harnessed to develop business ideas, as a result. Hence, some of the challenges we experience during our daily operations can be considered as blessings in disguise. Also, business ideas can come through observation of the environment, and the operations are undertaken therein. The curiosity in the operations undertaken by individuals trigger various questions and theories which need answers. Therefore, once a business idea is conceived, it is important to develop a business model to facilitate the actualization of the idea. The model is the foundation for the success of a business as it offers the directionality required, despite it being conceptual. The business model also offers the opportunity to do a presentation to prospective investors into the business. Furthermore, a business plan is also used as a significant tool when developing substantive details about the course of the proposed business. That provides the business founders to think through the entire aspects of their project systematically. Also, in case the business may need any financiers, the founders can display the merits of their venture to the investors.

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These business ideas are based on first-hand experiences, observations, and searches on the internet about the common problems found within contemporary society (Aspray & Ceruzzi, 2008). However, for the business idea to become a reality, there has to be a favorable set of situations which will create an opportunity for the idea being conceived by the founder. The need for identification of a realistic opportunity is important since some situations may not be within the power of the founder, that is, it is stimulated externally (Barringer & Ireland, 2015). Therefore, there has to be an opportunity gap upon which the business idea seeks to exploit. Accordingly, the following is a description of nine entrepreneurial ideas and how they are integral in solving some of the problems faced by people in society.

Sheet Cleaning Services

The majority of the people in the corporate world are facing the problem of maintaining a high level of cleanliness in both the home and work environment. According to my observations, such people have limited time such that the little extra time they get is used for rest and other recreational activities. As a result, that presents an opportunity gap for an entrepreneur who is willing to get their hands dirty in the intensive task of cleaning. In particular, the sheets and other beddings usually offer heavy duty, which is disliked by the majority of people. Moreover, as whiter collar jobs are being created, there is increased opportunity for cleaning jobs in the future.

As an entrepreneur, I venture into the sheet cleaning opportunity to solve the problem through continued learning of the new trends in the cleaning industry and from the crucial client feedback. Soliciting resources from prospective financiers is important since the industry is resources intensive. Customer satisfaction is the priority, hence the cleaning job is handled as I am cleaning my sheets.

Portable Hair-Dressing

We live at a time when people are on the move with limited or no time to waste. Typically the physical hair-dressing parlor is full of clients being attended to while others are still waiting for their turn in the benches. Some people even forget to make their hair because of their busy schedule, or rather just ignore to take care of their hair because of the traffic at the physical hair-dressing parlors. Looking good as an individual is important as it helps in upholding their self-esteem.

That problem can be solved as it presents the opportunity of introducing a mobile hairdressing service for the huge client base that exists in the market. Through the service, clients are met at their places of employment and also attended at the comfort of their homes (Ward, 2019). That will be facilitated through levering of social media to promote the service, learning about the different times when people choose to make their hair, and developing of interpersonal skills of dealing with difficult clients, among others.

Battery Replacement

Society today is full of electronic device users who are dependent on their devices for diverse operations. These electronic devices are battery-powered, with batteries that are either rechargeable or non-rechargeable. In particular, smartphone and laptop users are faced with a scenario when their power goes down, and finally, their devices turn off, hence becoming useless. That is a problem as communication is cut off, and an individual may be in a non-operational situation (Ward, 2019).

The business opportunity presented here entails replacing the dead batteries with fully charged ones with similar specifications. The replacement store would be strategically placed to improve accessibility. That is facilitated through researching the market to identify the most used mobile devices to determine what kind of batteries to be in supply. Also, the business requires a huge investment in technology to differentiate authentic batteries from the fake ones. The business is promising due to the increasing use of smartphones and other electric devices which are powered by a battery.

Skilled Trades; Carpentry

The majority of people owning homes require regular services of carpenters for maintenance and also the production of new items. Homeowners strive to make sure their environment, both inside and around their homes, are attractive. However, there are problems of insufficiently skilled carpenters as the majority of people venture into white-collar employment due to their discredit of carpentry works (Smith, 2019). For instance, studies around the world reveal that 40 percent of the current skilled trades are to retire in the next coming years. The huge retire of personnel in that industry poses a massive opportunity for entrepreneurs.

The problem of insufficient carpenters with increased home renovations can be solved by an industrious skilled carpenter setting up the workstation. The presence of the workstation is the first step into tapping into the vast market of remodeling and constructing new equipment. Marketing resources are essential to facilitate the promotion of the services and products being offered by the entrepreneur. Hence, the gap of skilled carpenters would be filled in part.

Meal Kit Sales

Increasingly, many people are busy and on the move, such that they do not have sufficient time to have decent meals. As a result, such people are forced to order for already prepared meals to their homes, due to the limited time available to facilitate the preparation of proper meals at home. However, there are limited means present in the market to facilitate convenient package and delivery of these already-cooked meals to the client's destination. Therefore, the innovation of efficient and effective kits presents an opportunity for entrepreneurs who want to venture into the market (Ward, 2019).

To solve that problem, the entrepreneur develops an online platform where the prospective clients can order the preparation of the meal kits according to their specification. The meal kits are ideally chopped recipes with measured ingredients which are ordered and delivered to the prospective clients. That works to save on their time and reduces the waste into the environment, as the ingredients are ready for cooking.

Virtual Reality

People in the gaming world are faced with the problem of getting the most out of their computer interaction. Accordingly, there is a mechanism which is continued to be developed to make that concept real. Increasingly, the gamers are dissatisfied with the conventional way of playing, hence need more impact from their interaction with the computer. That presents a business opportunity for prospective investors to improve on the immersive technology in gaming. The industry is projected to rise at an increased rate by the year 2020, with a market share of over 20 billion USD (Bragg & Bragg, 2005).

The problem of lack of immersion in gaming is the inability to make the best out of the situation, which can be solved by investing in virtual reality. That can be done through the development of Virtual Reality lounges and rooms, which gives the gamers an opportunity to associate for their favorite games. Virtual Reality will ensure the gamers get the best out of their interaction with the computers through improved immersion technology.

Self-Storage Units

People continue to acquire more wealth with their insatiable nature continuing to grow drastically. However, these people have small spaces in their homes to accommodate some of their properties. Thus they are challenged on where to keep them safely. For instance, a case study from New York City shows the demand of storage facility to have grown by triple percentage from the past years (Ward, 2019). Many business units are working to reduce the space utilized by their space front. However, the challenge is to find a place to accommodate their surplus assets.

Solving the problem requires developing modern self-storage units strategically located to serve the needs in the vast market. The storage units are designed in a way to ensure safe housing of the assets through ensuring they adapt a controlled climate in the environment. Also, the security of the accommodated goods is a matter of concern to prevent any probable loses through theft and among other artificial or natural causes.

Home Renovations

Homeowners strive to ensure their homes are appealing and generally comfortable for their accommodation. With time the materials of a house suffer wear and tear due to various causes of man and also natural causes, for instance, heavy rainfall destroys the roof. In particular, the roofs in a home suffer occasional damage from the storms, and among other cause, hence that poses a problem to the homeowners (Kourdi, 2009). Additionally, other structures wear out becoming less attractive in some ways. That presents the business opportunity for the renovation experts to venture.

Solving the problem requires the presence of remodeling contractors who are limited, compare to the substantial work which needs to be done in various homes. The entrepreneur then makes available their expertise in home remodeling so that a contract is developed with the home owner needing renovations. Appealing to the clients is made possible by providing proof of hands-on expertise in the industry, hence works to secure prospective jobs.

Bike Rental Services

There exist campaigns about healthy living, and increasingly, people seek to develop ways of ensuring they are fit. Lack of physical fitness and exercise leads to various lifestyle problems, for instance, diabetes. Accordingly, many people are undertaking cycling activity at an increasing rate, for instance, in the United States where cycling has increased by over 45 percent. Additionally, the problems presented is lack of sufficient bikes supply to the increasing community of cyclists (Ward, 2019).

An entrepreneur can venture into the presented business opportunity to supply bikes for rental purposes. The focus of various governments around the world is to advocate for healthy and environmentally friendly living from its population. For achieving a healthy state, conventional biking is to be provided, whereas, recreation electronic bikes may come in handy for enhanced comfort since there may be additional bike rental services existing currently in the market. Acquisition of new customers to your business is through developing competitions and among other activities to lure people into displaying their biking skills.

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Essay Example. Idea Journal. (2023, Jan 13). Retrieved from

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