Essay Sample on Important Freedom Expression Issues in The Use of Information Technology

Published: 2023-12-24
Essay Sample on Important Freedom Expression Issues in The Use of Information Technology
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Internet Technology
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 627 words
6 min read

The internet, as a provider to information, has a significant impact on individuals’ daily livelihoods. Individuals worldwide use the internet regularly in communication and expression of their views, for online studies, and many more uses. Moreover, the intensification of the use of technology is somewhat becoming a puzzle. In a couple of years, the use of technology has been on the rise; however, some negative implications on the use of technology like violent use of technology and cyberbullying are prominent (Gareth 80). This paper will critically analyze the importance of freedom of expression in the use of information technology.

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First, freedom of expression is a fundamental right that individuals can express their views and retaliate their opinions without intimidation. In technology use, individuals subdue to liberty, which elementally essential to allow individuals to air their ideas that are not offensive to others (Gareth 105). Therefore, an individual is entitled to freely air their views through technology as long as the use of technology is right.

Second, the freedom in using technology is essential since it helps members of the public get accurate information from the mainstream media like television and radio. Through the space in the transmission of the news, members of the people who receive the information are therefore enabled to amenably and boldly participate in the various issues in their environs (Heiner et al.). Freedom of expression will allow information transmission and let the public partake in the multiple issues that the media addresses.

Thirdly, a critically important issue in the freedom of expression of information through information technology helps realize the truth. When the press or the authorities that relay information to the public are allowed to give information truths in may, matters are revealed freely. For instance, the media's freedom to do investigative journalism may greatly assist in disclosing matters that affect the public (Heiner et al.). Thus, the press is granted the ability to investigate issues important to the public interest freely. Therefore, matters of different topics are retaliated without the intimidation of the repercussions of the problems.

Nevertheless, freedom of expression also gives voice to people in the community who are marginalized. The release of words through technology helps individuals voice their views, thus allowing them to be connected to society. Groups like ethnic minorities, the disabled, the women's rights, and the financially disadvantaged are given a platform through the technological fields to air their views and their take on different matters (Heiner et al.). Moreover, the expression helps the individuals fight for what they believe in and their stands on other issues.

The expression of freedom in the information technology platforms gives a leeway of other fundamental rights. Through information technology, the marginalized groups can report impunity and violation of their various requests. Thus, information technology establishes the advocacy of rights in the platforms (Heiner et al.). Therefore, information technology is a prime watchdog and helps table issues that affect such individuals in public awareness.

In summary, freedom expression issues are very relevant in matters pertaining to information technology use. In technology use, individuals placate to freedom, which is essential to allow individuals to air their views that are not offensive to others. Freedom of countenance will enable the information broadcast and let the public partake in the various issues that the media addresses. Information technology allows matters to of different topics to be retaliated without the intimidation of the problems' repercussions.

Works Cited

Elliott, Mark, and Robert Thomas. "19. Freedom of Expression." Public Law (2017). Print.

Gareth, Grainger. "Freedom of Expression and Regulation of Information in Cyberspace: Issues concerning Potential International Cooperation Principles 1." The International Dimensions of Cyberspace Law (2018): 71-126. Print.

Heiner, Prof Bielefeldt, Dr. Ghanea Nazila, and Dr. Wiener Michael. "Part 5 Cross-Cutting Issues, 5.3 Legislative Issues." Freedom of Religion or Belief (2016). Print.

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